pace(double) - Method in interface prefuse.activity.Pacer
Maps one double value to another to determine animation pacing.
pace(double) - Method in class prefuse.activity.SlowInSlowOutPacer
Pacing function providing slow-in, slow-out animation
pace(double) - Method in class prefuse.activity.ThereAndBackPacer
Pacing function for providing there-and-back (periodic) transitions.
Pacer - Interface in prefuse.activity
A Pacer, or pacing function, maps one double value to another; they are used to parameterize animation rates, where the input value f moves from 0 to 1 linearly, but the returned output can vary quite differently in response to the input.
paint(Graphics2D, VisualItem, Shape, BasicStroke, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphicsLib
Render a shape associated with a VisualItem into a graphics context.
paint3DRectLighting(Graphics2D, int, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
Adds Windows2K type 3D lighting effects
paintArrow(Graphics2D, double, double, int, int, boolean) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
This draws an arrow as a series of lines within the specified box.
paintBufferToScreen(Graphics) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Paints the offscreen buffer to the provided graphics context.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class prefuse.Display
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class prefuse.util.display.ScaleSelector.ImagePanel
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JCustomTooltip
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JFastLabel
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JSearchPanel.CancelButton
paintDisplay(Graphics2D, Dimension) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Renders the display within the given graphics context and size bounds.
PaintListener - Interface in prefuse.util.display
Listener interface for monitoring paint events on a Display.
pan(double, double) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Pans the view provided by this display in screen coordinates.
panAbs(double, double) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Pans the view provided by this display in absolute (i.e. item-space) coordinates.
PanControl - Class in prefuse.controls
Pans the display, changing the viewable region of the visualization.
PanControl() - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.PanControl
Create a new PanControl.
PanControl(boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.PanControl
Create a new PanControl.
PanControl(int) - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.PanControl
Create a new PanControl.
PanControl(int, boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.controls.PanControl
Create a new PanControl
panTo(Point2D) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Pans the display view to center on the provided point in screen (pixel) coordinates.
panToAbs(Point2D) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Pans the display view to center on the provided point in absolute (i.e. item-space) coordinates.
PARALLEL - Static variable in class prefuse.util.GraphicsLib
Indicates two lines are parallel
param(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.FunctionExpression
Return the parameter expression at the given index.
paramCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.FunctionExpression
An internal-only method that returns the current number of parameters collected.
PARAMS - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.BalloonTreeLayout
The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored.
PARAMS - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.FruchtermanReingoldLayout
The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored.
PARAMS - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.NodeLinkTreeLayout
The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored.
PARAMS - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.RadialTreeLayout
The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored.
params - Variable in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
PARAMS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.BalloonTreeLayout
The schema for the parameters used by this layout.
PARAMS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.FruchtermanReingoldLayout
The schema for the parameters used by this layout.
PARAMS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.NodeLinkTreeLayout
The schema for the parameters used by this layout.
PARAMS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.RadialTreeLayout
The schema for the parameters used by this layout.
parse(String, boolean) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
Parse an expression.
parse(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
Parse an expression.
Parse() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
parse(String, Class) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler
parse(String, Class) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.TreeMLReader.TreeMLHandler
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.BooleanParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ByteParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ColorIntParser
parse(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.parser.DataParser
Parse the given text string to a data value.
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DateParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DoubleArrayParser
Parse an int array from a text string.
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DoubleParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.FloatArrayParser
Parse an int array from a text string.
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.FloatParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.IntArrayParser
Parse an int array from a text string.
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.IntParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.LongArrayParser
Parse an int array from a text string.
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.LongParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ObjectParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.StringParser
parse(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.TimeParser
parse(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.util.Sort
Parse a comma-delimited String of data fields to sort on, along with optional ASC or DESC modifiers, to generate a new Sort specification.
parseAttribute(Attributes) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.TreeMLReader.TreeMLHandler
parseBoolean(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.BooleanParser
Parse a boolean value from a text string
parseByte(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.parser.ByteParser
Parse an int value from a text string.
parseDate(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DateParser
Parse a Date value from a text string.
parseDouble(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.parser.DoubleParser
Parse a double value from a text string.
