Class AggregateTable

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by prefuse.visual.VisualTable
                  extended by prefuse.visual.AggregateTable
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, ColumnListener, TupleSet, VisualTupleSet

public class AggregateTable
extends VisualTable

VisualTable instance that maintains visual items representing aggregates of items. This class maintains both a collection of AggregateItems and a mapping between AggregateItems and the VisualItems contained within those aggregates.

jeffrey heer

Nested Class Summary
protected  class AggregateTable.AggregatedIterator
          Iterator instance that iterates over the items contained in an aggregate.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String AGGREGATE
protected static Schema AGGREGATED_SCHEMA
protected  Table m_aggregated
          Table storing the 1->Many aggregation mappings
protected static java.lang.String MEMBER
protected static java.lang.String MEMBER_HASH
Fields inherited from class
m_colFilter, m_listener, m_parent, m_pnames, m_rowFilter
Fields inherited from class
m_columns, m_entries, m_lastCol, m_listeners, m_modCount, m_names, m_rows, m_schema, m_tuples
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
AggregateTable(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group)
          Create a new AggregateTable.
AggregateTable(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Schema schema)
          Create a new AggregateTable.
Method Summary
 void addToAggregate(int row, VisualItem member)
          Add an item to the aggregation at the given row.
 boolean aggregateContains(int row, VisualItem member)
          Indicates if an item is a member of the aggregate at the given row
 java.util.Iterator aggregatedTuples(int row)
          Get all VisualItems within the aggregate at the given table row.
protected  void clearAggregateMappings(int row, boolean update)
          Clears all aggregates mappings for the aggregate at the given row, optionally issuing a table update.
protected  void fireTableEvent(int row0, int row1, int col, int type)
          Clear all aggregate mappings for a row when it is deleted.
protected  int getAggregatedRow(int row, VisualItem member)
          Get the row index to the aggregate mapping table for the given aggregate and contained VisualItem.
 java.util.Iterator getAggregates(Tuple t)
          Get an iterator over all AggregateItems that contain the given Tuple.
 int getAggregateSize(int row)
          Get the size of the aggregate represented at the given table row.
protected  int getHashCode(Tuple t)
          Get a hashcode that uniquely identifies a particular tuple
 void removeAllFromAggregate(int row)
          Remove all items contained in the aggregate at the given row
 void removeFromAggregate(int row, VisualItem member)
          Remove an item from the aggregation at the given row
protected  boolean validRowCheck(int row, boolean throwException)
          Check a row for validity, optionally throwing an exception when an invalid row is found.
Methods inherited from class prefuse.visual.VisualTable
addItem, getBounds, getDOI, getEndFillColor, getEndFont, getEndSize, getEndStrokeColor, getEndTextColor, getEndX, getEndY, getFillColor, getFont, getGroup, getItem, getShape, getSize, getStartFillColor, getStartFont, getStartSize, getStartStrokeColor, getStartTextColor, getStartX, getStartY, getStroke, getStrokeColor, getTextColor, getVisualization, getX, getY, init, isEndVisible, isExpanded, isFixed, isHighlighted, isHover, isInteractive, isStartVisible, isValidated, isVisible, setBounds, setDOI, setEndFillColor, setEndFont, setEndSize, setEndStrokeColor, setEndTextColor, setEndVisible, setEndX, setEndY, setExpanded, setFillColor, setFixed, setFont, setGroup, setHighlighted, setHover, setInteractive, setShape, setSize, setStartFillColor, setStartFont, setStartSize, setStartStrokeColor, setStartTextColor, setStartVisible, setStartX, setStartY, setStroke, setStrokeColor, setTextColor, setValidated, setVisible, setVisualization, setX, setY
Methods inherited from class
addCascadedRow, addRow, addRows, filterColumns, filterRows, getChildRow, getColumn, getColumnCount, getColumnName, getColumnNames, getColumnNumber, getColumnProjection, getLocalColumnCount, getParentRow, getParentTable, getRowFilter, hasColumn, invalidateSchema, removeCascadedRow, removeRow, setColumnProjection, setRowFilter
Methods inherited from class
addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addConstantColumn, addTableListener, addTuple, canGet, canGetBoolean, canGetDate, canGetDouble, canGetFloat, canGetInt, canGetLong, canGetString, canSet, canSetBoolean, canSetDate, canSetDouble, canSetFloat, canSetInt, canSetLong, canSetString, clear, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, columnChanged, containsTuple, get, get, getBoolean, getBoolean, getColumn, getColumnNumber, getColumnRow, getColumns, getColumnType, getColumnType, getDate, getDate, getDefault, getDouble, getDouble, getFloat, getFloat, getIndex, getIndex, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getMaximumRow, getMetadata, getMinimumRow, getModificationCount, getRowCount, getSchema, getString, getString, getTableRow, getTuple, getTupleCount, handleColumnChanged, index, isAddColumnSupported, isCellEditable, isValidRow, iterator, iterator, rangeSortedBy, rangeSortedBy, rangeSortedBy, rangeSortedBy, rangeSortedBy, remove, removeAllTableListeners, removeColumn, removeColumn, removeColumn, removeIndex, removeTableListener, removeTuple, renumberColumns, revertToDefault, rows, rows, rows, rowsSortedBy, select, set, set, setBoolean, setBoolean, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setString, setString, setTuple, setTupleManager, toString, tuples, tuples, tuplesReversed, updateRowCount
Methods inherited from class
addColumns, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addTupleSetListener, fireTupleEvent, fireTupleEvent, fireTupleEvent, getClientProperty, putClientProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeTupleSetListener, tuples, tuples
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumn, addColumns, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addTuple, addTupleSetListener, clear, containsTuple, getClientProperty, getTupleCount, isAddColumnSupported, putClientProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeTuple, removeTupleSetListener, setTuple, tuples, tuples, tuples

