Package prefuse.action.animate

Action modules for constructing animations.


Class Summary
ArrayAnimator Animator that inerpolates an array of numerical values.
AxisLabelAnimator Animator that interpolates positions, colors, and visibility status for metric axes.
ColorAnimator Animator that linearly interpolates between starting and ending colors for VisualItems during an animation.
FontAnimator Animator that interpolates between starting and ending Fonts for VisualItems during an animation.
LocationAnimator Animator that linearly interpolates between two positions.
PolarLocationAnimator Animator that interpolates between starting and ending display locations by linearly interpolating between polar coordinates.
QualityControlAnimator Animator that toggles rendering quality to allow for smooth animations but high quality rendering of still images.
SizeAnimator Animator that linearly interpolates the size of a VisualItems.
VisibilityAnimator Animator that interpolates the visibility status of VisualItems.

Package prefuse.action.animate Description

Action modules for constructing animations. Most Animator actions require an interpolated data fields--such that a backing data table has three columns, one each for start values, current values, and ending values. See Schema.addInterpolatedColumn(String, Class) for more.

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