garbageCollect(VisualTable) - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
Remove axis labels no longer being used.
GE - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParserConstants
generateParseException() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.action.CompositeAction
Returns the Action at the specified index.
get(String) - Method in class prefuse.activity.ActivityMap
Returns the Activity associated with the given key.
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.BooleanColumn
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ByteColumn
get(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data value at the specified row
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ConstantColumn
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DateColumn
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DoubleColumn
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ExpressionColumn
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.IntColumn
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.LongColumn
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ObjectColumn
Get the data value at the specified row
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractExpression
By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractPredicate
Returns the wrapper Object type for the result of Expression.getBoolean(Tuple).
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ArithmeticExpression
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.BooleanLiteral
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ComparisonPredicate
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.CompositePredicate
Get the sub-predicate at the given index.
get(Tuple) - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Expression
Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.NumericLiteral
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ObjectLiteral
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.RangePredicate
get(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as an Object.
get(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and column numbers as an Object.
get(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as an Object.
get(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given column number as an Object.
get(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
get(Object) - Method in interface prefuse.data.util.Index
Get the first row found with the given data value.
get(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.util.Index
Get the first row found with the given data value.
get(long) - Method in interface prefuse.data.util.Index
Get the first row found with the given data value.
get(float) - Method in interface prefuse.data.util.Index
Get the first row found with the given data value.
get(double) - Method in interface prefuse.data.util.Index
Get the first row found with the given data value.
get(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TableIterator
Get the data value at the given field as an Object.
get(double) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TreeIndex
get(float) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TreeIndex
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TreeIndex
get(long) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TreeIndex
get(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TreeIndex
get(boolean) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntBitSetMap
get(boolean) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntSortedMap
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.ByteArrayList
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.CopyOnWriteArrayList
get(double) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.DoubleIntSortedMap
get(double) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.DoubleIntTreeMap
get(float) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntSortedMap
get(float) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.FloatIntTreeMap
get(int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntIntSortedMap
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.IntIntTreeMap
get(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.IntObjectHashMap
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(long) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.LongIntSortedMap
get(long) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.LongIntTreeMap
get(Object) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.ObjectIntSortedMap
get(Object) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.ObjectIntTreeMap
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.util.PredicateChain
Evaluate the predicate chain for the given Tuple.
get(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig
Get a prefuse configuration property.
get(Calendar, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TimeLib
Get the value of the given time field for a Calendar.
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.InGroupPredicate
get(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.QueryExpression
getAbsoluteCoordinate(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Gets the absolute co-ordinate corresponding to the given screen co-ordinate.
getAction(String) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the data processing Action with the given name.
getAdjacentItem(NodeItem) - Method in interface prefuse.visual.EdgeItem
Get the NodeItem connected to the given NodeItem by this edge.
getAdjacentItem(NodeItem) - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableEdgeItem
getAdjacentNode(Node) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Edge
Given a Node upon which this Edge is incident, the opposite incident Node is returned.
getAdjacentNode(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Given an edge id and an incident node id, return the node id for the other node connected to the edge.
getAdjacentNode(Edge, Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Given an Edge and an incident Node, return the other Node connected to the edge.
getAdjacentNode(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableEdge
getAdjacentNode(Node) - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableEdgeItem
getAggregatedRow(int, VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.visual.AggregateTable
Get the row index to the aggregate mapping table for the given aggregate and contained VisualItem.
getAggregates(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.AggregateTable
Get an iterator over all AggregateItems that contain the given Tuple.
getAggregateSize() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.AggregateItem
Get the size of this AggregateItem, the number of visual items contained in the aggregation.
getAggregateSize(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.AggregateTable
Get the size of the aggregate represented at the given table row.
getAggregateSize() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableAggregateItem
getAlignedPoint(Point2D, Rectangle2D, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Helper method, which calculates the top-left co-ordinate of a rectangle given the rectangle's alignment.
getAlignedPoint(Point2D, VisualItem, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Helper method, which calculates the top-left co-ordinate of an item given the item's alignment.
getAnalyzer() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.LuceneSearcher
Returns the Analyzer used to process text.
getAndIterator(Table, AndPredicate) - Static method in class prefuse.data.util.FilterIteratorFactory
getArray() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.CopyOnWriteArrayList
This has been made public to support more efficient iteration.
getArrayString(Object) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StringLib
Given an array object, create a String showing the contents of the array using a "[a[0], a[1], ..., a[a.length-1]]" format.
getArrowHeadHeight() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Get the height of the untransformed arrow head.
getArrowHeadWidth() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Get the width of the untransformed arrow head.
getArrowTrans(Point2D, Point2D, double) - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Returns an affine transformation that maps the arrowhead shape to the position and orientation specified by the provided line segment end points.
getArrowType() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Returns the type of the drawn edge.
getAsInputStream() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.ByteArrayList
getAutoScale() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.RadialTreeLayout
Indicates if the layout automatically scales to fit the layout bounds.
getAxis() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLayout
Return the axis type of this layout, either Constants.X_AXIS or Constants.Y_AXIS.
getAxis(JComponent, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ui.UILib
Resolve the axis type of a component, given a layout orientation
getAxisLabelSchema() - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Get the VisualItem Schema used for axis tick marks and labels.
getAxisType() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup
Get the Box axis type used to orient the toggle group component.
getBalancedTree(int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
Returns a balanced tree of the requested breadth and depth.
getBaseSize() - Method in class prefuse.render.ShapeRenderer
Returns the base size, in pixels, for shapes drawn by this renderer.
getBeginColumn() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
getBeginLine() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
getBinCount() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataColorAction
Returns the number of "bins" or discrete steps of color.
getBinCount() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataSizeAction
Returns the number of "bins" or distinct categories of sizes
getBoolean(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Get the data value at the specified row as a boolean
getBoolean(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.BooleanColumn
getBoolean(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data value at the specified row as a boolean
getBoolean(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ExpressionColumn
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractExpression
By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AndPredicate
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.BooleanLiteral
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ComparisonPredicate
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Expression
Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.NotPredicate
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.OrPredicate
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.RangePredicate
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.XorPredicate
getBoolean(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a boolean.
getBoolean(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a boolean.
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a boolean.
getBoolean(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a boolean.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getBoolean(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getBoolean(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TableIterator
Get the data value at the given field as a boolean.
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.ValidEdgePredicate
Indicates if the given tuple can be used as a valid edge for the nodes of the backing graph.
getBoolean(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig
Get a prefuse configuration property as a boolean.
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.InGroupPredicate
getBoolean(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.SearchPredicate
getBounds(Iterator, double, Rectangle2D) - Static method in class prefuse.util.display.DisplayLib
Get a bounding rectangle of the VisualItems in the input iterator.
getBounds(Iterator, double) - Static method in class prefuse.util.display.DisplayLib
Get a bounding rectangle of the VisualItems in the input iterator.
getBounds() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getBounds() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the bounding box for this VisualItem.
getBounds(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Returns the bounds for the VisualItem at the given row index.
getBounds(String) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the bounding rectangle for all items in the given group.
getBounds(String, Rectangle2D) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the bounding rectangle for all items in the given group.
getBox(Component[], boolean, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ui.UILib
Convenience method for creating a Box user interface widget container.
getBox(Component[], boolean, int, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ui.UILib
Convenience method for creating a Box user interface widget container.
getBreadth(Rectangle2D) - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
Get the "breadth" of a rectangle, based on the axis type.
getBreadthSpacing() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.NodeLinkTreeLayout
Get the spacing between neighbor nodes.
getByte(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ByteColumn
getCacheLookupCount() - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get the number of cache lookups to the Color object cache.
getCacheLookupCount() - Static method in class prefuse.util.FontLib
Get the number of cache lookups to the Font object cache.
getCacheLookupCount() - Static method in class prefuse.util.StrokeLib
Get the number of cache lookups to the Stroke object cache.
getCacheMissCount() - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get the number of cache misses to the Color object cache.
getCacheMissCount() - Static method in class prefuse.util.FontLib
Get the number of cache misses to the Font object cache.
getCacheMissCount() - Static method in class prefuse.util.StrokeLib
Get the number of cache misses to the Stroke object cache.
getCategoryPalette(int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of given size tries to provide colors appropriate as category labels.
getCategoryPalette(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of given size tries to provide colors appropriate as category labels.
getCellRenderer(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JPrefuseTable
Get the cell renderer to use for drawing table cells.
getCentroid(Iterator, Point2D) - Static method in class prefuse.util.display.DisplayLib
Return the centroid (averaged location) of a group of items.
getCentroid(Iterator) - Static method in class prefuse.util.display.DisplayLib
Return the centroid (averaged location) of a group of items.
getChild(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the tree child node at the given index.
