Class VisualTable

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by prefuse.visual.VisualTable
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, ColumnListener, TupleSet, VisualTupleSet
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class VisualTable
extends CascadedTable
implements VisualTupleSet

A visual abstraction of a Table data structure. Serves as a backing table for VisualItem tuples. VisualTable dervies from CascadedTable, so can inherit another table's values. Commonly, a VisualTable is used to take a raw data table and "strap" visual properties on top of it. VisualTables should not be created directly, they are created automatically by adding data to a Visualization, for example by using the Visualization.addTable(String, Table) method.

jeffrey heer

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
m_colFilter, m_listener, m_parent, m_pnames, m_rowFilter
Fields inherited from class
m_columns, m_entries, m_lastCol, m_listeners, m_modCount, m_names, m_rows, m_schema, m_tuples
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
VisualTable(Table parent, Visualization vis, java.lang.String group)
          Create a new VisualTable.
VisualTable(Table parent, Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate rowFilter)
          Create a new VisualTable.
VisualTable(Table parent, Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate rowFilter, Schema schema)
          Create a new VisualTable.
VisualTable(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group)
          Create a new VisualTable without a parent table.
VisualTable(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Schema schema)
          Create a new VisualTable without a parent table.
VisualTable(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Schema schema, java.lang.Class tupleType)
          Create a new VisualTable without a parent table.
Method Summary
 VisualItem addItem()
          Add a new row to the table and return the VisualItem for that row.
protected  void fireTableEvent(int row0, int row1, int col, int type)
          Relay table events.
 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBounds(int row)
          Returns the bounds for the VisualItem at the given row index.
 double getDOI(int row)
          Get the degree-of-interest (DOI) value.
 int getEndFillColor(int row)
          Get the ending fill color of the row.
 java.awt.Font getEndFont(int row)
          Get the ending font for the row.
 double getEndSize(int row)
          Get the ending size value of the row.
 int getEndStrokeColor(int row)
          Get the ending stroke color of the row.
 int getEndTextColor(int row)
          Get the ending text color of the row.
 double getEndX(int row)
          Get the ending x-coordinate of the given row.
 double getEndY(int row)
          Get the ending y-coordinate of the given row.
 int getFillColor(int row)
          Get the current fill color of the row.
 java.awt.Font getFont(int row)
          Get the current font for the row.
 java.lang.String getGroup()
          Get the visualization data group name for this table
 VisualItem getItem(int row)
          Get the VisualItem for the given table row.
 int getShape(int row)
          Get the current shape value of the row.
 double getSize(int row)
          Get the current size value of the row.
 int getStartFillColor(int row)
          Get the starting fill color of the row.
 java.awt.Font getStartFont(int row)
          Get the starting font for the row.
 double getStartSize(int row)
          Get the starting size value of the row.
 int getStartStrokeColor(int row)
          Get the starting stroke color of the row.
 int getStartTextColor(int row)
          Get the starting text color of the row.
 double getStartX(int row)
          Get the starting x-coordinate of the given row.
 double getStartY(int row)
          Get the starting y-coordinate of the given row.
 java.awt.BasicStroke getStroke(int row)
          Get the current stroke used to draw lines and shape outlines for the item at the given row.
 int getStrokeColor(int row)
          Get the current stroke color of the row.
 int getTextColor(int row)
          Get the current text color of the row.
 Visualization getVisualization()
          Get the Visualization associated with this VisualTupleSet.
 double getX(int row)
          Get the current x-coordinate of the given row.
 double getY(int row)
          Get the current y-coordinate of the given row.
protected  void init(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Schema schema)
          Initialize this VisualTable
 boolean isEndVisible(int row)
          Indictes if the end visible flag is set to true.
 boolean isExpanded(int row)
          Indicates the given row is expanded.
 boolean isFixed(int row)
          Indicates if the given row is fixed, and so will not have its position changed by any layout or distortion actions.
 boolean isHighlighted(int row)
          Indicates if the given row is highlighted.
 boolean isHover(int row)
          Indicates if the given row currently has the mouse pointer over it.
 boolean isInteractive(int row)
          Indicates if this item is interactive, meaning it can potentially respond to mouse and keyboard input events.
 boolean isStartVisible(int row)
          Indicates if the start visible flag is set to true.
 boolean isValidated(int row)
          Indicates if the given row is currently validated.
 boolean isVisible(int row)
          Indicates if the given row is currently set to be visible.
 void setBounds(int row, double x, double y, double w, double h)