Field Detail


protected Table m_aggregated
Table storing the 1->Many aggregation mappings


protected static final java.lang.String AGGREGATE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String MEMBER_HASH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String MEMBER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final Schema AGGREGATED_SCHEMA
Constructor Detail


public AggregateTable(Visualization vis,
                      java.lang.String group)
Create a new AggregateTable.

vis - the Visualization associated with the table
group - the data group the table contents belongs to


public AggregateTable(Visualization vis,
                      java.lang.String group,
                      Schema schema)
Create a new AggregateTable.

vis - the Visualization associated with the table
group - the data group the table contents belongs to
schema - the Schema to use for this table
Method Detail


public int getAggregateSize(int row)
Get the size of the aggregate represented at the given table row. Returns the number of visual items contained in the aggregation.

the aggregate size for the given row


public void addToAggregate(int row,
                           VisualItem member)
Add an item to the aggregation at the given row.

row - the row index of the aggregate
member - the item to add to the aggregation


public void removeFromAggregate(int row,
                                VisualItem member)
Remove an item from the aggregation at the given row

row - the row index of the aggregate
member - the item to remove from the aggregation


public void removeAllFromAggregate(int row)
Remove all items contained in the aggregate at the given row

row - the row index of the aggregate


protected void clearAggregateMappings(int row,
                                      boolean update)
Clears all aggregates mappings for the aggregate at the given row, optionally issuing a table update.

row - the table row of the aggregate
update - indicates whether or not to fire a table update


public boolean aggregateContains(int row,
                                 VisualItem member)
Indicates if an item is a member of the aggregate at the given row

row - the table row of the aggregate
member - the item to check from containment
true if the item is in the aggregate, false otherwise


protected int getAggregatedRow(int row,
                               VisualItem member)
Get the row index to the aggregate mapping table for the given aggregate and contained VisualItem.

row - the table row of the aggregate
member - the VisualItem to look up
the row index into the internal aggregate mapping table for the mapping between the given aggregate row and given VisualItem


public java.util.Iterator aggregatedTuples(int row)
Get all VisualItems within the aggregate at the given table row.

row - the table row of the aggregate
an iterator over the items in the aggregate


public java.util.Iterator getAggregates(Tuple t)
Get an iterator over all AggregateItems that contain the given Tuple.

t - the input tuple
an iterator over all AggregateItems that contain the input Tuple


protected int getHashCode(Tuple t)
Get a hashcode that uniquely identifies a particular tuple

t - the tuple to compute the hash for
a unique identifier for the tuple


protected boolean validRowCheck(int row,
                                boolean throwException)
Check a row for validity, optionally throwing an exception when an invalid row is found.

row - the row to check
throwException - indicates if an exception should be thrown when an invalid row is encountered
true if the row was valid, false otherwise


protected void fireTableEvent(int row0,
                              int row1,
                              int col,
                              int type)
Clear all aggregate mappings for a row when it is deleted.

fireTableEvent in class VisualTable
row0 - the starting row of the modified range
row1 - the ending row (inclusive) of the modified range
col - the number of the column modified, or EventConstants.ALL_COLUMNS for operations effecting all columns.
type - the table modification type, one of EventConstants.INSERT, EventConstants.DELETE, or EventConstants.UPDATE.

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