getChild(Node, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the child node at the given index.
getChild(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JPrefuseTree.PrefuseTreeModel
getChild(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getChildCount() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the number of tree children of this node.
getChildCount(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the number of children of the given node id.
getChildCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JPrefuseTree.PrefuseTreeModel
getChildCount() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getChildGroup(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Get the tail group name of a child group, stripping all but the bottom-level group from the group name (e.g., graph.nodes --> nodes).
getChildIndex(Node) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the ordering index of the give node child in a tree structure.
getChildIndex(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the child index (order number of the child) for the given parent node id and child node id.
getChildIndex(Node, Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the child index (order number of the child) for the given parent and child nodes.
getChildIndex(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getChildIndex(Node) - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getChildRow(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
Given a row in the parent table, return the corresponding row, if any, in this table.
getChildRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the child node id at the given index.
getChildRow(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.FilteredRowManager
Given a row in the parent table, return the corresponding row managed by this manager.
getClearedTime(long, Calendar, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TimeLib
Get the timestamp resulting from clearing (setting to zero) all time values less than or equal to that of the given field.
getClientProperty(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.AbstractTupleSet
getClientProperty(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.tuple.TupleSet
Get an client property bound to this TupleSet
getClique(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
Returns a clique of given size.
getColor(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.ColorAction
Returns a color value for the given item.
getColor(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataColorAction
getColor(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get a Java Color object for the given red, green, blue, and alpha values as floating point numbers in the range 0-1.0.
getColor(float, float, float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get a Java Color object for the given red, green, and blue values as floating point numbers in the range 0-1.0.
getColor(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get a Java Color object for the given red, green, and blue values.
getColor(int, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get a Java Color object for the given red, green, and blue values.
getColor(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get a Java Color object for the given color code value.
getColor(double) - Method in class prefuse.util.ColorMap
Returns the color associated with the given value.
getColorPalette() - Method in class prefuse.util.ColorMap
Gets the internal color palette, an int array of color values.
getColumn(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
getColumn(Class) - Static method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnFactory
Get a new column of the given type.
getColumn(Class, int) - Static method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnFactory
Get a new column of the given type.
getColumn(Class, int, Object) - Static method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnFactory
Get a new column of the given type.
getColumn(Class, int, int, Object) - Static method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnFactory
Get a new column of the given type.
getColumn(Table, Expression) - Static method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnFactory
Get a new column based on the given expression.
getColumn() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
getColumn(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the column at the given column number.
getColumn(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the column with the given data field name
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.PrefuseTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
getColumnCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableSchema
Returns the number of columns in this schema.
getColumnCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.Schema
Get the number of columns in this schema.
getColumnCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the number of columns / data fields in this table.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the number of columns maintained by the backing table.
getColumnCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getColumnCount() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.PrefuseTableModel
getColumnEnd(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableSchema
Sets the ending character number for the given column index.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Schema
The column index for the column with the given name.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the column index corresponding to the given data field.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getColumnIterator(Table, String, boolean) - Static method in class prefuse.data.util.FilterIteratorFactory
getColumnLength(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableSchema
Gets the character length of the given column
getColumnName(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
getColumnName() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression
Get the column / data field name used by this expression.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableSchema
Gets the name of the requested column
getColumnName(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Schema
The name of the column at the given position.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data field name of the column at the given column number.
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data field name of the column at the given index.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getColumnName(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.PrefuseTableModel
getColumnNames() - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
getColumnNames() - Method in class prefuse.data.io.AbstractTextTableReader
Subclasses can override this to provide column names through a custom mechanism.
getColumnNames() - Method in class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableReader
getColumnNames() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Internal method that returns an iterator over column names
getColumnNumber(Column) - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
getColumnNumber(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the column number for a given data field name.
getColumnNumber(Column) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the column number for the given Column instance.
getColumnProjection() - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
Get the ColumnProjection determining which columns of the parent table are included in this one.
getColumnRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the row value for accessing an underlying Column instance, corresponding to the given table cell.
getColumnRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.CascadedRowManager
getColumnRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.FilteredRowManager
getColumnRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.RowManager
Given Table row and column indices, return the corresponding row in the underlying data column.
getColumns() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Internal method that returns an iterator over columns
getColumnStart(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableSchema
Gets the starting character number for the given column index
getColumnType() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Returns the most specific superclass for the values in the column
getColumnType() - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Returns the most specific superclass for the values in the column
getColumnType(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Schema
The type of the column at the given position.
getColumnType(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Schema
The type of the column with the given name.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data type of the column at the given column index.
getColumnType(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data type of the column with the given data field name.
getColumnType(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Returns the data type of the given field as a Java Class instance.
getColumnType(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Returns the data type of the given column as a Java Class instance.
getColumnType(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getColumnType(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getComparator() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Returns the comparator used to determine column values' sort order.
getComparator() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Get the comparator used to compare instances.
getComparator() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.RangePredicate
Get the comparator used to compare data values.
getComparator() - Method in interface prefuse.data.util.Index
Get the comparator used to compare column data values.
getComparator(TupleSet) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.Sort
Generates a Comparator to be used for sorting tuples drawn from the given tuple set.
getComparator() - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TreeIndex
getComparisonIterator(Table, ComparisonPredicate) - Static method in class prefuse.data.util.FilterIteratorFactory
getConfig() - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig
Get the global PrefuseConfig instance.
getConstantColumn(Class, Object) - Static method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnFactory
Get a new column of a constant value.
getCoolPalette(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette that uses a "cool", blue-heavy color scheme.
getCoolPalette() - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of default size that uses a "cool", blue-heavy color scheme.
getCurveControlPoints(EdgeItem, Point2D[], double, double, double, double) - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Determines the control points to use for cubic (Bezier) curve edges.
getCurveSlack() - Method in class prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer
Gets the slack parameter for curved lines.
getCustomToolTip() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Get the custom tooltip used by this Display.
getData(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DatabaseDataSource
Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
getData(String, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DatabaseDataSource
Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
getData(Table, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DatabaseDataSource
Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
getData(Table, String, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DatabaseDataSource
Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
getData(Table, String, String, Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DatabaseDataSource
Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
getDatabaseConnection(Connection, SQLDataHandler) - Static method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.ConnectionFactory
Get a new database connection.
getDatabaseConnection(Connection) - Static method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.ConnectionFactory
Get a new database connection, using a default handler.
getDatabaseConnection(String, String, String, String, SQLDataHandler) - Static method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.ConnectionFactory
Get a new database connection.
getDatabaseConnection(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.ConnectionFactory
Get a new database connection, using a default handler.
getDataField() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataColorAction
Returns the data field used to encode size values.
getDataField() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataShapeAction
Returns the data field used to encode shape values.
getDataField() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataSizeAction
Returns the data field used to encode size values.
getDataField() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLayout
Get the data field used by this axis layout action.
getDataType() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataColorAction
Return the data type used by this action.
getDataType() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLayout
Return the data type used by this layout.
getDataType(TupleSet) - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLayout
Retrieve the data type.
getDataType(String, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.CompositeSQLDataHandler
getDataType(String, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DefaultSQLDataHandler
getDataType(String, int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.io.sql.SQLDataHandler
Return the Java data type for the given data field name and its sql data type.
getDate(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Get the data value at the specified row as a Date
getDate(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data value at the specified row as a Date
getDate(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a Date.
getDate(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a Date.
getDate(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a Date.
getDate(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a Date.
getDate(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getDate(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getDate(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TableIterator
Get the data value at the given field as a Date.
getDate(Calendar, int, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TimeLib
Get the timestamp for the given year, month, and, day.
getDate(Class, long) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TimeLib
Get a new Date instance of the specified subclass and given long value.
getDecoratedItem() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.DecoratorItem
Get the VisualItem that this item is decorating.
getDecoratedItem() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableDecoratorItem
getDefault(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Schema
The default value of the column at the given position.
getDefault(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Schema
The default value of the column with the given name.
getDefault(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the default value for the given data field.
getDefault(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the default value for the given data field.
getDefault(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getDefaultColor() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.ColorAction
Returns the default color for this ColorAction
getDefaultEdgeRenderer() - Method in class prefuse.render.DefaultRendererFactory
Gets the default edge renderer.
getDefaultFactory() - Static method in class prefuse.data.parser.ParserFactory
Returns the default parser factory.
getDefaultFont() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.FontAction
Get the default font assigned to items.
getDefaultHandler() - Static method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.ConnectionFactory
Get an instance of the default SQL data handler.
getDefaultHeader(int) - Static method in class prefuse.data.io.AbstractTextTableReader
Returns default column header names of the type "A", "B", ..., "Z", "AA", "AB", etc.
getDefaultLineWidth() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Gets the default width of lines.