          Set the bounding box for an item.
 void setDOI(int row, double doi)
          Set the degree-of-interest (DOI) value.
 void setEndFillColor(int row, int color)
          Set the ending fill color of the row.
 void setEndFont(int row, java.awt.Font font)
          Set the ending font for the row.
 void setEndSize(int row, double size)
          Set the ending size value of the row.
 void setEndStrokeColor(int row, int color)
          Set the ending stroke color of the row.
 void setEndTextColor(int row, int color)
          Set the ending text color of the row.
 void setEndVisible(int row, boolean value)
          Set the end visible flag.
 void setEndX(int row, double x)
          Set the ending x-coordinate of the given row.
 void setEndY(int row, double y)
          Set the ending y-coordinate of the given row.
 void setExpanded(int row, boolean value)
          Set the expanded flag.
 void setFillColor(int row, int color)
          Set the current fill color of the row.
 void setFixed(int row, boolean value)
          Sets if the given row is fixed in its position.
 void setFont(int row, java.awt.Font font)
          Set the current font for the the row.
 void setGroup(java.lang.String group)
          Set the visualization data group name for this table
 void setHighlighted(int row, boolean value)
          Set the highlighted status of the given row.
 void setHover(int row, boolean value)
          Set the hover flag.
 void setInteractive(int row, boolean value)
          Set the interactive status of the given row.
 void setShape(int row, int shape)
          Set the current shape value of the row.
 void setSize(int row, double size)
          Set the current size value of the row.
 void setStartFillColor(int row, int color)
          Set the starting fill color of the row.
 void setStartFont(int row, java.awt.Font font)
          Set the starting font for the row.
 void setStartSize(int row, double size)
          Set the starting size value of the row.
 void setStartStrokeColor(int row, int color)
          Set the starting stroke color of the row.
 void setStartTextColor(int row, int color)
          Set the starting text color of the row.
 void setStartVisible(int row, boolean value)
          Set the start visible flag.
 void setStartX(int row, double x)
          Set the starting x-coordinate of the given row.
 void setStartY(int row, double y)
          Set the starting y-coordinate of the given row.
 void setStroke(int row, java.awt.BasicStroke stroke)
          Set the current stroke used to draw lines and shape outlines.
 void setStrokeColor(int row, int color)
          Set the current stroke color of the row.
 void setTextColor(int row, int color)
          Set the current text color of the row.
 void setValidated(int row, boolean value)
          Set the given row's validated flag.
 void setVisible(int row, boolean value)
          Set the given row's visibility.
 void setVisualization(Visualization vis)
          Set the visualization associated with this VisualTable
 void setX(int row, double x)
          Set the current x-coordinate of the given row.
 void setY(int row, double y)
          Set the current y-coordinate of the given row.
Methods inherited from class
addCascadedRow, addRow, addRows, filterColumns, filterRows, getChildRow, getColumn, getColumnCount, getColumnName, getColumnNames, getColumnNumber, getColumnProjection, getLocalColumnCount, getParentRow, getParentTable, getRowFilter, hasColumn, invalidateSchema, removeCascadedRow, removeRow, setColumnProjection, setRowFilter
Methods inherited from class
addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addConstantColumn, addTableListener, addTuple, canGet, canGetBoolean, canGetDate, canGetDouble, canGetFloat, canGetInt, canGetLong, canGetString, canSet, canSetBoolean, canSetDate, canSetDouble, canSetFloat, canSetInt, canSetLong, canSetString, clear, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, containsTuple, get, get, getBoolean, getBoolean, getColumn, getColumnNumber, getColumnRow, getColumns, getColumnType, getColumnType, getDate, getDate, getDefault, getDouble, getDouble, getFloat, getFloat, getIndex, getIndex, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getMaximumRow, getMetadata, getMinimumRow, getModificationCount, getRowCount, getSchema, getString, getString, getTableRow, getTuple, getTupleCount, handleColumnChanged, index, isAddColumnSupported, isCellEditable, isValidRow, iterator, iterator, rangeSortedBy, rangeSortedBy, rangeSortedBy, rangeSortedBy, rangeSortedBy, remove, removeAllTableListeners, removeColumn, removeColumn, removeColumn, removeIndex, removeTableListener, removeTuple, renumberColumns, revertToDefault, rows, rows, rows, rowsSortedBy, select, set, set, setBoolean, setBoolean, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setString, setString, setTuple, setTupleManager, toString, tuples, tuples, tuplesReversed, updateRowCount
Methods inherited from class
addColumns, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addTupleSetListener, fireTupleEvent, fireTupleEvent, fireTupleEvent, getClientProperty, putClientProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeTupleSetListener, tuples, tuples
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumns, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addTuple, addTupleSetListener, clear, containsTuple, getClientProperty, getTupleCount, isAddColumnSupported, putClientProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeTuple, removeTupleSetListener, setTuple, tuples, tuples, tuples

