f - Variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.BalloonTreeLayout.Params
FALSE - Static variable in class prefuse.data.expression.BooleanLiteral
The false boolean literal.
FALSE - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParserConstants
FALSE - Static variable in class prefuse.data.parser.BooleanParser
Text string indicating a "false" value.
FALSE - Static variable in class prefuse.visual.expression.HoverPredicate
Convenience instance for the hover == false case.
FALSE - Static variable in class prefuse.visual.expression.StartVisiblePredicate
Convenience instance for the start visible == false case.
FALSE - Static variable in class prefuse.visual.expression.ValidatedPredicate
Convenience instance for the validated == false case.
FALSE - Static variable in class prefuse.visual.expression.VisiblePredicate
Convenience instance for the visible == false case.
FAR_BOTTOM - Static variable in interface prefuse.Constants
A bottom alignment, outside of bounds
FAR_LEFT - Static variable in interface prefuse.Constants
A left alignment, outside of bounds
FAR_RIGHT - Static variable in interface prefuse.Constants
A right alignment, outside of bounds
FAR_TOP - Static variable in interface prefuse.Constants
A top alignment, outside of bounds
FIELD - Static variable in class prefuse.data.search.LuceneSearcher
Default Document field used to index text.
FIELD_PREFIX - Static variable in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Prefix for visualization-specific data fields, such as those used by VisualItem; the default is a single underscore (_).
FillBuff() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
FILLCOLOR - Static variable in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
The fill color data field
filter - Variable in class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
filterCheck(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
Perform a filtering check on the input item.
filterColumns() - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
Determines which columns are inherited from the backing parent table.
FilteredRowManager - Class in prefuse.data.util
RowManager that additionally manages mappings between the managed rows and those of a parent table.
FilteredRowManager(Table) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.util.FilteredRowManager
Create a new FilteredRowManager.
FilterIterator - Class in prefuse.data.util
Iterator over tuples that filters the output by a given predicate.
FilterIterator(Iterator, Predicate) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.util.FilterIterator
Create a new FilterIterator.
FilterIteratorFactory - Class in prefuse.data.util
Factory class that creates optimized filter iterators.
FilterIteratorFactory() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.util.FilterIteratorFactory
FilterRowIterator - Class in prefuse.data.util
Iterator over table rows that filters the output by a given predicate.
FilterRowIterator(IntIterator, Table, Predicate) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.util.FilterRowIterator
Create a new FilterRowIterator.
filterRows() - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
Manually trigger a re-filtering of the rows of this table.
find(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.search.Trie
Look up the given word in this Trie.
find(int[], int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ArrayLib
Linearly search an array for a given key value.
find(int[], int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ArrayLib
Linearly search an array range for a given key value.
find(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ArrayLib
Linearly search an array range for a given key value.
find(AbstractTreeMap.Entry) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
findCeiling(AbstractTreeMap.Entry) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
findItem(Point) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the VisualItem located at the given point.
findPredecessor(AbstractTreeMap.Entry) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
finish() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataColorAction
finish() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataSizeAction
finish() - Method in class prefuse.action.EncoderAction
Perform any necessary clean-up after this encoder can be used.
finish() - Method in class prefuse.util.io.XMLWriter
Finish the XML document.
finish(String) - Method in class prefuse.util.io.XMLWriter
Finish the XML document, printing the given footer text at the end of the document.
fireActivityCancelled() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
fireActivityFinished() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
fireActivityScheduled() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
fireActivityStarted() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
fireActivityStepped() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
fireChangeEvent() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
Fire a change event to all listeners.
fireChangeEvent() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JValueSlider
Fire a change event to listeners.
fireColumnEvent(int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Notifies all registered listeners of a column UPDATE event
fireColumnEvent(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Notifies all registered listeners of a column UPDATE event
fireColumnEvent(int, long) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Notifies all registered listeners of a column UPDATE event
fireColumnEvent(int, float) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Notifies all registered listeners of a column UPDATE event
fireColumnEvent(int, double) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Notifies all registered listeners of a column UPDATE event
fireColumnEvent(int, boolean) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Notifies all registered listeners of a column UPDATE event
fireColumnEvent(int, Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Notifies all registered listeners of a column UPDATE event
fireDataEvent(Object, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ListModel
Fires a change notification in response to changes in the ListModel.
fireExpressionChange() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractExpression
Fire an expression change.
fireGraphEvent(Table, int, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Fire a graph change event
fireGraphEvent(Table, int, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualGraph
Fire a graph event.
fireGraphEvent(Table, int, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTree
Fire a graph event.
firePostPaint(Graphics2D) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Fires a post-paint notification to PaintListeners.
firePrePaint(Graphics2D) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Fires a pre-paint notification to PaintListeners.
fireTableEvent(int, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Fire a table event to notify listeners.
fireTableEvent(int, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.AggregateTable
Clear all aggregate mappings for a row when it is deleted.
fireTableEvent(int, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Relay table events.
fireTupleEvent(Table, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.AbstractTupleSet
Fire a Tuple event.