getDefaultRenderer() - Method in class prefuse.render.DefaultRendererFactory
Gets the default renderer.
getDefaultSize() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.ShapeAction
Returns the default shape value assigned to items.
getDefaultSize() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.SizeAction
Returns the default size value assigned to items.
getDefaultStroke() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.StrokeAction
Get the default BasicStroke assigned to items.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Returns the default value for rows that have not been set explicitly.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Returns the default value for rows that have not been set explicitly.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get the columns' default value.
getDegree(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the degree of a node, the number of edges for which a node is either the source or the target.
getDegree(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the degree of a node, the number of edges for which a node is either the source or the target.
getDegree() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the degree of the node, the number of edges for which this node is either the source or the target.
getDegree() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getDegree() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getDelimiter() - Method in class prefuse.data.io.DelimitedTextTableWriter
Get the delimiter used to separate data fields.
getDelimiterString() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.PrefixSearchTupleSet
Returns the delimiter string used to divide data values and queries into separate words.
getDepth() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the tree depth of this node.
getDepth(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the depth of the given node id in the tree.
getDepth() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getDepth(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.BreadthFirstIterator
Get the traversal depth at which a particular tuple was encountered.
getDepth(Object) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.Queue
getDepth() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getDepthSpacing() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.NodeLinkTreeLayout
Get the spacing between depth levels.
getDerivedStroke(BasicStroke, float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StrokeLib
Get a stroke with the same properties as the given stroke, but with a modified width value.
getDescription() - Method in class prefuse.util.io.SimpleFileFilter
getDeviation() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get the standard deviation of numeric values in the column.
getDiamondTree(int, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
Create a diamond tree, with a given branching factor at each level, and depth levels for the two main branches.
getDisplay(int) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the display at the given list index.
getDisplayCount() - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the number of displays associated with this visualization.
getDisplayStats(Display) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Returns a string showing debugging info such as number of visualized items and the current frame rate.
getDisplayX() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the x-coordinate of the top-left of the display, in absolute (item-space) co-ordinates.
getDisplayY() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the y-coordinate of the top-left of the display, in absolute (item-space) co-ordinates.
getDistance() - Method in class prefuse.action.filter.FisheyeTreeFilter
Get the graph distance threshold used by this filter.
getDistance() - Method in class prefuse.action.filter.GraphDistanceFilter
Return the graph distance threshold used by this filter.
getDistribution() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataColorAction
Computes the distribution (either min/max or quantile values) used to help assign colors to data values.
getDocument(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.search.KeywordSearchTupleSet
Create a Lucene Document instance with the given document ID and text.
getDOI() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getDOI() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the degree-of-interest (DOI) value.
getDOI(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the degree-of-interest (DOI) value.
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Get the data value at the specified row as a double
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ByteColumn
getDouble(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data value at the specified row as a double
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DateColumn
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DoubleColumn
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ExpressionColumn
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.IntColumn
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.LongColumn
getDouble(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractExpression
By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getDouble(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ArithmeticExpression
getDouble(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression
getDouble(Tuple) - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Expression
Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
getDouble(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
getDouble(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.NumericLiteral
getDouble(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a double.
getDouble(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a double.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a double.
getDouble(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a double.
getDouble(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getDouble(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getDouble(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TableIterator
Get the data value at the given field as a double.
getDouble(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig
Get a prefuse configuration property as a double.
getDouble(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
getDoubleKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap.Entry
getDuration() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
Returns the duration of this activity
getEdge(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the Edge tuple instance corresponding to an edge id.
getEdge(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Returns an edge from the source node to the target node.
getEdge(Node, Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get an Edge with given source and target Nodes.
getEdgeCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the number of edges in this graph.
getEdges() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the collection of edges as a TupleSet.
getEdges(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.BreadthFirstIterator
Determines which edges are traversed for a given node.
getEdgeSourceField() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the data field used to denote the source node in an edge table.
getEdgeTable() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the backing edge table.
getEdgeTargetField() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the data field used to denote the target node in an edge table.
getEdgeType() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Returns the type of the drawn edge.
getElementAt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ListModel
getElseExpression() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
Get the else expression
getEndColumn() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
getEndField(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
For a given interpolated field name, get the name of the end field.
getEndFillColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getEndFillColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the ending fill color of this item.
getEndFillColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the ending fill color of the row.
getEndFont() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getEndFont() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the ending font for the item.
getEndFont(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the ending font for the row.
getEndLine() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
getEndSize() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getEndSize() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the ending size value of the item.
getEndSize(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the ending size value of the row.
getEndStrokeColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getEndStrokeColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the ending stroke color of this item.
getEndStrokeColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the ending stroke color of the row.
getEndTextColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getEndTextColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the ending text color of this item.
getEndTextColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the ending text color of the row.
getEndX() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getEndX() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the ending x-coordinate of this item.
getEndX(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the ending x-coordinate of the given row.
getEndY() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getEndY() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the ending y-coordinate of this item.
getEndY(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the ending y-coordinate of the given row.
getError() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
Get the last error, if any, generated by a parse operation.
getExistingRow(Table, ResultSet, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DatabaseDataSource
See if a retrieved database row is already represented in the given Table.
getExpression() - Method in class prefuse.util.PredicateChain
Return the backing predicate chain as an Expression instance.
getExtension(File) - Static method in class prefuse.util.io.IOLib
Returns the extension for a file or null if there is none
getExtension(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.io.IOLib
Returns the extension for a file or null if there is none
getExtension() - Method in class prefuse.util.io.SimpleFileFilter
Get the first file extension associated with this filter.
getFactory() - Static method in class prefuse.util.force.Spring
Retrieve the SpringFactory instance, which serves as an object pool for Spring instances.
getField(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.Sort
Returns the sort field at the given index.
getFields() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.LuceneSearcher
Returns the indexed Document fields.
getFillColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getFillColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current fill color of this item.
getFillColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current fill color of the row.
getFilter() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLayout
Get the predicate filter to limit which items are considered for layout.
getFilter() - Method in class prefuse.controls.FocusControl
Get the filter for processing items by this focus control.
getFilterPredicate() - Method in class prefuse.action.ItemAction
Returns the filtering predicate used by this Action.
getFirstChild() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get this node's first tree child.
getFirstChild(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the first child node of the given parent node.
getFirstChild() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getFirstChild() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getFirstChildRow(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the node id of the first child of the given parent node id.
getFixedField() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.SpecifiedLayout
Get the field to lookup to set the fixed property.
getFixedWidthSchema() - Method in class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableReader
Get the schema description describing the data columns' fixed widths
getFixedWidthSchema() - Method in class prefuse.data.io.FixedWidthTextTableWriter
Get the schema description describing the data columns' fixed widths
getFloat(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Get the data value at the specified row as a float
getFloat(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ByteColumn
getFloat(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data value at the specified row as a float
getFloat(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DoubleColumn
getFloat(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ExpressionColumn
getFloat(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
getFloat(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.IntColumn
getFloat(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.LongColumn
getFloat(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractExpression
By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getFloat(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ArithmeticExpression
getFloat(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression
getFloat(Tuple) - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Expression
Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
getFloat(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
getFloat(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.NumericLiteral
getFloat(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a float.
getFloat(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a float.
getFloat(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a float.
getFloat(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a float.
getFloat(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getFloat(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getFloat(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TableIterator
Get the data value at the given field as a float.
getFloat(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig
Get a prefuse configuration property as a float.
getFloat(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
getFloatKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap.Entry
getFocusGroup(String) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Retrieve the focus data group of the given group name.
getFont(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.FontAction
Returns the Font to use for a given VisualItem.
getFont(String, double) - Static method in class prefuse.util.FontLib
Get a Font instance with the given font family name and size.
getFont(String, int, double) - Static method in class prefuse.util.FontLib
Get a Font instance with the given font family name, style, and size
getFont(String, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.FontLib
Get a Font instance with the given font family name, style, and size
getFont() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getFont() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current font for the item.
getFont(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current font for the row.
getForce(ForceItem) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getForce(Spring) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getForce(ForceItem) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.CircularWallForce
getForce(ForceItem) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.DragForce
getForce(ForceItem) - Method in interface prefuse.util.force.Force
Updates the force calculation on the given ForceItem
getForce(Spring) - Method in interface prefuse.util.force.Force
Updates the force calculation on the given Spring.
getForce(ForceItem) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.GravitationalForce
getForce(ForceItem) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.NBodyForce
Calculates the force vector acting on the given item.
getForce(Spring) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.SpringForce
Calculates the force vector acting on the items due to the given spring.
getForce(ForceItem) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.WallForce
getForces() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator
Get an array of all the Force functions used in this simulator.
getForceSimulator() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Get the force simulator driving this layout.