Constructor Detail


public VisualTable(Table parent,
                   Visualization vis,
                   java.lang.String group)
Create a new VisualTable.

parent - the parent table whose values this table should inherit
vis - the Visualization associated with this table
group - the data group of this table


public VisualTable(Table parent,
                   Visualization vis,
                   java.lang.String group,
                   Predicate rowFilter)
Create a new VisualTable.

parent - the parent table whose values this table should inherit
vis - the Visualization associated with this table
group - the data group of this table
rowFilter - a predicate determing which rows of the parent table should be inherited by this table and which should be filtered out


public VisualTable(Table parent,
                   Visualization vis,
                   java.lang.String group,
                   Predicate rowFilter,
                   Schema schema)
Create a new VisualTable.

parent - the parent table whose values this table should inherit
vis - the Visualization associated with this table
group - the data group of this table
rowFilter - a predicate determing which rows of the parent table should be inherited by this table and which should be filtered out
schema - the data schema to use for the table's local columns


public VisualTable(Visualization vis,
                   java.lang.String group)
Create a new VisualTable without a parent table.

vis - the Visualization associated with this table
group - the data group of this table


public VisualTable(Visualization vis,
                   java.lang.String group,
                   Schema schema)
Create a new VisualTable without a parent table.

vis - the Visualization associated with this table
group - the data group of this table
schema - the data schema to use for the table's local columns


public VisualTable(Visualization vis,
                   java.lang.String group,
                   Schema schema,
                   java.lang.Class tupleType)
Create a new VisualTable without a parent table.

vis - the Visualization associated with this table
group - the data group of this table
schema - the data schema to use for the table's local columns
tupleType - the type of Tuple instances to use
Method Detail


protected void init(Visualization vis,
                    java.lang.String group,
                    Schema schema)
Initialize this VisualTable

vis - the Visualization associated with this table
group - the data group of this table
schema - the data schema to use for the table's local columns


protected void fireTableEvent(int row0,
                              int row1,
                              int col,
                              int type)
Relay table events. Ensures that updated visual items are invalidated and that damage reports are issued for deleted items.

fireTableEvent in class Table
row0 - the starting row of the modified range
row1 - the ending row (inclusive) of the modified range
col - the number of the column modified, or EventConstants.ALL_COLUMNS for operations effecting all columns.
type - the table modification type, one of EventConstants.INSERT, EventConstants.DELETE, or EventConstants.UPDATE.


public Visualization getVisualization()
Description copied from interface: VisualTupleSet
Get the Visualization associated with this VisualTupleSet.

