
Text search support for prefix, keyword, and regular expression searches.


Class Summary
KeywordSearchTupleSet SearchTupleSet implementation that performs text searches on indexed Tuple data using the Lucene search engine.
LuceneSearcher Adapter class for interfacing with the Lucene search engine.
PrefixSearchTupleSet SearchTupleSet implementation supporting word prefix searches over indexed Tuple data fields.
RegexSearchTupleSet SearchTupleSet implementation that treats the query as a regular expression to match against all indexed Tuple data fields.
SearchTupleSet Abstract base class for TupleSet implementations that support text search.
Trie A trie data structure for fast-lookup of words based on their prefixes.

Package Description

Text search support for prefix, keyword, and regular expression searches. Each search engine type subclasses SearchTupleSet, an implementation of the TupleSet interface. Classes derived from SearchTupleSet (e.g., PrefixSearchTupleSet, KeywordSearchTupleSet, and RegexSearchTupleSet) can be instantiated and used directly or in conjunction with a SearchQueryBinding.

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