getFrameRate() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the running average frame rate for this Display.
getFrameWidth() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.SquarifiedTreeMapLayout
Gets the amount of desired framing space, in pixels, between parent rectangles and their enclosed children.
getGraph() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Edge
Returns the graph of which this Edge is a member.
getGraph() - Method in class prefuse.data.io.GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler
getGraph() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the Graph of which this Node is a member.
getGraph() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableEdge
getGraph() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getGraph() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableEdgeItem
getGraph() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getGraphFile(Component) - Static method in class prefuse.util.io.IOLib
Present a file chooser dialog for loading a Graph or Tree data set.
getGrayscale(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get a Java Color object for the given grayscale value.
getGrayscalePalette(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of specified size that ranges from white to black through shades of gray.
getGrayscalePalette() - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of default size that ranges from white to black through shades of gray.
getGrid(int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
Returns a graph structured as an m-by-n grid.
getGroup() - Method in class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Get the name of the group to be processed by this Action.
getGroup(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupExpression
Evaluate the group name expression for the given Tuple
getGroup() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getGroup() - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualGraph
Get the visualization data group name for this graph
getGroup() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the primary data group of which this VisualItem is a member.
getGroup() - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the visualization data group name for this table
getGroup() - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTree
Get the visualization data group name for this graph
getGroup() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualTupleSet
Get the data group name for this VisualTupleSet.
getGroup(String) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the TupleSet associated with the given data group name.
getGroupName(String, String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Get the group name for the given parent and child group, simply concatenating them together with a group delimiter in between.
getHashCode(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.AggregateTable
Get a hashcode that uniquely identifies a particular tuple
getHeight() - Method in class prefuse.util.display.Clip
Get the clip's height
getHighQuality() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JFastLabel
Get the quality level of this label.
getHighValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.NumberRangeModel
getHighValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ObjectRangeModel
getHighValue() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
Returns the current "high" value shown by the range slider's bar.
getHighValue() - Method in interface prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel
Get the value at the high point of the range span.
getHoneycomb(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the horizontal alignment of this node with respect to its x, y coordinates.
getHorizontalAlignment1() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Get the horizontal aligment of the edge mount point with the first node.
getHorizontalAlignment2() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Get the horizontal aligment of the edge mount point with the second node.
getHorizontalImageAlignment() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the horizontal image alignment within the layout.
getHorizontalPadding() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Returns the amount of padding in pixels between the content and the border of this item along the horizontal dimension.
getHorizontalTextAlignment() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the horizontal text alignment within the layout.
getHotPalette(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color map that moves from black to red to yellow to white.
getHotPalette() - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color map of default size that moves from black to red to yellow to white.
getHSBPalette(int, float, float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of given size that cycles through the hues of the HSB (Hue/Saturation/Brightness) color space.
getHSBPalette() - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of default size that cycles through the hues of the HSB (Hue/Saturation/Brightness) color space at full saturation and brightness.
GetImage() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
getImage(String) - Method in class prefuse.render.ImageFactory
Get the image associated with the given location string.
getImage(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the image to include in the label for the given VisualItem.
getImageFactory() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Returns the image factory used by this renderer.
getImageField() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the data field for image locations.
getImageLocation(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Returns a location string for the image to draw.
getImagePosition() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the image position, determining where the image is placed with respect to the text.
getImageTextPadding() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the padding, in pixels, between an image and text.
getInDegree(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the in-degree of a node, the number of edges for which the node is the target.
getInDegree(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the in-degree of a node, the number of edges for which the node is the target.
getInDegree() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the in-degree of the node, the number of edges for which this node is the target.
getInDegree() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getInDegree() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getIndex(Object) - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ObjectRangeModel
Return the index for a given Object, indicating its order in the range.
getIndex(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Retrieve, without creating, an index for the given data field.
getIndex(String, Class, boolean) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Internal method for index creation and retrieval.
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JPrefuseTree.PrefuseTreeModel
getIndexReader() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.LuceneSearcher
Returns the Lucene IndexReader.
getIndexSearcher() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.LuceneSearcher
Returns the Lucene IndexSearcher.
getInstance() - Static method in class prefuse.util.collections.DefaultLiteralComparator
Returns an instance of this comparator.
getInt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Get the data value at the specified row as an integer
getInt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ByteColumn
getInt(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data value at the specified row as an integer
getInt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DoubleColumn
getInt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ExpressionColumn
getInt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
getInt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.IntColumn
getInt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.LongColumn
getInt(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractExpression
By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getInt(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ArithmeticExpression
getInt(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression
getInt(Tuple) - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Expression
Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
getInt(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
getInt(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.NumericLiteral
getInt(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as an int.
getInt(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as an int.
getInt(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as an int.
getInt(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as an int.
getInt(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getInt(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getInt(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TableIterator
Get the data value at the given field as an int.
getInt(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig
Get a prefuse configuration property as an integer.
getInt(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
getIntArray(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ArrayLib
Read in a text file as an array of integers.
getIntegrator() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator
Get the Integrator used by this simulator.
getIntermediateFont(Font, Font, double) - Static method in class prefuse.util.FontLib
Interpolate between two font instances.
getInterpolatedPalette(int, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of given size that ranges from one given color to the other.
getInterpolatedPalette(int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Returns a color palette of default size that ranges from one given color to the other.
getIntKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap.Entry
getInverseTransform() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns a reference to the inverse of the AffineTransformation used by this display.
getItem(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the VisualItem for the given table row.
getItemBounds() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the bounds, in absolute (item-space) coordinates, of the total bounds occupied by all currently visible VisualItems.
getItemBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the bounds, in absolute (item-space) coordinates, of the total bounds occupied by all currently visible VisualItems.
getItems() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator
Get an iterator over all registered ForceItems.
getItemSorter() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Get the ItemSorter that determines the rendering order of the VisualItems.
getIterations() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Get the number of iterations to use when computing a layout in run-once mode.
getKey(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Given a node id (a row number in the node table), get the value of the node key field.
getKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap.Entry
getLast(int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntIntSortedMap
getLast(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.IntIntTreeMap
getLastChild() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get this node's last tree child.
getLastChild(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the last child node of the given parent node.
getLastChild() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getLastChild() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getLastChildRow(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the node id of the last child of the given parent node id.
getLayoutAnchor() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.NodeLinkTreeLayout
getLayoutAnchor() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.Layout
Return the layout anchor at which to center or root the layout.
getLayoutBounds() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.Layout
Returns the bounds in which the layout should be computed.
getLayoutRoot() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.TreeLayout
Return the NodeItem to use as the root for this tree layout.
getLeftDeepTree(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
Returns a left deep binary tree
getLeftExpression() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.BinaryExpression
Get the left sub-expression.
getLine() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
getLinearStep(double, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
Compute a linear step between axis marks.
getLineWidth(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Returns the line width to be used for this VisualItem.
getListModel() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ListQueryBinding
Returns a list model for creating custom dynamic query widgets.
getLiteral(Tuple, String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.Literal
Evaluate the given tuple and data field and return the result as a new Literal instance.
getLiteral(Object) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.Literal
Return the given object as a new Literal instance.
getLiteral(Object, Class) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.Literal
Return the given object as a new Literal instance.
getLocalColumnCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
Get the number of columns explicitly stored by this table (i.e., all columns that are not inherited from the parent table).
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Get the data value at the specified row as a long
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ByteColumn
getLong(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data value at the specified row as a long
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DateColumn
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DoubleColumn
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ExpressionColumn
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.IntColumn
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.LongColumn
getLong(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractExpression
By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
getLong(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ArithmeticExpression
getLong(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression
getLong(Tuple) - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Expression
Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
getLong(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
getLong(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.NumericLiteral
getLong(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a long.
getLong(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as an long.
getLong(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a long.
getLong(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a long.
getLong(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getLong(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getLong(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TableIterator
Get the data value at the given field as a long.
getLong(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig
Get a prefuse configuration property as a long.
getLong(Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
getLongKey() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap.Entry
getLowValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.NumberRangeModel
getLowValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ObjectRangeModel
getLowValue() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
Returns the current "low" value shown by the range slider's bar.
getLowValue() - Method in interface prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel
Get the value at the low point of the range span.
getLuceneSearcher() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.KeywordSearchTupleSet
Get the LuceneSearcher instance used by this class.
getMap(Class, Comparator, boolean) - Static method in class prefuse.util.collections.SortedMapFactory
getMargin() - Method in class prefuse.controls.ZoomToFitControl
Get the display margin to include within the "zoomed-to-fit" bounds.
getMargin() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup
Get the margin, in pixels, used at the ends of the JToggleGroup.
getMassValue(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Get the mass value associated with the given node.