Specified by:
getVisualization in interface VisualTupleSet
the Visualization instance
See Also:


public void setVisualization(Visualization vis)
Set the visualization associated with this VisualTable

vis - the visualization to set


public java.lang.String getGroup()
Get the visualization data group name for this table

Specified by:
getGroup in interface VisualTupleSet
the data group name


public void setGroup(java.lang.String group)
Set the visualization data group name for this table

group - the data group name to use


public VisualItem getItem(int row)
Get the VisualItem for the given table row.

row - a table row index
the VisualItem for the given table row


public VisualItem addItem()
Add a new row to the table and return the VisualItem for that row. Only allowed if there is no parent table, otherwise an exception will result.

the VisualItem for the newly added table row.


public boolean isValidated(int row)
Indicates if the given row is currently validated. If not, validateBounds() must be run to update the bounds to a current value.

row - the table row
true if validated, false otherwise


public void setValidated(int row,
                         boolean value)
Set the given row's validated flag. This is for internal use by prefuse and, in general, should not be called by application code.

row - the table row to set
value - the value of the validated flag to set.


public boolean isVisible(int row)
Indicates if the given row is currently set to be visible. Items with the visible flag set false will not be drawn by a display. Invisible items are also by necessity not interactive, regardless of the value of the interactive flag.

row - the table row
true if visible, false if invisible


public void setVisible(int row,
                       boolean value)
Set the given row's visibility.

row - the table row to set
value - true to make the item visible, false otherwise.


public boolean isStartVisible(int row)
Indicates if the start visible flag is set to true. This is the visibility value consulted for the staring value of the visibility field at the beginning of an animated transition.

row - the table row
true if this item starts out visible, false otherwise.


public void setStartVisible(int row,
                            boolean value)
Set the start visible flag.

row - the table row to set
value - true to set the start visible flag, false otherwise


public boolean isEndVisible(int row)
Indictes if the end visible flag is set to true. This is the visibility value consulted for the ending value of the visibility field at the end of an animated transition.

row - the table row
true if this items ends visible, false otherwise.


public void setEndVisible(int row,
                          boolean value)
Set the end visible flag.

row - the table row to set
value - true to set the end visible flag, false otherwise


public boolean isInteractive(int row)
Indicates if this item is interactive, meaning it can potentially respond to mouse and keyboard input events.

row - the table row
true if the item is interactive, false otherwise


public void setInteractive(int row,
                           boolean value)
Set the interactive status of the given row.

row - the table row to set
value - true for interactive, false for non-interactive


public boolean isExpanded(int row)
Indicates the given row is expanded. Only used for items that are part of a graph structure.

row - the table row
true if expanded, false otherwise


public void setExpanded(int row,
                        boolean value)
Set the expanded flag.

row - the table row to set
value - true to set as expanded, false as collapsed.


public boolean isFixed(int row)
Indicates if the given row is fixed, and so will not have its position changed by any layout or distortion actions.

row - the table row
true if the item has a fixed position, false otherwise


public void setFixed(int row,
                     boolean value)
Sets if the given row is fixed in its position.

row - the table row to set
value - true to fix the item, false otherwise


public boolean isHighlighted(int row)
Indicates if the given row is highlighted.

row - the table row
true for highlighted, false for not highlighted


public void setHighlighted(int row,
                           boolean value)
Set the highlighted status of the given row. How higlighting values are interpreted by the system depends on the various processing actions set up for an application (e.g., how a ColorAction might assign colors based on the flag).

row - the table row to set
value - true to highlight the item, false for no highlighting.


public boolean isHover(int row)
Indicates if the given row currently has the mouse pointer over it.

row - the table row
true if the mouse pointer is over this item, false otherwise


public void setHover(int row,
                     boolean value)
Set the hover flag. This is set automatically by the prefuse framework, so should not need to be set explicitly by application code.

