Class Trie

  extended by

public class Trie
extends java.lang.Object

A trie data structure for fast-lookup of words based on their prefixes. The name "Trie" is a play on the words "tree" and "retrieval". This class builds a tree structure representing a set of words by their prefixes. It is useful for performing prefix-based searches over large amounts of text in an efficient manner.

jeffrey heer
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
 class Trie.TrieBranch
          A TrieNode implementation representing a branch in the tree.
 class Trie.TrieIterator
          An iterator for traversing a subtree of the Trie.
 class Trie.TrieLeaf
          A TrieNode implementation representing a leaf in the tree.
 class Trie.TrieNode
          Base class for nodes in the trie structure.
Constructor Summary
Trie(boolean caseSensitive)
          Create a new Trie with the specified case-sensitivity.
Method Summary
 void addString(java.lang.String word, Tuple t)
          Add a new word to the trie, associated with the given Tuple.
 Trie.TrieNode find(java.lang.String word)
          Look up the given word in this Trie.
 boolean isCaseSensitive()
          Indicates if this Trie's index takes the case of letters into account.
 void removeString(java.lang.String word, Tuple t)
          Remove a word/Tuple pair from the trie.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Trie(boolean caseSensitive)
Create a new Trie with the specified case-sensitivity.

caseSensitive - true if the index should be case sensitive for indexed words, false otherwise.
Method Detail


public boolean isCaseSensitive()
Indicates if this Trie's index takes the case of letters into account.

true if the index is case-sensitive, false otherwise


public void addString(java.lang.String word,
                      Tuple t)
Add a new word to the trie, associated with the given Tuple.

word - the word to add to the Trie
t - the Tuple associated with the word


public void removeString(java.lang.String word,
                         Tuple t)
Remove a word/Tuple pair from the trie.

word - the word to remove
t - the associate Tuple to remove


public Trie.TrieNode find(java.lang.String word)
Look up the given word in this Trie. If a match is found, a TrieNode is returned. This node is the root of a subtree containing all the matches to the query.

word - the word to lookup
the TrieNode root of the subtree containing all matches. A null value is returned if no match is found.

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