getMatchingTuple(Document) - Method in class prefuse.data.search.KeywordSearchTupleSet
Return the Tuple matching the given Lucene Document, if any.
getMaximum() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
getMaximum() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntBitSetMap
getMaximum() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntSortedMap
getMaximum() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
Gets the maximum possible value for either the low value or the high value.
getMaximumRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get the row index of the maximum column value.
getMaximumRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the maximum row index currently in use by this Table.
getMaximumRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.util.RowManager
Get the highest-numbered occupied table row.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataSizeAction
Gets the maximum size value that will be assigned by this action.
getMaxIterations() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.FruchtermanReingoldLayout
Get the maximum number of iterations to run of this algorithm.
getMaxScale() - Method in class prefuse.controls.AbstractZoomControl
Gets the maximum scale value allowed by this zoom control
getMaxTimeStep() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Get the maximum timestep allowed for integrating node settings between runs of this layout.
getMaxValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.NumberRangeModel
getMaxValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ObjectRangeModel
getMaxValue() - Method in class prefuse.util.ColorMap
Gets the maximum value that corresponds to the last color in the color map.
getMaxValue(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
getMaxValue(int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.force.Force
Get the suggested maximum value for a parameter.
getMaxValue() - Method in interface prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel
Get the maximum value backing the range model.
getMaxX() - Method in class prefuse.util.display.Clip
Get the maximum x-coordinate.
getMaxY() - Method in class prefuse.util.display.Clip
Get the maximum y-coordinate.
getMean() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get the mean value of numeric values in the column.
getMedian() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
getMedian() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntBitSetMap
getMedian() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntSortedMap
getMedianRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get the row index of the median column value.
getMemoryUsageInKB() - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Get a String showing current JVM memory usage in kilobytes.
getMemoryUsageInMB() - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Get a String showing current JVM memory usage in megabytes.
getMessage() - Method in exception prefuse.data.expression.parser.ParseException
This method has the standard behavior when this object has been created using the standard constructors.
getMessage() - Method in error prefuse.data.expression.parser.TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Return a metadata instance providing summary information about a column.
getMiddleExpression() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.RangePredicate
Get the middle expression being tested for inclusion in the range
getMinimalVisualSchema() - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Get the minimal Schema needed for a unique VisualItem.
getMinimum() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
getMinimum() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntBitSetMap
getMinimum() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntSortedMap
getMinimum() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
Gets the minimum possible value for either the low value or the high value.
getMinimumRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get the row index of the minimum column value.
getMinimumRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the minimum row index currently in use by this Table.
getMinimumRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.util.RowManager
Get the lowest-numbered occupied table row.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataSizeAction
Gets the size assigned to the lowest-valued data items, typically 1.0.
getMinRadius() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.BalloonTreeLayout
Get the minimum radius used for a layout circle.
getMinScale() - Method in class prefuse.controls.AbstractZoomControl
Gets the minimum scale value allowed by this zoom control
getMinValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.NumberRangeModel
getMinValue() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ObjectRangeModel
getMinValue() - Method in class prefuse.util.ColorMap
Gets the minimum value that corresponds to the first color in the color map.
getMinValue(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
getMinValue(int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.force.Force
Get the suggested minimum value for a parameter.
getMinValue() - Method in interface prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel
Get the minimum value backing the range model.
getMinX() - Method in class prefuse.util.display.Clip
Get the minimum x-coordinate.
getMinY() - Method in class prefuse.util.display.Clip
Get the minimum y-coordinate.
getModel() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.RangeQueryBinding
Return the ValuedRangeModel constructed by this dynamic query binding.
getModel() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
Get the BoundedRangeModel backing this slider.
getModel() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup
Get the ListModel backing this component.
getModificationCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the number of times this Table has been modified.
getMySQLConnection(String, String, String, String, SQLDataHandler) - Static method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.ConnectionFactory
Get a new database connection to a MySQL database.
getMySQLConnection(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.ConnectionFactory
Get a new database connection to a MySQL database, using a default handler.
getName() - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Function
Get the name of this function.
getName() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.FunctionExpression
getName() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
getName() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.HoverPredicate
getName() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.InGroupPredicate
getName() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.QueryExpression
getName() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.SearchPredicate
getName() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.ValidatedPredicate
getName() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.VisiblePredicate
getNewOffscreenBuffer(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.Display
Creates a new buffered image to use as an offscreen buffer.
getNextSibling() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get this node's next tree sibling.
getNextSibling(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the next sibling of the given node.
getNextSibling() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getNextSibling() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getNextSiblingRow(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the node id of the next sibling of the given node id.
getNextTime() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
Get the time at which this activity should be run next.
getNextToken() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
getNextToken() - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParserTokenManager
getNextValue(int, int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntIntSortedMap
getNextValue(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.IntIntTreeMap
getNode(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the Node tuple instance corresponding to a node id.
getNodeCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the number of nodes in this graph.
getNodeFromKey(long) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the Node tuple corresponding to the input node key field value.
getNodeIndex(long) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Given a value of the node key field, get the node id (the row number in the node table).
getNodeIndex(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualGraph
Get the node row index value for the given key.
getNodeKeyField() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the data field used to uniquely identify a node
getNodes() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the collection of nodes as a TupleSet.
getNodes(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
Builds a completely unconnected (edge-free) graph with the given number of nodes
getNodeTable() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the backing node table.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
Get the formatter used to format labels for numerical values.
getNumberModel() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.RangeQueryBinding
Attempts to return the ValuedRangeModel for this binding as a NumberRangeModel.
getNumCols() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.GridLayout
Get the number of grid columns.
getNumericType(Class, Class) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TypeLib
Get a compatible numeric type for two primitive numeric class types.
getNumRows() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.GridLayout
Get the number of grid rows.
getObject(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ObjectRangeModel
Return the Object at the given index.
getObjectModel() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.RangeQueryBinding
Attempts to return the ValuedRangeModel for this binding as an ObjectRangeModel.
getOffscreenBuffer() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the offscreen buffer used for double buffering.
getOperation() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.BinaryExpression
Get the operation code for this expression.
getOptimizedIterator(Table, Predicate) - Static method in class prefuse.data.util.FilterIteratorFactory
Get an optimized iterator over the rows of a table, if possible.
getOrder() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap.Entry
getOrdinalArray() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get an array of all unique column values, in sorted order.
getOrdinalMap() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get a map between all unique column values and their integer index in the sort order of those values.
getOrdinalStep(double, double) - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
Compute an ordinal step between axis marks.
getOrientation() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.CollapsedStackLayout
Returns the orientation of this layout.
getOrientation() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.CollapsedSubtreeLayout
Get the layout orientation, determining which point nodes will collapse or exapnd from.
getOrientation() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.NodeLinkTreeLayout
Get the orientation of the tree layout.
getOrientation() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.StackedAreaChart
Returns the orientation of this layout.
getOrIterator(Table, OrPredicate) - Static method in class prefuse.data.util.FilterIteratorFactory
getOutDegree(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the out-degree of a node, the number of edges for which the node is the source.
getOutDegree(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the out-degree of a node, the number of edges for which the node is the source.
getOutDegree() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the out-degree of the node, the number of edges for which this node is the source.
getOutDegree() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getOutDegree() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getPace(long) - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
Returns a value between 0 and 1 inclusive, indicating the current position in an animation or other similarly parameterized activity.
getPacingFunction() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
Returns the pacing function associated with this Activity.
getPaddingPercentage() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.StackedAreaChart
Gets the percentage of the layout bounds that should be reserved for empty space at the top of the stack.
getParameter(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
getParameter(int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.force.Force
Returns the specified, numbered parameter.
getParameterCount() - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Function
Get the maximum number of parameters accepted by this Function.
getParameterCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.FunctionExpression
getParameterCount() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
getParameterCount() - Method in interface prefuse.util.force.Force
Returns the number of parameters (e.g., gravitational constant or spring force coefficient) affecting this force function.
getParameterCount() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupExpression
getParameterCount() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.HoverPredicate
getParameterCount() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.SearchPredicate
getParameterCount() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.ValidatedPredicate
getParameterCount() - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.VisiblePredicate
getParameterName(int) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
getParameterName(int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.force.Force
Gets the text name of the requested parameter.
getParameterNames() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce
getParameterNames() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.CircularWallForce
getParameterNames() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.DragForce
getParameterNames() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.GravitationalForce
getParameterNames() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.NBodyForce
getParameterNames() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.SpringForce
getParameterNames() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.WallForce
getParent() - Method in class prefuse.activity.ActivityMap
Returns this ActivityMap's parent map.
getParent() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the parent node of this node in a tree structure.
