Package prefuse.util.display

Utility classes specific to the Display class.


Interface Summary
ItemBoundsListener Listener interface for monitoring changes to the space occupied by VisualItems within the space of a Display.
PaintListener Listener interface for monitoring paint events on a Display.

Class Summary
BackgroundPainter Paints a background image in a display.
Clip Represents a clipping rectangle in a prefuse Display.
DebugStatsPainter PinatListener that paints useful debugging statistics over a prefuse display.
DisplayLib Library routines pertaining to a prefuse Display.
ExportDisplayAction Swing ActionListener that reveals a dialog box that allows users to export the current Display view to an image file.
RenderingQueue A helper class representing rendering and picking queues.
ScaleSelector Swing widget which displays a preview image and helps select the scale for an exported image.

Package prefuse.util.display Description

Utility classes specific to the Display class.

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