Class PrefuseLib

  extended by prefuse.util.PrefuseLib

public class PrefuseLib
extends java.lang.Object

General library routines used by the prefuse toolkit.

jeffrey heer

Field Summary
static java.lang.String FIELD_PREFIX
          Prefix for visualization-specific data fields, such as those used by VisualItem; the default is a single underscore (_).
Method Summary
static double distance(VisualItem vi1, VisualItem vi2)
          Get the distance between the x,y points of two VisualItems.
static Schema getAxisLabelSchema()
          Get the VisualItem Schema used for axis tick marks and labels.
static java.lang.String getChildGroup(java.lang.String group)
          Get the tail group name of a child group, stripping all but the bottom-level group from the group name (e.g., graph.nodes --> nodes).
static java.lang.String getDisplayStats(Display d)
          Returns a string showing debugging info such as number of visualized items and the current frame rate.
static java.lang.String getEndField(java.lang.String field)
          For a given interpolated field name, get the name of the end field.
static java.lang.String getGroupName(java.lang.String parent, java.lang.String child)
          Get the group name for the given parent and child group, simply concatenating them together with a group delimiter in between.
static java.lang.String getMemoryUsageInKB()
          Get a String showing current JVM memory usage in kilobytes.
static java.lang.String getMemoryUsageInMB()
          Get a String showing current JVM memory usage in megabytes.
static Schema getMinimalVisualSchema()
          Get the minimal Schema needed for a unique VisualItem.
static java.lang.String getParentGroup(java.lang.String group)
          Get the parent group string of a child group, stripping off the bottom-level group from the group name (e.g., graph.nodes --> graph).
static double getSize2D(double size)
          Returns a scale factor by which to scale a 2D shape to grow the area by the desired input size value.
static java.lang.String getStartField(java.lang.String field)
          For a given interpolated field name, get the name of the start field.
static Schema getVisualItemSchema()
          Get an instance of the default Schema used for VisualItem instances.
static boolean isChildGroup(java.lang.String group)
          Indicates if a group is a child group, a non-top-level data group in a set of nested data groups (e.g., the node or edge table of a graph or tree).
static void setX(VisualItem item, VisualItem referrer, double x)
          Update the x-coordinate of an item.
static void setY(VisualItem item, VisualItem referrer, double y)
          Update the y-coordinate of an item.
static void update(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void updateBoolean(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, boolean b)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void updateDouble(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, double val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void updateFloat(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, float val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void updateInt(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, int val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void updateLong(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, long val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void updateVisible(VisualItem item, boolean val)
          Update the visibility of an item.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String FIELD_PREFIX
Prefix for visualization-specific data fields, such as those used by VisualItem; the default is a single underscore (_).

Method Detail


public static java.lang.String getMemoryUsageInKB()
Get a String showing current JVM memory usage in kilobytes.

the memory usage String in KB


public static java.lang.String getMemoryUsageInMB()
Get a String showing current JVM memory usage in megabytes.

the memory usage String in MB


public static java.lang.String getDisplayStats(Display d)
Returns a string showing debugging info such as number of visualized items and the current frame rate.

the debug string


public static double getSize2D(double size)
Returns a scale factor by which to scale a 2D shape to grow the area by the desired input size value. This is used to scale shapes by total pixel area, rather than scaling each dimension by the size value itself, which grows the pixel area quadratically rather than linearly.


public static double distance(VisualItem vi1,
                              VisualItem vi2)
Get the distance between the x,y points of two VisualItems.

vi1 - the first VisualItem
vi2 - the second VisualItem
the distance between the items' x,y coordinates


public static void update(VisualItem item,
                          java.lang.String field,
                          java.lang.Object val)
Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values). The current value will become the new starting value, while the given value will become the new current and ending values.

item - the VisualItem to update
field - the base field to update, start and ending fields will also be updated, too.
val - the value to set


public static void updateInt(VisualItem item,
                             java.lang.String field,
                             int val)
Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values). The current value will become the new starting value, while the given value will become the new current and ending values.