getParent(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get a node's parent node id
getParent(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get a node's parent node
getParent() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getParent() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getParentEdge() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get the edge between this node and its parent node in a tree structure.
getParentEdge(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the edge id of the edge to the given node's parent.
getParentEdge(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the edge to the given node's parent.
getParentEdge() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getParentEdge() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getParentGroup(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Get the parent group string of a child group, stripping off the bottom-level group from the group name (e.g., graph.nodes --> graph).
getParentRow(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
Given a row in this table, return the corresponding row in the parent table.
getParentRow(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.FilteredRowManager
Given a row managed by this manager, return the corresponding row in the parent table.
getParentTable() - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
Get the parent table from which this cascaded table inherits values.
getParser() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
getParser() - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data parser used to map String values to and from the values stored by this Column.
getParser() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ParserFactory
Returns the highest ranking parser that successfully can parse all the input samples viewed by this instance.
getParser(Class) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ParserFactory
Returns a parser for the specified data type.
getParser(String[], int) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ParserFactory
Analyzes the given array of String values to determine an acceptable parser data type.
getParser(String[][], int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ParserFactory
Analyzes a column of the given array of String values to determine an acceptable parser data type.
getParser(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.TypeInferencer
Get the top-ranking candidate data parser for the given column index.
getPasswordAuthentication() - Method in class prefuse.util.io.PasswordAuthenticator
Get the singleton PasswordAuthentication instance.
getPolyType() - Method in class prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer
Get the polygon line type.
getPredicate() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.NotPredicate
Get the negated predicate.
getPredicate() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.DynamicQueryBinding
Returns the query predicate bound to this dynamic query.
getPredicate() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the filtering Predicate used to control what items are drawn by this display.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JCustomTooltip
getPreferredSize() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
getPreviousSibling() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Node
Get this node's previous tree sibling.
getPreviousSibling(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the previous sibling of the given node.
getPreviousSibling() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableNode
getPreviousSibling() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableNodeItem
getPreviousSiblingRow(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the node id of the previous sibling of the given node id.
getPreviousValue(int, int) - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntIntSortedMap
getPreviousValue(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.IntIntTreeMap
getPrimitiveType(Class) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TypeLib
Given a numeric (byte, short, int, long, float, or double) class type or associated wrapper class type, return the primitive class type
getQuadTreeNode() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.NBodyForce.QuadTreeNodeFactory
getQuery() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.KeywordSearchTupleSet
Returns the current search query, if any.
getQuery() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.PrefixSearchTupleSet
getQuery() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.RegexSearchTupleSet
getQuery() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.SearchTupleSet
Returns the current search query, if any.
getQuery() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JSearchPanel
Get the query string in the text field.
getRadius() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.CircleLayout
Return the radius of the layout circle.
getRadiusIncrement() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.RadialTreeLayout
Set the radius increment to use between concentric circles.
getRangeIterator(Table, RangePredicate) - Static method in class prefuse.data.util.FilterIteratorFactory
getRangeModel() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLayout
Get the range model determing the span of the axis.
getRangeModel() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.StackedAreaChart
Get the range model describing the range occupied by the value stack.
getRawShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer
Return a non-transformed shape for the visual representation of the item.
getRawShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.AxisRenderer
getRawShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
getRawShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
getRawShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer
getRawShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.ShapeRenderer
getReferencedColumns(Expression) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.ExpressionAnalyzer
Get the set of data fields the expression is dependent upon.
getReferrer() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Get the referrer item to use to set x or y coordinates that are initialized to NaN.
getRenderer(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.DefaultRendererFactory
Return a Renderer instance for the input VisualItem.
getRenderer(VisualItem) - Method in interface prefuse.render.RendererFactory
Return a Renderer instance to draw the given VisualItem.
getRenderer() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getRenderer() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the Renderer instance for drawing this VisualItem.
getRenderer(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the renderer for the given item.
getRendererFactory() - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the RendererFactory used by this Visualization.
getRenderType(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer
Returns a value indicating if a shape is drawn by its outline, by a fill, or both.
getRenderType(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
getRightDeepTree(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
Returns a right deep binary tree
getRightExpression() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.BinaryExpression
Get the right sub-expression.
getRoot() - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the root node.
getRoot() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JPrefuseTree.PrefuseTreeModel
getRootNodeOffset() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.NodeLinkTreeLayout
Get the offset value for placing the root node of the tree.
getRootRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Get the root node id (node table row number).
getRow() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Returns the row index for this Tuple's backing Table, if it exists.
getRow() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.BooleanColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ByteColumn
getRowCount() - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Returns the number of rows in this data column
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ConstantColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DateColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.DoubleColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ExpressionColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.FloatColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.IntColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.LongColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ObjectColumn
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the number of rows in the table.
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.util.RowManager
Get the total number of occupied rows
getRowCount() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.PrefuseTableModel
getRowFilter() - Method in class prefuse.data.CascadedTable
Gets ths Predicate determining which rows of the parent table are included in this one.
getScale() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataColorAction
Returns the scale type used for encoding color values from the data.
getScale() - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataSizeAction
Returns the scale type used for encoding size values from the data.
getScale() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
Returns the scale type used for the axis.
getScale() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLayout
Returns the scale type used for the axis.
getScale() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the current scale (zoom) value.
getScale() - Method in class prefuse.util.display.ScaleSelector
Get the current image scale reported by the slider.
getScaledImage(Image) - Method in class prefuse.render.ImageFactory
Scales an image to fit within the current size thresholds.
getSchema(ResultSetMetaData, SQLDataHandler) - Method in class prefuse.data.io.sql.DatabaseDataSource
Given the metadata for a SQL result set and a data value handler for that result set, returns a corresponding schema for a prefuse table.
getSchema() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Returns this Table's schema.
getSchema() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Returns the schema for this tuple's data.
getSchema() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getSearchSet() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.SearchQueryBinding
Return the SearchTupleSet used for conducting searches.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ListModel
getSelectionModel() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup
Get the ListSelectionModel used by this component.
getSet(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.CompositeTupleSet
Get the TupleSet associated with the given name.
getShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataShapeAction
getShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.ShapeAction
Returns a shape value for the given item.
getShape(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer
Returns the shape describing the boundary of an item.
getShape() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getShape() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current shape value of the item.
getShape(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current shape value of the row.
getSharedType(Object, Object) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TypeLib
Get the nearest shared ancestor class of two objects.
getSharedType(Class, Class) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TypeLib
Get the nearest shared ancestor class of two classes.
getSize(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.DataSizeAction
getSize(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.SizeAction
Returns a size value for the given item.
getSize() - Method in class prefuse.data.query.ListModel
getSize() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getSize() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current size value of the item.
getSize(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current size value of the row.
getSize2D(double) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Returns a scale factor by which to scale a 2D shape to grow the area by the desired input size value.
getSourceData() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getSourceData() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Returns the original backing data set from which this VisualItem is derived.
getSourceData(String) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the source data TupleSet backing the given visual data group.
getSourceData(VisualTupleSet) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the source data TupleSet backing the given visual tuple set.
getSourceItem() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.EdgeItem
Get the first, or source, NodeItem upon which this edge is incident.
getSourceItem() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableEdgeItem
getSourceNode() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Edge
Returns the first, or source, node upon which this Edge is incident.
getSourceNode(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the source node id (node table row number) for the given edge id (edge table row number).
getSourceNode(Edge) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the source Node for the given Edge instance.
getSourceNode() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableEdge
getSourceNode() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableEdgeItem
getSources() - Method in class prefuse.action.filter.FisheyeTreeFilter
Get the name of the group to use as source nodes for measuring graph distance.
getSources() - Method in class prefuse.action.filter.GraphDistanceFilter
Get the name of the group to use as source nodes for measuring graph distance.
getSourceTuple() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getSourceTuple() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Returns the original backing data tuple from which this VisualItem is derived.
getSourceTuple(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the Tuple from a backing source data set that corresponds most closely to the given VisualItem.
getSpacing() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
Get the required minimum spacing between axis labels.
getSpacing() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JToggleGroup
Get the spacing between toggle group components.
getSpanningTree() - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Return the current spanning tree over this graph.
getSpanningTree(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Returns a spanning tree rooted at the specified node.
getSpanningTree() - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Returns a spanning tree over this tree.
getSpanningTree(Node) - Method in class prefuse.data.Tree
Returns a spanning tree over this tree, rooted at the given root.
getSpeedLimit() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator
Get the speed limit, or maximum velocity value allowed by this simulator.
getSpring(ForceItem, ForceItem, float, float) - Method in class prefuse.util.force.Spring.SpringFactory
Get a Spring instance and set it to the given parameters.
getSpringCoefficient(EdgeItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Get the spring coefficient for the given edge, which controls the tension or strength of the spring.
getSpringLength(EdgeItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout
Get the spring length for the given edge.
getSprings() - Method in class prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator
Get an iterator over all registered Springs.