ParseException - Exception in prefuse.data.expression.parser
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException(Token, int[][], String[]) - Constructor for exception prefuse.data.expression.parser.ParseException
This constructor is used by the method "generateParseException" in the generated parser.
ParseException() - Constructor for exception prefuse.data.expression.parser.ParseException
The following constructors are for use by you for whatever purpose you can think of.
ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception prefuse.data.expression.parser.ParseException
parseFloat(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.parser.FloatParser
Parse a float value from a text string.
parseInt(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.parser.ColorIntParser
Parse an int value from a text string.
parseInt(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.parser.IntParser
Parse an int value from a text string.
parseLong(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.parser.LongParser
Parse a long value from a text string.
ParserFactory - Class in prefuse.data.parser
Factory class that maintains a collection of parser instances and returns the appropriate parser based on a history of samples presented to the factory.
ParserFactory() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.parser.ParserFactory
ParserFactory(DataParser[]) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.parser.ParserFactory
parseString(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.StringParser
Simply returns the input string.
parseTime(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.TimeParser
Parse a Time value from a text string.
parseType(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler
parseType(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.TreeMLReader.TreeMLHandler
PasswordAuthenticator - Class in prefuse.util.io
A basic username/password authenticator for use with HTTP-Auth.
pitems - Variable in class prefuse.util.display.RenderingQueue
plocation - Variable in class prefuse.util.force.ForceItem
The previous location values of this ForceItem.
PolarLocationAnimator - Class in prefuse.action.animate
Animator that interpolates between starting and ending display locations by linearly interpolating between polar coordinates.
PolarLocationAnimator() - Constructor for class prefuse.action.animate.PolarLocationAnimator
Creates a PolarLocationAnimator that operates on all VisualItems within a Visualization.
PolarLocationAnimator(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.animate.PolarLocationAnimator
Creates a PolarLocationAnimator that operates on VisualItems within the specified group.
PolarLocationAnimator(String, String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.animate.PolarLocationAnimator
Creates a PolarLocationAnimator that operates on VisualItems within the specified group, while using regular linear interpolation (in Cartesian (x,y) coordinates rather than polar coordinates) for items also contained within the specified linearGroup.
POLY_TYPE_COUNT - Static variable in interface prefuse.Constants
The total number of polygon type values
POLY_TYPE_CURVE - Static variable in interface prefuse.Constants
Use curved-lines for polygon edges
POLY_TYPE_LINE - Static variable in interface prefuse.Constants
Use straight-lines for polygon edges
POLY_TYPE_STACK - Static variable in interface prefuse.Constants
Use curved-lines for polygon edges, but use straight lines for zero-slope edges
POLYGON - Static variable in class prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer
Default data field for storing polygon (float array) values.
POLYGON - Static variable in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
The polygon data field.
POLYGON_SCHEMA - Static variable in class prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer
A Schema describing the polygon specification.
PolygonRenderer - Class in prefuse.render
Renderer for drawing a polygon, either as a closed shape, or as a series of potentially unclosed curves.
PolygonRenderer() - Constructor for class prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer
Create a new PolygonRenderer supporting straight lines.
PolygonRenderer(int) - Constructor for class prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer
Create a new PolygonRenderer.
postPaint(Display, Graphics2D) - Method in class prefuse.util.display.BackgroundPainter
Does nothing.
postPaint(Display, Graphics2D) - Method in class prefuse.util.display.DebugStatsPainter
Prints a debugging statistics string in the Display.
postPaint(Display, Graphics2D) - Method in interface prefuse.util.display.PaintListener
Notification that Display painting has completed.
postQuery(DataSourceWorker.Entry) - Method in interface prefuse.data.io.sql.DataSourceWorker.Listener
Notification that the query processing has just completed.
POW - Static variable in class prefuse.data.expression.ArithmeticExpression
Indicates an exponentiation (pow) operation.
POW - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParserConstants
predecessor(AbstractTreeMap.Entry) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
predicate(String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
Parse an expression as a predicate.
Predicate - Interface in prefuse.data.expression
A Predicate is a special type of Expression that carries the guarantee that the Expression.getBoolean(Tuple) method is supported.