row - the table row to set
value - true to set the hover flag, false otherwise


public double getX(int row)
Get the current x-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row
the current x-coordinate


public void setX(int row,
                 double x)
Set the current x-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row to set
x - the new current x-coordinate


public double getY(int row)
Get the current y-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row
the current y-coordinate


public void setY(int row,
                 double y)
Set the current y-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row to set
y - the new current y-coordinate


public double getStartX(int row)
Get the starting x-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row
the starting x-coordinate


public void setStartX(int row,
                      double x)
Set the starting x-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row to set
x - the new starting x-coordinate


public double getStartY(int row)
Get the starting y-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row
the starting y-coordinate


public void setStartY(int row,
                      double y)
Set the starting y-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row to set
y - the new starting y-coordinate


public double getEndX(int row)
Get the ending x-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row
the ending x-coordinate


public void setEndX(int row,
                    double x)
Set the ending x-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row to set
x - the new ending x-coordinate


public double getEndY(int row)
Get the ending y-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row
the ending y-coordinate


public void setEndY(int row,
                    double y)
Set the ending y-coordinate of the given row.

row - the table row to set
y - the new ending y-coordinate


public java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBounds(int row)
Returns the bounds for the VisualItem at the given row index. The returned reference is for the actual bounds object used by the system -- do NOT directly edit the values in this returned object!! This will corrupt the state of the system.

row - the table row
the bounding box for the item at the given row


public void setBounds(int row,
                      double x,
                      double y,
                      double w,
                      double h)
Set the bounding box for an item. This method is used by Renderer modules when the bounds are validated, or set by processing Actions used in conjunction with Renderers that do not perform bounds management.

row - the table row to set
x - the minimum x-coordinate
y - the minimum y-coorindate
w - the width of this item
h - the height of this item
See Also:


public int getStrokeColor(int row)
Get the current stroke color of the row. The stroke color is used to draw lines and the outlines of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the current stroke color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setStrokeColor(int row,
                           int color)
Set the current stroke color of the row. The stroke color is used to draw lines and the outlines of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the current stroke color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public int getStartStrokeColor(int row)
Get the starting stroke color of the row. The stroke color is used to draw lines and the outlines of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the starting stroke color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setStartStrokeColor(int row,
                                int color)
Set the starting stroke color of the row. The stroke color is used to draw lines and the outlines of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the starting stroke color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public int getEndStrokeColor(int row)
Get the ending stroke color of the row. The stroke color is used to draw lines and the outlines of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the ending stroke color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setEndStrokeColor(int row,
                              int color)
Set the ending stroke color of the row. The stroke color is used to draw lines and the outlines of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the ending stroke color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public int getFillColor(int row)
Get the current fill color of the row. The fill color is used to fill the interior of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the current fill color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setFillColor(int row,
                         int color)
Set the current fill color of the row. The stroke color is used to fill the interior of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the current fill color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public int getStartFillColor(int row)
Get the starting fill color of the row. The fill color is used to fill the interior of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the starting fill color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setStartFillColor(int row,
                              int color)
Set the starting fill color of the row. The stroke color is used to fill the interior of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the starting fill color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public int getEndFillColor(int row)
Get the ending fill color of the row. The fill color is used to fill the interior of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the ending fill color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setEndFillColor(int row,
                            int color)
Set the ending fill color of the row. The stroke color is used to fill the interior of shapes. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the ending fill color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public int getTextColor(int row)
Get the current text color of the row. The text color is used to draw text strings for the item. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the current text color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setTextColor(int row,
                         int color)
Set the current text color of the row. The text color is used to draw text strings for the item. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the current text color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public int getStartTextColor(int row)
Get the starting text color of the row. The text color is used to draw text strings for the item. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the starting text color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setStartTextColor(int row,
                              int color)
Set the starting text color of the row. The text color is used to draw text strings for the item. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the starting text color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public int getEndTextColor(int row)
Get the ending text color of the row. The text color is used to draw text strings for the item. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row
the ending text color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public void setEndTextColor(int row,
                            int color)
Set the ending text color of the row. The text color is used to draw text strings for the item. Color values as represented as an integer containing the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) color channels. A color with a zero alpha component is fully transparent and will not be drawn.