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StringLib
Get the stack trace of the given Throwable as a String.
getStar(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphLib
Builds a "star" graph with one central hub connected to the given number of satellite nodes.
getStartField(String) - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
For a given interpolated field name, get the name of the start field.
getStartFillColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStartFillColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the starting fill color of this item.
getStartFillColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the starting fill color of the row.
getStartFont() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStartFont() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the starting font for the item.
getStartFont(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the starting font for the row.
getStartSize() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStartSize() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the starting size value of the item.
getStartSize(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the starting size value of the row.
getStartStrokeColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStartStrokeColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the starting stroke color of this item.
getStartStrokeColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the starting stroke color of the row.
getStartTextColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStartTextColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the starting text color of this item.
getStartTextColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the starting text color of the row.
getStartTime() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
Returns this activity's start time
getStartX() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStartX() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the starting x-coordinate of this item.
getStartX(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the starting x-coordinate of the given row.
getStartY() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStartY() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the starting y-coordinate of this item.
getStartY(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the starting y-coordinate of the given row.
getStepTime() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
Returns the delay between runs for this activity
getStopTime() - Method in class prefuse.activity.Activity
Get the time at which this activity should complete.
getString(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.column.AbstractColumn
Get the data value at the specified row as a String
getString(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.column.Column
Get the data value at the specified row as a String
getString(int, String) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a String.
getString(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the data value at the given row and field as a String.
getString(String) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a String.
getString(int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Get the data value at the given field as a String.
getString(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getString(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getString(String) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.TableIterator
Get the data value at the given field as a String.
getStroke(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.action.assignment.StrokeAction
Returns the stroke to use for a given VisualItem.
getStroke(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer
Retursn the stroke to use for drawing lines and shape outlines.
getStroke(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Returns the stroke value returned by VisualItem.getStroke(), scaled by the current line width determined by the EdgeRenderer.getLineWidth(VisualItem) method.
getStroke(float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StrokeLib
Get a square capped, miter joined, non-dashed stroke of the given width.
getStroke(float, float[]) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StrokeLib
Get a square capped, miter joined, dashed stroke with the given width and dashing attributes.
getStroke(float, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StrokeLib
Get a non-dashed stroke of the given width, cap, and join
getStroke(float, int, int, float, float[], float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StrokeLib
Get a dashed stroke of the given width, cap, join, miter limit, and dashing attributes.
getStroke() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStroke() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current stroke used to draw lines and shape outlines.
getStroke(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current stroke used to draw lines and shape outlines for the item at the given row.
getStrokeColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getStrokeColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current stroke color of this item.
getStrokeColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current stroke color of the row.
getStrokeKey(float, int, int, float, float[], float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.StrokeLib
Compute a hash-key for stroke storage and lookup.
getSubPredicate(Predicate) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.CompositePredicate
Get a predicate instance just like this one but without the given predicate as a clause.
getSubtreeSpacing() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.graph.NodeLinkTreeLayout
Get the spacing between neighboring subtrees.
GetSuffix(int) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.JavaCharStream
getSum() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get the sum of numeric values in the column.
getSwitchValue() - Method in class prefuse.action.ActionSwitch
Returns the current switch value, indicating the index of the Action that will be executed in reponse to run() invocations.
getTable() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.AxisLabelLayout
Create a new table for representing axis labels.
getTable() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Tuple
Returns the Table instance that backs this Tuple, if it exists.
getTable() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableTuple
getTable() - Method in class prefuse.data.util.RowManager
Get the table managed by this RowManager.
getTable() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JPrefuseTable
Get the table backing this component.
getTableFile(Component) - Static method in class prefuse.util.io.IOLib
Present a file chooser dialog for loading a Table data set.
getTableRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the row number for this table given a row number for a backing data column and the column number for the data column.
getTableRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.CascadedRowManager
getTableRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.FilteredRowManager
getTableRow(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.data.util.RowManager
Given a column row index and a table column index, return the table row corresponding to the column value.
getTargetItem() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.EdgeItem
Get the second, or target, NodeItem upon which this edge is incident.
getTargetItem() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableEdgeItem
getTargetNode() - Method in interface prefuse.data.Edge
Returns the second, or target, node upon which this Edge is incident.
getTargetNode(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the target node id (node table row number) for the given edge id (edge table row number).
getTargetNode(Edge) - Method in class prefuse.data.Graph
Get the target Node for the given Edge instance.
getTargetNode() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TableEdge
getTargetNode() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableEdgeItem
getTestPredicate() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
Get the test predicate.
getText(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Returns the text to draw.
getText() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JFastLabel
Get the label text.
getTextColor() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getTextColor() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current text color of this item.
getTextColor(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current text color of the row.
getTextEditor() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the TextComponent used for on-screen text editing.
getTextField() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the field name to use for text labels.
getThenExpression() - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
Get the then expression
getThreshold() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.StackedAreaChart
Get the minimum height threshold under which stacks should not be made visible.
getThumbColor() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JRangeSlider
Get the slider thumb color.
getTime(Calendar, int, int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TimeLib
Get a timestamp for the given hour, minute, and second.
getToken(int) - Static method in class prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParser
getTransform() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns a reference to the AffineTransformation used by this Display.
getTransform(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer
Return the graphics space transform applied to this item's shape, if any.
getTransform(VisualItem) - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
getTree() - Method in class prefuse.data.io.TreeMLReader.TreeMLHandler
getTree() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JPrefuseTree
Return the backing Tree instance.
getTuple(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the Tuple instance providing object-oriented access to the given table row.
getTuple(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TupleManager
Get a Tuple corresponding to the given row index.
getTupleCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.Table
Get the number of tuples in this table.
getTupleCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.CompositeTupleSet
getTupleCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.DefaultTupleSet
getTupleCount() - Method in interface prefuse.data.tuple.TupleSet
Get the number of tuples in this set.
getTupleMap() - Method in class prefuse.data.search.KeywordSearchTupleSet
Returns a copy of the mapping from Lucene document IDs to prefuse Tuple instances.
getTupleType() - Method in class prefuse.data.tuple.TupleManager
Get the type of Tuple instances to generate.
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.AbstractPredicate
Returns boolean.class.
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ArithmeticExpression
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.BooleanLiteral
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ComparisonPredicate
getType(Schema) - Method in interface prefuse.data.expression.Expression
Returns the type that this expression evaluates to when tuples with the given Schema are provided as input.
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.IfExpression
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.NumericLiteral
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.ObjectLiteral
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.data.expression.RangePredicate
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.BooleanParser
Returns boolean.class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ByteParser
Returns int.class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ColorIntParser
Returns int.class.
getType() - Method in interface prefuse.data.parser.DataParser
Get the data type for the values parsed by this parser.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DateParser
Returns java.sql.Date.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DoubleArrayParser
Returns double[].class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.DoubleParser
Returns double.class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.FloatArrayParser
Returns float[].class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.FloatParser
Returns float.class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.IntArrayParser
Returns int[].class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.IntParser
Returns int.class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.LongArrayParser
Returns long[].class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.LongParser
Returns long.class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.ObjectParser
Returns Object.class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.StringParser
Returns String.class.
getType() - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.TimeParser
Returns java.sql.Time.class.
getType(int) - Method in class prefuse.data.parser.TypeInferencer
Get the data type for the highest ranking candidate parser still in the running for the given column index.
