Package prefuse.action.layout.graph

Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data.


Class Summary
BalloonTreeLayout Layout that computes a circular "balloon-tree" layout of a tree.
BalloonTreeLayout.Params Wrapper class holding parameters used for each node in this layout.
ForceDirectedLayout Layout that positions graph elements based on a physics simulation of interacting forces; by default, nodes repel each other, edges act as springs, and drag forces (similar to air resistance) are applied.
FruchtermanReingoldLayout Layout instance implementing the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm for force-directed placement of graph nodes.
FruchtermanReingoldLayout.Params Wrapper class holding parameters used for each node in this layout.
NodeLinkTreeLayout TreeLayout that computes a tidy layout of a node-link tree diagram.
NodeLinkTreeLayout.Params Wrapper class holding parameters used for each node in this layout.
RadialTreeLayout TreeLayout instance that computes a radial layout, laying out subsequent depth levels of a tree on circles of progressively increasing radius.
RadialTreeLayout.Params Wrapper class holding parameters used for each node in this layout.
SquarifiedTreeMapLayout TreeLayout instance computing a TreeMap layout that optimizes for low aspect ratios of visualized tree nodes.
TreeLayout Abstract base class providing convenience methods for tree layout algorithms.

Package prefuse.action.layout.graph Description

Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data. All tree layouts can be used on non-tree Graphs; a spanning tree of the graph will be requested using the Graph.getSpanningTree() method.

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