fireTupleEvent(Tuple, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.AbstractTupleSet
Fire a Tuple event.
fireTupleEvent(Tuple[], Tuple[]) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.AbstractTupleSet
Fire a Tuple event.
fireUpdate() - Method in class prefuse.data.util.AbstractColumnProjection
firstKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntBitSetMap
firstKey() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.DoubleIntSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.DoubleIntTreeMap
firstKey() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntTreeMap
firstKey() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntIntSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.IntIntTreeMap
firstKey() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.LongIntSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.LongIntTreeMap
firstKey() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.ObjectIntSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.ObjectIntTreeMap
FisheyeDistortion - Class in prefuse.action.distortion
Computes a graphical fisheye distortion of a graph view.
FisheyeDistortion() - Constructor for class prefuse.action.distortion.FisheyeDistortion
Create a new FisheyeDistortion with default distortion factor.
FisheyeDistortion(double) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.distortion.FisheyeDistortion
Create a new FisheyeDistortion with the given distortion factor for use along both the x and y directions.
FisheyeDistortion(double, double) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.distortion.FisheyeDistortion
Create a new FisheyeDistortion with the given distortion factors along the x and y directions.
FisheyeTreeFilter - Class in prefuse.action.filter
Filter Action that computes a fisheye degree-of-interest function over a tree structure (or the spanning tree of a graph structure).
FisheyeTreeFilter(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.filter.FisheyeTreeFilter
Create a new FisheyeTreeFilter that processes the given group.
FisheyeTreeFilter(String, int) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.filter.FisheyeTreeFilter
Create a new FisheyeTreeFilter that processes the given group.
FisheyeTreeFilter(String, String, int) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.filter.FisheyeTreeFilter
Create a new FisheyeTreeFilter that processes the given group.
fitViewToBounds(Display, Rectangle2D, long) - Static method in class prefuse.util.display.DisplayLib
Set the display view such that the given bounds are within view.
fitViewToBounds(Display, Rectangle2D, Point2D, long) - Static method in class prefuse.util.display.DisplayLib
Set the display view such that the given bounds are within view, subject to a given center point being maintained.
FIXED - Static variable in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
The fixed data field
FixedWidthTextTableReader - Class in prefuse.data.io
TableReader for fixed-width text files, that encode one row of table data per line use a fixed number of characters for each data column.
FixedWidthTextTableReader(FixedWidthTextTableSchema) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableReader
Creates a new FixedWidthTextTableReader using the given schema.
FixedWidthTextTableReader(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableReader
Creates a new FixedWidthTextTableReader using the schema at the given location.
FixedWidthTextTableSchema - Class in prefuse.data.io
Helper class that stores character length counts for each column in a fixed width text table.
FixedWidthTextTableSchema() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableSchema
Creates a new, initially empty FixedWidthTextTableSchema.
FixedWidthTextTableWriter - Class in prefuse.data.io
TableWriter for fixed-width text files, that encode one row of table data per line use a fixed number of characters for each data column.
FixedWidthTextTableWriter(FixedWidthTextTableSchema) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableWriter
Creates a new FixedWidthTextTableWriter using the given schema.
FixedWidthTextTableWriter(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableWriter
Creates a new FixedWidthTextTableWriter using the schema at the given location.
fixUpInsert(AbstractTreeMap.Entry) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
fixUpRemove(AbstractTreeMap.Entry) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
FLOAT - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParserConstants
FLOAT - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.io.GraphMLReader.Tokens
FLOAT - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.io.TreeMLReader.Tokens
FloatArrayParser - Class in prefuse.data.parser
DataParser instance the parses an array of float values from a text string.
FloatArrayParser() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.parser.FloatArrayParser
FloatColumn - Class in prefuse.data.column
Column instance for sotring flaot values.
FloatColumn() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
Create a new empty FloatColumn.
FloatColumn(int) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
Create a new FloatColumn.
FloatColumn(int, int, float) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
Create a new FloatColumn.
FloatIntSortedMap - Interface in prefuse.util.collections
Sorted map that maps from a float key to an int value.
FloatIntTreeMap - Class in prefuse.util.collections
Sorted map implementation using a red-black tree to map from float keys to int values.
FloatIntTreeMap() - Constructor for class prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntTreeMap
FloatIntTreeMap(boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntTreeMap
FloatIntTreeMap(LiteralComparator) - Constructor for class prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntTreeMap
FloatIntTreeMap(LiteralComparator, boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntTreeMap
FloatParser - Class in prefuse.data.parser
DataParser instance that parses float values from a text string.
FloatParser() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.parser.FloatParser
FOCUS_ITEMS - Static variable in class prefuse.Visualization
Default data group name for focus items
FocusControl - Class in prefuse.controls
Updates the contents of a TupleSet of focus items in response to mouse actions.
FocusControl() - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
Creates a new FocusControl that changes the focus to another item when that item is clicked once.
FocusControl(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
Creates a new FocusControl that changes the focus to another item when that item is clicked once.