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.InGroupPredicate
getType(Schema) - Method in class prefuse.visual.expression.QueryExpression
getUniqueCount() - Method in class prefuse.data.column.ColumnMetadata
Get the number of unique values in the column.
getUniqueCount() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap
getUniqueCount() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.BooleanIntBitSetMap
getUniqueCount() - Method in interface prefuse.util.collections.IntSortedMap
getUnitsBetween(long, long, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TimeLib
Get the number of time units between the two given timestamps.
getUserData() - Method in class prefuse.util.io.SimpleFileFilter
Get a user-provided attached object.
getValue() - Method in class prefuse.util.collections.AbstractTreeMap.Entry
getValue() - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JValueSlider
Get the current value ssociated with the slider position.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.PrefuseTableModel
getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the vertical alignment of this node with respect to its x, y coordinates.
getVerticalAlignment1() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Get the vertical aligment of the edge mount point with the first node.
getVerticalAlignment2() - Method in class prefuse.render.EdgeRenderer
Get the vertical aligment of the edge mount point with the second node.
getVerticalImageAlignment() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the vertical image alignment within the layout.
getVerticalPadding() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Returns the amount of padding in pixels between the content and the border of this item along the vertical dimension.
getVerticalTextAlignment() - Method in class prefuse.render.LabelRenderer
Get the vertical text alignment within the layout.
getVisibleItemCount() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the number of visible items processed by this Display.
getVisualGroup(String) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Retrieve the visual data group of the given group name.
getVisualItem(String, Tuple) - Method in class prefuse.Visualization
Get the VisualItem associated with a source data tuple, if it exists.
getVisualItemSchema() - Static method in class prefuse.util.PrefuseLib
Get an instance of the default Schema used for VisualItem instances.
getVisualization() - Method in class prefuse.action.Action
Return the Visualization processed by this Action.
getVisualization() - Method in class prefuse.Display
Returns the Visualization backing this Display.
getVisualization() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getVisualization() - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualGraph
getVisualization() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the backing Visualization of which this VisualItem is a part.
getVisualization() - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
getVisualization() - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTree
getVisualization() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualTupleSet
Get the Visualization associated with this VisualTupleSet.
getWidth() - Method in class prefuse.util.display.Clip
Get the clip's width
getWrapperType(Class) - Static method in class prefuse.util.TypeLib
Get the wrapper class type for a primitive class type.
getX() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getX() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current x-coordinate of this item.
getX(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current x-coordinate of the given row.
getXDistortionFactor() - Method in class prefuse.action.distortion.FisheyeDistortion
Returns the distortion factor for the x-axis.
getXField() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.SpecifiedLayout
Get the field to lookup to set the x-coordinate.
getXMagnification() - Method in class prefuse.action.distortion.BifocalDistortion
Returns the magnification factor for the x-axis.
getXRange() - Method in class prefuse.action.distortion.BifocalDistortion
Returns the range of the focal area along the x-axis.
getY() - Method in class prefuse.visual.tuple.TableVisualItem
getY() - Method in interface prefuse.visual.VisualItem
Get the current y-coordinate of this item.
getY(int) - Method in class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
Get the current y-coordinate of the given row.
getYDistortionFactor() - Method in class prefuse.action.distortion.FisheyeDistortion
Returns the distortion factor for the y-axis.
getYField() - Method in class prefuse.action.layout.SpecifiedLayout
Get the field to lookup to set the y-coordinate.
getYMagnification() - Method in class prefuse.action.distortion.BifocalDistortion
Returns the magnification factor for the y-axis.
getYRange() - Method in class prefuse.action.distortion.BifocalDistortion
Returns the range of the focal area along the y-axis.
Graph - Class in prefuse.data
A Graph models a network of nodes connected by a collection of edges.
Graph() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.Graph
Creates a new, empty undirected Graph.
Graph(boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.Graph
Creates a new, empty Graph.
Graph(Table, boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.Graph
Create a new Graph using the provided table of node data and an empty set of edges.
Graph(Table, boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.Graph
Create a new Graph using the provided table of node data and an empty set of edges.
Graph(Table, Table, boolean) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.Graph
Create a new Graph, using node table row numbers to uniquely identify nodes in the edge table's source and target fields.
Graph(Table, Table, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.Graph
Create a new Graph, using node table row numbers to uniquely identify nodes in the edge table's source and target fields.
Graph(Table, Table, boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class prefuse.data.Graph
Create a new Graph.
GRAPH - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.io.GraphMLReader.Tokens
Graph.Listener - Class in prefuse.data
Listener class for tracking updates from node and edge tables, and their columns that determine the graph linkage structure.
Graph.Listener() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.Graph.Listener
graphChanged(Graph, String, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface prefuse.data.event.GraphListener
Notification that a graph has changed.
graphChanged(Graph, String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class prefuse.util.ui.JPrefuseTree.PrefuseTreeModel
GraphDistanceFilter - Class in prefuse.action.filter
Filter Action that sets visible all items within a specified graph distance from a set of focus items; all other items will be set to invisible.
GraphDistanceFilter(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.filter.GraphDistanceFilter
Create a new GraphDistanceFilter that processes the given data group and uses a graph distance of 1.
GraphDistanceFilter(String, int) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.filter.GraphDistanceFilter
Create a new GraphDistanceFilter that processes the given data group and uses the given graph distance.
GraphDistanceFilter(String, String, int) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.filter.GraphDistanceFilter
Create a new GraphDistanceFilter that processes the given data group and uses the given graph distance.
GraphicsLib - Class in prefuse.util
Library of useful computer graphics routines such as geometry routines for computing the intersection of different shapes and rendering methods for computing bounds and performing optimized drawing.
GraphicsLib() - Constructor for class prefuse.util.GraphicsLib
GraphLib - Class in prefuse.util
Library routines for creating various Graph structures.
GraphListener - Interface in prefuse.data.event
Listner interface for monitoring changes to a graph or tree structure.
GRAPHML - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.io.GraphMLWriter.Tokens
GRAPHML_HEADER - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.io.GraphMLWriter.Tokens
GraphMLReader - Class in prefuse.data.io
GraphReader instance that reads in graph file formatted using the GraphML file format.
GraphMLReader() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.io.GraphMLReader
GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler - Class in prefuse.data.io
A SAX Parser for GraphML data files.
GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.io.GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler
GraphMLReader.Tokens - Interface in prefuse.data.io
String tokens used in the GraphML format.
GraphMLWriter - Class in prefuse.data.io
GraphWriter instance that writes a graph file formatted using the GraphML file format.
GraphMLWriter() - Constructor for class prefuse.data.io.GraphMLWriter
GraphMLWriter.Tokens - Interface in prefuse.data.io
String tokens used in the GraphML format.
GraphReader - Interface in prefuse.data.io
nterface for classes that read in Graph or Tree data from a particular file format.
GraphWriter - Interface in prefuse.data.io
Interface for classes that write Graph data to a particular file format.
GRAVITATIONAL_CONST - Static variable in class prefuse.util.force.CircularWallForce
GRAVITATIONAL_CONST - Static variable in class prefuse.util.force.GravitationalForce
GRAVITATIONAL_CONST - Static variable in class prefuse.util.force.NBodyForce
GRAVITATIONAL_CONST - Static variable in class prefuse.util.force.WallForce
GravitationalForce - Class in prefuse.util.force
Represents a constant gravitational force, like the pull of gravity for an object on the Earth (F = mg).
GravitationalForce(float, float) - Constructor for class prefuse.util.force.GravitationalForce
Create a new GravitationForce.
GravitationalForce() - Constructor for class prefuse.util.force.GravitationalForce
Create a new GravitationalForce with default gravitational constant and direction.
gray(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get the color code for the given grayscale value.
gray(int, int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get the color code for the given grayscale value.
green(int) - Static method in class prefuse.util.ColorLib
Get the green component of the given color.
GridLayout - Class in prefuse.action.layout
Implements a uniform grid-based layout.
GridLayout(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.GridLayout
Create a new GridLayout without preset dimensions.
GridLayout(String, int, int) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.layout.GridLayout
Create a new GridLayout using the specified grid dimensions.
GroupAction - Class in prefuse.action
An Action that can be parameterized to process a particular group of items.
GroupAction() - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes all groups.
GroupAction(Visualization) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes all groups.
GroupAction(Visualization, long) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes all groups.
GroupAction(Visualization, long, long) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes all groups.
GroupAction(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes the specified group.
GroupAction(String, long) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes the specified group.
GroupAction(String, long, long) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes the specified group.
GroupAction(Visualization, String) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes the specified group.
GroupAction(Visualization, String, long) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes the specified group.
GroupAction(Visualization, String, long, long) - Constructor for class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Create a new GroupAction that processes the specified group.
GroupExpression - Class in prefuse.visual.expression
Abstract base class for Expression instances dealing with data groups within a Visualization.
GroupExpression() - Constructor for class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupExpression
Create a new GroupExpression.
GroupExpression(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupExpression
Create a new GroupExpression over the given group name.
GroupSizeFunction - Class in prefuse.visual.expression
GroupExpression that returns the size of a data group.
GroupSizeFunction() - Constructor for class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
Create a new, uninitialized GroupSizeFunction.
GroupSizeFunction(String) - Constructor for class prefuse.visual.expression.GroupSizeFunction
Create a new GroupSizeFunction using the given data group name as the Function parameter.
grow(double) - Method in class prefuse.util.display.Clip
Grow the clip width and height by the given value.
growPolygon(float[], int, float) - Static method in class prefuse.util.GraphicsLib
Expand a polygon by adding the given distance along the line from the centroid of the polyong.
GT - Static variable in class prefuse.data.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Indicates a greater-than comparison.
GT - Static variable in interface prefuse.data.expression.parser.ExpressionParserConstants
GTEQ - Static variable in class prefuse.data.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Indicates a greater-than-or-equals comparison.

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