Class VisualGraph

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by prefuse.visual.VisualGraph
All Implemented Interfaces:
TupleSet, VisualTupleSet

public class VisualGraph
extends Graph
implements VisualTupleSet

A visual abstraction of a graph data structure. NodeItem and EdgeItem tuples provide the visual representations for the nodes and edges of the graph. VisualGraphs should not be created directly, they are created automatically by adding data to a Visualization, for example by using the Visualization.addGraph(String, Graph) method.

jeffrey heer

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
DEFAULT_NODE_KEY, DEFAULT_SOURCE_KEY, DEFAULT_TARGET_KEY, EDGES, INDEGREE, INEDGES, INLINKS, LINKS_SCHEMA, m_directed, m_edgeTuples, m_links, m_longKey, m_nidx, m_nkey, m_nodeTuples, m_skey, m_spanning, m_tkey, NODES, OUTDEGREE, OUTEDGES, OUTLINKS, UNDIRECTED
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
VisualGraph(VisualTable nodes, VisualTable edges, boolean directed, java.lang.String nodeKey, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Create a new VisualGraph
Method Summary
protected  void fireGraphEvent(Table t, int first, int last, int col, int type)
          Fire a graph event.
 java.lang.String getGroup()
          Get the visualization data group name for this graph
 int getNodeIndex(int key)
          Get the node row index value for the given key.
 Visualization getVisualization()
          Get the Visualization associated with this VisualTupleSet.
 void setGroup(java.lang.String group)
          Set the visualization data group name for this graph
 void setVisualization(Visualization vis)
          Set the visualization associated with this VisualGraph
Methods inherited from class
addEdge, addEdge, addGraphModelListener, addLink, addNode, addNodeRow, clear, clearEdges, clearSpanningTree, createLinkTable, dispose, edgeCheck, edgeRows, edgeRows, edgeRows, edges, edges, getAdjacentNode, getAdjacentNode, getDegree, getDegree, getEdge, getEdge, getEdge, getEdgeCount, getEdges, getEdgeSourceField, getEdgeTable, getEdgeTargetField, getInDegree, getInDegree, getKey, getNode, getNodeCount, getNodeFromKey, getNodeIndex, getNodeKeyField, getNodes, getNodeTable, getOutDegree, getOutDegree, getSourceNode, getSourceNode, getSpanningTree, getSpanningTree, getTargetNode, getTargetNode, inEdgeRows, inEdges, init, initLinkTable, inNeighbors, isDirected, neighbors, nodeCheck, nodeRows, nodes, outEdgeRows, outEdges, outNeighbors, remLink, removeAllGraphModelListeners, removeEdge, removeEdge, removeGraphModelListener, removeNode, removeNode, removeTuple, setEdgeTable, setTupleManagers, tuples, tuples, updateDegrees, updateDegrees, updateNodeData
Methods inherited from class
addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addSet, addTuple, containsSet, containsTuple, getSet, getTupleCount, hasSet, isAddColumnSupported, removeAllSets, removeSet, setNames, sets, setTuple
Methods inherited from class
addColumns, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addTupleSetListener, fireTupleEvent, fireTupleEvent, fireTupleEvent, getClientProperty, putClientProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeTupleSetListener, tuples
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumns, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addTuple, addTupleSetListener, clear, containsTuple, getClientProperty, getTupleCount, isAddColumnSupported, putClientProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeTuple, removeTupleSetListener, setTuple, tuples, tuples, tuples

Constructor Detail


public VisualGraph(VisualTable nodes,
                   VisualTable edges,
                   boolean directed,
                   java.lang.String nodeKey,
                   java.lang.String sourceKey,
                   java.lang.String targetKey)
Create a new VisualGraph

nodes - the visual node table
edges - the visual edge table
directed - indicates if graph edges are directed or undirected
nodeKey - the node table field by which to index the nodes. This value can be null, indicating that just the row indices should be used.
sourceKey - the edge table field storing source node keys
targetKey - the edge table field storing target node keys
Method Detail


protected void fireGraphEvent(Table t,
                              int first,
                              int last,
                              int col,
                              int type)
Fire a graph event. Makes sure to invalidate all edges connected to a node that has been updated.

fireGraphEvent in class Graph
t - the backing table where the change occurred (either a node table or an edge table)
first - the first modified table row
last - the last (inclusive) modified table row
col - the number of the column modified, or EventConstants.ALL_COLUMNS for operations affecting all columns
type - the type of modification, one of EventConstants.INSERT, EventConstants.DELETE, or EventConstants.UPDATE.
See Also:
Graph.fireGraphEvent(, int, int, int, int)


public int getNodeIndex(int key)
Get the node row index value for the given key. TODO: test this more thoroughly?


public Visualization getVisualization()
Description copied from interface: VisualTupleSet
Get the Visualization associated with this VisualTupleSet.

Specified by:
getVisualization in interface VisualTupleSet
the Visualization instance
See Also:


public void setVisualization(Visualization vis)
Set the visualization associated with this VisualGraph

vis - the visualization to set


public java.lang.String getGroup()
Get the visualization data group name for this graph

Specified by:
getGroup in interface VisualTupleSet
the data group name


public void setGroup(java.lang.String group)
Set the visualization data group name for this graph

group - the data group name to use

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