row - the table row to set
color - the ending text color, represented as an integer
See Also:


public double getSize(int row)
Get the current size value of the row. Size values are typically used to scale an item, either in one-dimension (e.g., a bar chart length) or two-dimensions (e.g., using pixel area to encode a quantitative value).

row - the table row
the current size value


public void setSize(int row,
                    double size)
Set the current size value of the row. Size values are typically used to scale an item, either in one-dimension (e.g., a bar chart length) or two-dimensions (e.g., using pixel area to encode a quantitative value).

row - the table row to set
size - the current size value


public double getStartSize(int row)
Get the starting size value of the row. Size values are typically used to scale an item, either in one-dimension (e.g., a bar chart length) or two-dimensions (e.g., using pixel area to encode a quantitative value).

row - the table row
the starting size value


public void setStartSize(int row,
                         double size)
Set the starting size value of the row. Size values are typically used to scale an item, either in one-dimension (e.g., a bar chart length) or two-dimensions (e.g., using pixel area to encode a quantitative value).

row - the table row to set
size - the starting size value


public double getEndSize(int row)
Get the ending size value of the row. Size values are typically used to scale an item, either in one-dimension (e.g., a bar chart length) or two-dimensions (e.g., using pixel area to encode a quantitative value).

row - the table row
the ending size value


public void setEndSize(int row,
                       double size)
Set the ending size value of the row. Size values are typically used to scale an item, either in one-dimension (e.g., a bar chart length) or two-dimensions (e.g., using pixel area to encode a quantitative value).

row - the table row to set
size - the ending size value


public int getShape(int row)
Get the current shape value of the row. One of the SHAPE constants included in the Constants class. This value only has an effect if a Renderer that supports different shapes is used (e.g., ShapeRenderer.

row - the table row
the current shape value


public void setShape(int row,
                     int shape)
Set the current shape value of the row. One of the SHAPE constants included in the Constants class. This value only has an effect if a Renderer that supports different shapes is used (e.g., ShapeRenderer.

row - the table row to set
shape - the shape value to use


public java.awt.BasicStroke getStroke(int row)
Get the current stroke used to draw lines and shape outlines for the item at the given row.

the stroke used to draw lines and shape outlines


public void setStroke(int row,
                      java.awt.BasicStroke stroke)
Set the current stroke used to draw lines and shape outlines.

stroke - the stroke to use to draw lines and shape outlines


public java.awt.Font getFont(int row)
Get the current font for the row. The font is used as the default typeface for drawing text for this item.

row - the table row
the current font value


public void setFont(int row,
                    java.awt.Font font)
Set the current font for the the row. The font is used as the default typeface for drawing text for this item.

row - the table row to set
font - the current font value


public java.awt.Font getStartFont(int row)
Get the starting font for the row. The font is used as the default typeface for drawing text for this item.

row - the table row
the starting font value


public void setStartFont(int row,
                         java.awt.Font font)
Set the starting font for the row. The font is used as the default typeface for drawing text for this item.

row - the table row to set
font - the starting font value


public java.awt.Font getEndFont(int row)
Get the ending font for the row. The font is used as the default typeface for drawing text for this item.

row - the table row
the ending font value


public void setEndFont(int row,
                       java.awt.Font font)
Set the ending font for the row. The font is used as the default typeface for drawing text for this item.

row - the table row to set
font - the ending font value


public double getDOI(int row)
Get the degree-of-interest (DOI) value. The degree-of-interet is an optional value that can be used to sort items by importance, control item visibility, or influence particular visual encodings. A common example is to use the DOI to store the graph distance of a node from the nearest selected focus node.

row - the table row
the DOI value of this item


public void setDOI(int row,
                   double doi)
Set the degree-of-interest (DOI) value. The degree-of-interet is an optional value that can be used to sort items by importance, control item visibility, or influence particular visual encodings. A common example is to use the DOI to store the graph distance of a node from the nearest selected focus node.

row - the table row to set
doi - the DOI value of this item

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