Package prefuse.util.force

Utility classes providing a physical force simulation for layout and animation.


Interface Summary
Force Interface for force functions in a force simulation.
Integrator Interface for numerical integration routines.

Class Summary
AbstractForce Abstract base class for force functions in a force simulation.
CircularWallForce Uses a gravitational force model to act as a circular "wall".
DragForce Implements a viscosity/drag force to help stabilize items.
EulerIntegrator Updates velocity and position data using Euler's Method.
ForceConfigAction Swing Action components that brings up a dialog allowing users to configure a force simulation.
ForceItem Represents a point particle in a force simulation, maintaining values for mass, forces, velocity, and position.
ForceSimulator Manages a simulation of physical forces acting on bodies.
GravitationalForce Represents a constant gravitational force, like the pull of gravity for an object on the Earth (F = mg).
NBodyForce Force function which computes an n-body force such as gravity, anti-gravity, or the results of electric charges.
NBodyForce.QuadTreeNode Represents a node in the quadtree.
NBodyForce.QuadTreeNodeFactory Helper class to minimize number of object creations across multiple uses of the quadtree.
RungeKuttaIntegrator Updates velocity and position data using the 4th-Order Runge-Kutta method.
Spring Represents a spring in a force simulation.
Spring.SpringFactory The SpringFactory is responsible for generating Spring instances and maintaining an object pool of Springs to reduce garbage collection overheads while force simulations are running.
SpringForce Force function that computes the force acting on ForceItems due to a given Spring.
WallForce Uses a gravitational force model to act as a "wall".

Package prefuse.util.force Description

Utility classes providing a physical force simulation for layout and animation. Force simulations consist of a series of force functions that calculate forces acting on data elements, and an integrator that determines how these calculated forces effect the position and velocity of these elements over time. The ForceSimulator class keeps track of which elements should be included in the simulation, as well as which Force functions and Integrator are used.

To create your own custom simulations, create a new ForceSimulator instance and add the desired force functions. Custom force functions can be introduced by subclassing AbstractForce or implementing the Force interface. Additionally, the JForcePanel user interface component can be used during development to explore different parameterizations of the various force functions until a desired behavior is found.

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