PredicateChain - Class in prefuse.util
A chain of Predicates and associated values, maintain a large if-statement structure for looking up values based on a Predicate condition.
PredicateChain() - Constructor for class prefuse.util.PredicateChain
PREFERRED_BREADTH - Static variable in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
PREFERRED_LENGTH - Static variable in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
PrefixSearchTupleSet - Class in prefuse.data.search
SearchTupleSet implementation supporting word prefix searches over indexed Tuple data fields.
PrefixSearchTupleSet() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.search.PrefixSearchTupleSet
Creates a new KeywordSearchFocusSet that is not case sensitive.
PrefixSearchTupleSet(boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.search.PrefixSearchTupleSet
Creates a new KeywordSearchFocusSet with the indicated case sensitivity.
prefuse - package prefuse
The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit.
prefuse.action - package prefuse.action
A library of reusable and composable modules for performing data processing or assigning visual attributes.
prefuse.action.animate - package prefuse.action.animate
Action modules for constructing animations.
prefuse.action.assignment - package prefuse.action.assignment
Action modules for assigning visual properties such as colors, sizes, and fonts.
prefuse.action.distortion - package prefuse.action.distortion
Actions modules which distort the presentation space to support enhanced navigation and browsing.
prefuse.action.filter - package prefuse.action.filter
Action modules for visually filtering items by controlling their visibility.
prefuse.action.layout - package prefuse.action.layout
Action modules providing layout algorithms for use by prefuse visualizations.
prefuse.action.layout.graph - package prefuse.action.layout.graph
Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data.
prefuse.activity - package prefuse.activity
General classes for scheduling and running activities with specified starting times and durations.
prefuse.controls - package prefuse.controls
Control modules for incorporating interaction in prefuse Displays.
prefuse.data - package prefuse.data
Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data.
prefuse.data.column - package prefuse.data.column
Data columns for storing typed data within a data table.
prefuse.data.event - package prefuse.data.event
Listener interfaces for monitoring prefuse data structures and expressions.
prefuse.data.expression - package prefuse.data.expression
Classes implementing an SQL-like expression language for filtering and manipulating data.
prefuse.data.expression.parser - package prefuse.data.expression.parser
Parser/compiler for the prefuse expression language.
prefuse.data.io - package prefuse.data.io
Input/output classes for reading and writing data from formatted files.
prefuse.data.io.sql - package prefuse.data.io.sql
Input libraries for loading data from SQL databases.
prefuse.data.parser - package prefuse.data.parser
Text parsers for different data types and machinery for automatically inferring data types.
prefuse.data.query - package prefuse.data.query
Dynamic query bindings and data range models for creating dynamic queries.
prefuse.data.search - package prefuse.data.search
Text search support for prefix, keyword, and regular expression searches.
prefuse.data.tuple - package prefuse.data.tuple
Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data.
prefuse.data.util - package prefuse.data.util
Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections.
prefuse.render - package prefuse.render
Interfaces and modules for rendering VisualItems into a graphics context.
prefuse.util - package prefuse.util
Utility classes for use by both the toolkit and applications, including color and font support.
prefuse.util.collections - package prefuse.util.collections
Utility classes providing useful data structures not present in the Java Collections framework.
prefuse.util.display - package prefuse.util.display
Utility classes specific to the Display class.
prefuse.util.force - package prefuse.util.force
Utility classes providing a physical force simulation for layout and animation.
prefuse.util.io - package prefuse.util.io
Utility classes pertaining to input and output.
prefuse.util.ui - package prefuse.util.ui
Utility classes facilitating the generation and composition of user interface components.
prefuse.visual - package prefuse.visual
Classes for representing and storing VisualItems.
prefuse.visual.expression - package prefuse.visual.expression
Expressions in the prefuse expression language that are specific to VisualItems.
prefuse.visual.sort - package prefuse.visual.sort
ItemSorter instances for determining the rendering order of VisualItems.
prefuse.visual.tuple - package prefuse.visual.tuple
Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances.
PrefuseConfig - Class in prefuse.util
Runtime configuration settings for the prefuse framework.
PrefuseLib - Class in prefuse.util
General library routines used by the prefuse toolkit.