FocusControl(int) - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
Creates a new FocusControl that changes the focus when an item is clicked the specified number of times.
FocusControl(String, int) - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
Creates a new FocusControl that changes the focus when an item is clicked the specified number of times.
FocusControl(int, String) - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
Creates a new FocusControl that changes the focus when an item is clicked the specified number of times.
FocusControl(String, int, String) - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
Creates a new FocusControl that changes the focus when an item is clicked the specified number of times.
FONT - Static variable in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
The font data field
FontAction - Class in prefuse.action.assignment
Assignment Action that assigns font values to VisualItems.
FontAction() - Constructor for class prefuse.action.assignment.FontAction
Create a new FontAction that processes all data groups.
FontAction(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.assignment.FontAction
Create a new FontAction that processes the specified group.
FontAction(String, Font) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.assignment.FontAction
Create a new FontAction that processes the specified group.
FontAnimator - Class in prefuse.action.animate
Animator that interpolates between starting and ending Fonts for VisualItems during an animation.
FontAnimator() - Constructor for class prefuse.action.animate.FontAnimator
Create a new FontAnimator that processes all data groups.
FontAnimator(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.animate.FontAnimator
Create a new FontAnimator that processes the specified group.
FontLib - Class in prefuse.util
Library maintaining a cache of fonts and other useful font computation routines.
FontLib() - Constructor for class prefuse.util.FontLib
FOR - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.io.GraphMLReader.Tokens
Force - Interface in prefuse.util.force
Interface for force functions in a force simulation.
force - Variable in class prefuse.util.force.ForceItem
The values of the forces acting on this ForceItem.
ForceConfigAction - Class in prefuse.util.force
Swing Action components that brings up a dialog allowing users to configure a force simulation.
ForceConfigAction(JFrame, ForceSimulator) - Constructor for class prefuse.util.force.ForceConfigAction
Create a new ForceConfigAction.
ForceDirectedLayout - Class in prefuse.action.layout.graph
Layout that positions graph elements based on a physics simulation of interacting forces; by default, nodes repel each other, edges act as springs, and drag forces (similar to air resistance) are applied.
ForceDirectedLayout(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Create a new ForceDirectedLayout.
ForceDirectedLayout(String, boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Create a new ForceDirectedLayout.
ForceDirectedLayout(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Create a new ForceDirectedLayout.
ForceDirectedLayout(String, ForceSimulator, boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Create a new ForceDirectedLayout.
ForceDirectedLayout(String, ForceSimulator, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Create a new ForceDirectedLayout.
FORCEITEM - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored.
ForceItem - Class in prefuse.util.force
Represents a point particle in a force simulation, maintaining values for mass, forces, velocity, and position.
ForceItem() - Constructor for class prefuse.util.force.ForceItem
Create a new ForceItem.
FORCEITEM_SCHEMA - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
The schema for the parameters used by this layout.
ForceSimulator - Class in prefuse.util.force
Manages a simulation of physical forces acting on bodies.
ForceSimulator() - Constructor for class prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator
Create a new, empty ForceSimulator.
ForceSimulator(Integrator) - Constructor for class prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator
Create a new, empty ForceSimulator.
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.BooleanParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ByteParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ColorIntParser
format(Object) - Method in interface prefuse.data.parser.DataParser
Get a String representation for the given value.
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DateParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DoubleArrayParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DoubleParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.FloatArrayParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.FloatParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.IntArrayParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.IntParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.LongArrayParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.LongParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ObjectParser
format(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.StringParser
formatNumber(double, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StringLib
Format the given number as a String, including the given number of decimal places.
FRAC - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
frameRate - Variable in class prefuse.Display
FREE - Static variable in class prefuse.util.collections.IntObjectHashMap
freeEntries - Variable in class prefuse.util.collections.IntObjectHashMap
The number of table entries in state==FREE.
FruchtermanReingoldLayout - Class in prefuse.action.layout.graph
Layout instance implementing the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm for force-directed placement of graph nodes.
FruchtermanReingoldLayout(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.graph.FruchtermanReingoldLayout
Create a new FruchtermanReingoldLayout.
FruchtermanReingoldLayout(String, int) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.graph.FruchtermanReingoldLayout
Create a new FruchtermanReingoldLayout
FruchtermanReingoldLayout.Params - Class in prefuse.action.layout.graph
Wrapper class holding parameters used for each node in this layout.
FruchtermanReingoldLayout.Params() - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.graph.FruchtermanReingoldLayout.Params
FULL - Static variable in class prefuse.util.collections.IntObjectHashMap
Function - Interface in prefuse.data.expression
Expression sub-interface representing a function in the prefuse expression language.
FunctionExpression - Class in prefuse.data.expression
Abstract base class for FunctionExpression implementations.
FunctionExpression(int) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.expression.FunctionExpression
Protected constructor.
FunctionTable - Class in prefuse.data.expression
Function table that allows lookup of registered FunctionExpressions by their function name.

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