Package prefuse.util.collections

Utility classes providing useful data structures not present in the Java Collections framework.


Interface Summary
BooleanIntSortedMap Sorted map that maps from a boolean key to an int value.
DoubleIntSortedMap Sorted map that maps from a double key to an int value.
FloatIntSortedMap Sorted map that maps from a float key to an int value.
IntIntSortedMap Sorted map that maps from an int key to an int value.
LongIntSortedMap Sorted map that maps from a long key to an int value.
ObjectIntSortedMap Sorted map that maps from an Object key to an int value.

Class Summary
AbstractHashMap Abstract base class for hash maps holding objects or primitive data types such as int, float, etc. as keys and/or values.
AbstractLiteralIterator Abstract base class for a LiteralIterator implementations.
AbstractTreeMap Abstract base class for red-black trees that map a key value to an int value.
BooleanIntBitSetMap Sorted map implementation using bit vectors to map from boolean keys to int values.
ByteArrayList A resizable array that maintains a list of byte values.
CompositeComparator Comparator that makes comparison using an ordered list of individual comparators;
CompositeIntIterator IntIterator implementation that combines the results of multiple int iterators.
CompositeIterator Iterator implementation that combines the results of multiple iterators.
CopyOnWriteArrayList A thread-safe variant of ArrayList in which all mutative operations (add, set, and so on) are implemented by making a fresh copy of the underlying array.
DefaultLiteralComparator Default LiteralComparator implementation that uses the natural ordering of all data types for comparing values.
DoubleIntTreeMap Sorted map implementation using a red-black tree to map from double keys to int values.
FloatIntTreeMap Sorted map implementation using a red-black tree to map from float keys to int values.
IntArrayIterator IntIterator implementation that provides an iteration over the contents of an int array.
IntIntTreeMap Sorted map implementation using a red-black tree to map from int keys to int values.
IntIterator Abstract LiteralIterator implementation that supports an iteration over int values.
IntObjectHashMap Hash map holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->Object); Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing with double hashing.
LongIntTreeMap Sorted map implementation using a red-black tree to map from long keys to int values.
NullComparator A do-nothing comparator that simply treats all objects as equal.
ObjectIntTreeMap Sorted map implementation using a red-black tree to map from Object keys to int values.
PrimeFinder Not of interest for users; only for implementors of hashtables.
Queue Maintains a breadth-first-search queue as well as depth labels.
SortedMapFactory Factory class that generates the appropriate IntSortedMap implementation given a key data type.

Exception Summary
IncompatibleComparatorException Exception indicating a comparator is incompatible with the data type to be compared.

Package prefuse.util.collections Description

Utility classes providing useful data structures not present in the Java Collections framework. This package includes Map implementations for various primitive types, a copy-on-write array list, and iterators supporting primitive types.

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