Class CollapsedSubtreeLayout

  extended by prefuse.activity.Activity
      extended by prefuse.action.Action
          extended by prefuse.action.GroupAction
              extended by prefuse.action.layout.Layout
                  extended by prefuse.action.layout.CollapsedSubtreeLayout

public class CollapsedSubtreeLayout
extends Layout

Layout Action that sets the positions for newly collapsed or newly expanded nodes of a tree. This action updates positions such that nodes flow out from their parents or collapse back into their parents upon animated transitions.

jeffrey heer

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class prefuse.action.layout.Layout
m_anchor, m_bounds, m_bpts, m_insets, m_margin, m_tmpa, m_tmpb
Fields inherited from class prefuse.action.GroupAction
Fields inherited from class prefuse.action.Action
Fields inherited from class prefuse.activity.Activity
Constructor Summary
CollapsedSubtreeLayout(java.lang.String group)
          Create a new CollapsedSubtreeLayout.
CollapsedSubtreeLayout(java.lang.String group, int orientation)
          Create a new CollapsedSubtreeLayout.
Method Summary
 int getOrientation()
          Get the layout orientation, determining which point nodes will collapse or exapnd from.
 void run(double frac)
          Runs this Action, triggering whatever processing this Action performs.
 void setOrientation(int orientation)
          Set the layout orientation, determining which point nodes will collapse or exapnd from.
Methods inherited from class prefuse.action.layout.Layout
getLayoutAnchor, getLayoutBounds, setLayoutAnchor, setLayoutBounds, setMargin, setX, setY
Methods inherited from class prefuse.action.GroupAction
getGroup, setGroup
Methods inherited from class prefuse.action.Action
getVisualization, run, setVisualization
Methods inherited from class prefuse.activity.Activity
addActivityListener, alwaysRunAfter, cancel, fireActivityCancelled, fireActivityFinished, fireActivityScheduled, fireActivityStarted, fireActivityStepped, getDuration, getNextTime, getPace, getPacingFunction, getStartTime, getStepTime, getStopTime, isEnabled, isRunning, isScheduled, removeActivityListener, run, runAfter, runAt, setDuration, setEnabled, setPacingFunction, setStartTime, setStepTime
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CollapsedSubtreeLayout(java.lang.String group)
Create a new CollapsedSubtreeLayout. By default, nodes will collapse to the center point of their parents.

group - the data group to layout (only newly collapsed or newly expanded items will be considered, as determined by their current visibility settings).


public CollapsedSubtreeLayout(java.lang.String group,
                              int orientation)
Create a new CollapsedSubtreeLayout.

group - the data group to layout (only newly collapsed or newly expanded items will be considered, as determined by their current visibility settings).
orientation - the layout orientation, determining which point nodes will collapse/expand from. Valid values are Constants.ORIENT_CENTER, Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT, Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT, Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM, and Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP.
Method Detail


public int getOrientation()
Get the layout orientation, determining which point nodes will collapse or exapnd from. Valid values are Constants.ORIENT_CENTER, Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT, Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT, Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM, and Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP.

the layout orientation


public void setOrientation(int orientation)
Set the layout orientation, determining which point nodes will collapse or exapnd from. Valid values are Constants.ORIENT_CENTER, Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT, Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT, Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM, and Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP.

orientation - the layout orientation to use


public void run(double frac)
Description copied from class: Action
Runs this Action, triggering whatever processing this Action performs. Subclass this method to create custom Actions.

Specified by:
run in class GroupAction
frac - the fraction of this Action's duration that has elapsed.
See Also:

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