item - the VisualItem to update
field - the base field to update, start and ending fields will also be updated, too.
val - the value to set


public static void updateLong(VisualItem item,
                              java.lang.String field,
                              long val)
Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values). The current value will become the new starting value, while the given value will become the new current and ending values.

item - the VisualItem to update
field - the base field to update, start and ending fields will also be updated, too.
val - the value to set


public static void updateFloat(VisualItem item,
                               java.lang.String field,
                               float val)
Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values). The current value will become the new starting value, while the given value will become the new current and ending values.

item - the VisualItem to update
field - the base field to update, start and ending fields will also be updated, too.
val - the value to set


public static void updateDouble(VisualItem item,
                                java.lang.String field,
                                double val)
Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values). The current value will become the new starting value, while the given value will become the new current and ending values.

item - the VisualItem to update
field - the base field to update, start and ending fields will also be updated, too.
val - the value to set


public static void updateBoolean(VisualItem item,
                                 java.lang.String field,
                                 boolean b)
Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values). The current value will become the new starting value, while the given value will become the new current and ending values.

item - the VisualItem to update
field - the base field to update, start and ending fields will also be updated, too.
b - the value to set


public static void updateVisible(VisualItem item,
                                 boolean val)
Update the visibility of an item. The current visibility will become the new starting visibility, while the given visibility value will become the new current and ending visibility.

item - the VisualItem to update
val - the visibility value to set


public static void setX(VisualItem item,
                        VisualItem referrer,
                        double x)
Update the x-coordinate of an item. The current x value will become the new starting x value, while the given value will become the new current x and ending x values. This method also supports an optional referrer item, whose x coordinate will become the new starting x coordinate of item if item's current x value is NaN.

item - the VisualItem to update
referrer - an optional referrer VisualItem
x - the x value to set


public static void setY(VisualItem item,
                        VisualItem referrer,
                        double y)
Update the y-coordinate of an item. The current y value will become the new starting y value, while the given value will become the new current x and ending y values. This method also supports an optional referrer item, whose y coordinate will become the new starting y coordinate of item if item's current x value is NaN.

item - the VisualItem to update
referrer - an optional referrer VisualItem
y - the y value to set


public static boolean isChildGroup(java.lang.String group)
Indicates if a group is a child group, a non-top-level data group in a set of nested data groups (e.g., the node or edge table of a graph or tree).

true if the group is a nested, or child, group


public static java.lang.String getParentGroup(java.lang.String group)
Get the parent group string of a child group, stripping off the bottom-level group from the group name (e.g., graph.nodes --> graph).

group - the group name
the stripped parent group name


public static java.lang.String getChildGroup(java.lang.String group)
Get the tail group name of a child group, stripping all but the bottom-level group from the group name (e.g., graph.nodes --> nodes).

group - the group name
the stripped child group name


public static java.lang.String getGroupName(java.lang.String parent,
                                            java.lang.String child)
Get the group name for the given parent and child group, simply concatenating them together with a group delimiter in between.

parent - the parent group name
child - the child group name
the combined group name


public static java.lang.String getStartField(java.lang.String field)
For a given interpolated field name, get the name of the start field.

field - the data field
the starting field for the interpolated column


public static java.lang.String getEndField(java.lang.String field)
For a given interpolated field name, get the name of the end field.

field - the data field
the ending field for the interpolated column


public static Schema getVisualItemSchema()
Get an instance of the default Schema used for VisualItem instances. Contains all the data members commonly used to model a visual element, such as x,y position, stroke, fill, and text, colors, size, font, and validated, visibility, interactive, fixed, highlight, and mouse hover fields.

the VisualItem data Schema


public static Schema getMinimalVisualSchema()
Get the minimal Schema needed for a unique VisualItem. Can be useful for derived groups that inherit other visual properties from a another visual data group.

the minimal VisualItem data Schema


public static Schema getAxisLabelSchema()
Get the VisualItem Schema used for axis tick marks and labels. Extends the VisualItem Schema with an additional end-point coordinate, a String label field, and numeric value field for storing the value which the axis label corresponds to.

the Schema for axis tick marks and labels.

Copyright © 2007 Regents of the University of California