PrefuseTableModel - Class in prefuse.util.ui
TableModel implementation that serves as an adapter between a prefuse Table instance and a JTable component.
PrefuseTableModel(Table) - Constructor for class prefuse.util.ui.PrefuseTableModel
Creates a new PrefuseTableModel
preloadImages(Iterator, String) - Method in class prefuse.render.ImageFactory
Preloads images for use in a visualization.
prePaint(Display, Graphics2D) - Method in class prefuse.util.display.BackgroundPainter
Paint the background.
prePaint(Display, Graphics2D) - Method in class prefuse.util.display.DebugStatsPainter
Does nothing.
prePaint(Display, Graphics2D) - Method in interface prefuse.util.display.PaintListener
Notification that Display painting is beginning.
prepareGraphics(Graphics2D) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Sets the transform of the provided Graphics context to be the transform of this Display and sets the desired rendering hints.
preQuery(DataSourceWorker.Entry) - Method in interface prefuse.data.io.sql.DataSourceWorker.Listener
Notification that the query is about to be issued.
prevCharIsCR - Static variable in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
prevCharIsLF - Static variable in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
PrimaryExpression() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
PrimeFinder - Class in prefuse.util.collections
Not of interest for users; only for implementors of hashtables.
PrimeFinder() - Constructor for class prefuse.util.collections.PrimeFinder
Makes this class non instantiable, but still let's others inherit from it.
print(String) - Method in class prefuse.util.io.XMLWriter
Print unescaped text into the XML file.
printComponent(Graphics) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Paints the graph to the provided graphics context, for output to a printer.
println(String) - Method in class prefuse.util.io.XMLWriter
Print unescaped text into the XML file, followed by a newline.
println() - Method in class prefuse.util.io.XMLWriter
Print a newline into the XML file.
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.animate.ArrayAnimator
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.animate.AxisLabelAnimator
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.animate.ColorAnimator
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.animate.FontAnimator
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.animate.LocationAnimator
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.animate.PolarLocationAnimator
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.animate.SizeAnimator
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.ColorAction
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.FontAction
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.ShapeAction
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.SizeAction
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.StrokeAction
process(VisualItem, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.ItemAction
Processes an individual item.
process(Table, int, ResultSet, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.CompositeSQLDataHandler
process(Table, ResultSet, String, Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DatabaseDataSource
Process the results of a SQL query, putting retrieved data into a Table instance.
process(Table, int, ResultSet, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DefaultSQLDataHandler
process(Table, int, ResultSet, int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.io.sql.SQLDataHandler
Process a data value from a ResultSet, translating it into a Java data value and storing it in a Table.
projectionChanged(ColumnProjection) - Method in interface prefuse.data.event.ProjectionListener
Notification that the internal state of a projection has been updated.
ProjectionListener - Interface in prefuse.data.event
Listener interface for monitoring changes to the state of a column projection filter.
PROTOCOL_JDBC - Static variable in class prefuse.data.io.sql.ConnectionFactory
Protocol prefix for JDBC URLs
pscores - Variable in class prefuse.util.display.RenderingQueue
psize - Variable in class prefuse.util.display.RenderingQueue
psorted - Variable in class prefuse.util.display.RenderingQueue
put(String, Activity) - Method in class prefuse.activity.ActivityMap
Associates the given key with the given Activity
put(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.FilteredRowManager
Add a mapping between the given managed row and parent row.
put(boolean, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntBitSetMap
put(boolean, int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntSortedMap
put(double, int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.DoubleIntSortedMap
put(double, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.DoubleIntTreeMap
put(float, int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntSortedMap
put(float, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntTreeMap
put(int, int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntIntSortedMap
put(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.IntIntTreeMap
put(int, Object) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.IntObjectHashMap
Associates the given key with the given value.
put(long, int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.LongIntSortedMap
put(long, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.LongIntTreeMap
put(Object, int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.ObjectIntSortedMap
put(Object, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.ObjectIntTreeMap
putAction(String, Action) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Add a data processing Action to this Visualization.
putClientProperty(String, Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.AbstractTupleSet
putClientProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface prefuse.data.tuple.TupleSet
Set an arbitrary client property with this TupleSet

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