Uses of Interface

Packages that use VisualItem
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.action A library of reusable and composable modules for performing data processing or assigning visual attributes. 
prefuse.action.animate Action modules for constructing animations. 
prefuse.action.assignment Action modules for assigning visual properties such as colors, sizes, and fonts. 
prefuse.action.layout Action modules providing layout algorithms for use by prefuse visualizations. 
prefuse.action.layout.graph Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data. 
prefuse.controls Control modules for incorporating interaction in prefuse Displays. 
prefuse.render Interfaces and modules for rendering VisualItems into a graphics context. 
prefuse.util Utility classes for use by both the toolkit and applications, including color and font support. 
prefuse.util.display Utility classes specific to the Display class. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.sort ItemSorter instances for determining the rendering order of VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.tuple Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. 

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse

Methods in prefuse that return VisualItem
 VisualItem Display.findItem(java.awt.Point p)
          Returns the VisualItem located at the given point.
 VisualItem Visualization.getVisualItem(java.lang.String group, Tuple t)
          Get the VisualItem associated with a source data tuple, if it exists.

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type VisualItem
 void Visualization.damageReport(VisualItem item, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D region)
          Report damage to associated displays, indicating a region that will need to be redrawn.
 void Display.editText(VisualItem item, java.lang.String attribute)
          Edit text for the given VisualItem and attribute.
 void Display.editText(VisualItem item, java.lang.String attribute, java.awt.Rectangle r)
          Edit text for the given VisualItem and field.
 Renderer Visualization.getRenderer(VisualItem item)
          Get the renderer for the given item.
 Tuple Visualization.getSourceTuple(VisualItem item)
          Get the Tuple from a backing source data set that corresponds most closely to the given VisualItem.
 boolean Visualization.isInGroup(VisualItem item, java.lang.String group)
          Indicates if a given VisualItem is contained in the given visual data group.
 void Display.renderImmediate(VisualItem item)
          Immediately render the given VisualItem to the screen.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.action

Methods in prefuse.action with parameters of type VisualItem
protected  java.lang.Object EncoderAction.lookup(VisualItem item)
          Lookup the value mapped to by the given item.
abstract  void ItemAction.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
          Processes an individual item.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.action.animate

Methods in prefuse.action.animate with parameters of type VisualItem
 void SizeAnimator.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void PolarLocationAnimator.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void LocationAnimator.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void FontAnimator.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void ColorAnimator.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void AxisLabelAnimator.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void ArrayAnimator.process(VisualItem item, double frac)

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.action.assignment

Methods in prefuse.action.assignment with parameters of type VisualItem
 int DataColorAction.getColor(VisualItem item)
 int ColorAction.getColor(VisualItem item)
          Returns a color value for the given item.
 java.awt.Font FontAction.getFont(VisualItem item)
          Returns the Font to use for a given VisualItem.
 int ShapeAction.getShape(VisualItem item)
          Returns a shape value for the given item.
 int DataShapeAction.getShape(VisualItem item)
 double SizeAction.getSize(VisualItem item)
          Returns a size value for the given item.
 double DataSizeAction.getSize(VisualItem item)
 java.awt.BasicStroke StrokeAction.getStroke(VisualItem item)
          Returns the stroke to use for a given VisualItem.
 void StrokeAction.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void SizeAction.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void ShapeAction.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void FontAction.process(VisualItem item, double frac)
 void ColorAction.process(VisualItem item, double frac)

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.action.layout

Methods in prefuse.action.layout with parameters of type VisualItem
protected  void AxisLabelLayout.reset(VisualItem item)
          Reset an axis label VisualItem
protected  void AxisLayout.set(VisualItem item, double frac)
          Set the layout position of an item.
protected  void AxisLabelLayout.set(VisualItem item, double xOrY, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D b)
          Set the layout values for an axis label item.
 void Layout.setX(VisualItem item, VisualItem referrer, double x)
          Convenience method for setting an x-coordinate.
 void Layout.setY(VisualItem item, VisualItem referrer, double y)
          Convenience method for setting an y-coordinate.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.action.layout.graph

Fields in prefuse.action.layout.graph declared as VisualItem
protected  VisualItem ForceDirectedLayout.referrer

Methods in prefuse.action.layout.graph that return VisualItem
 VisualItem ForceDirectedLayout.getReferrer()
          Get the referrer item to use to set x or y coordinates that are initialized to NaN.

Methods in prefuse.action.layout.graph with parameters of type VisualItem
protected  float ForceDirectedLayout.getMassValue(VisualItem n)
          Get the mass value associated with the given node.
 void ForceDirectedLayout.setReferrer(VisualItem referrer)
          Set the referrer item to use to set x or y coordinates that are initialized to NaN.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.controls

Fields in prefuse.controls declared as VisualItem
protected  VisualItem FocusControl.curFocus

Methods in prefuse.controls with parameters of type VisualItem
protected  boolean FocusControl.filterCheck(VisualItem item)
          Perform a filtering check on the input item.
 void ZoomToFitControl.itemClicked(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void FocusControl.itemClicked(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void ControlAdapter.itemClicked(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void Control.itemClicked(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a VisualItem.
 void ZoomControl.itemDragged(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void SubtreeDragControl.itemDragged(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void PanControl.itemDragged(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void DragControl.itemDragged(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void ControlAdapter.itemDragged(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void Control.itemDragged(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a VisualItem and then dragged.
 void AnchorUpdateControl.itemDragged(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void ToolTipControl.itemEntered(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void SubtreeDragControl.itemEntered(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void NeighborHighlightControl.itemEntered(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void HoverActionControl.itemEntered(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void FocusControl.itemEntered(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void DragControl.itemEntered(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void ControlAdapter.itemEntered(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void Control.itemEntered(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse enters a VisualItem.
 void ToolTipControl.itemExited(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void SubtreeDragControl.itemExited(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void NeighborHighlightControl.itemExited(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void HoverActionControl.itemExited(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void FocusControl.itemExited(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void DragControl.itemExited(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void ControlAdapter.itemExited(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void Control.itemExited(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse exits a VisualItem.
 void ControlAdapter.itemKeyPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
 void Control.itemKeyPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
          Invoked when a key has been pressed, while the mouse is over a VisualItem.
 void ControlAdapter.itemKeyReleased(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
 void Control.itemKeyReleased(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
          Invoked when a key has been released, while the mouse is over a VisualItem.
 void ControlAdapter.itemKeyTyped(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
 void Control.itemKeyTyped(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
          Invoked when a key has been typed, while the mouse is over a VisualItem.
 void ControlAdapter.itemMoved(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void Control.itemMoved(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse cursor has been moved onto a VisualItem but no buttons have been pushed.
 void AnchorUpdateControl.itemMoved(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void ZoomControl.itemPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void SubtreeDragControl.itemPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void PanControl.itemPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void DragControl.itemPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void ControlAdapter.itemPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void Control.itemPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a VisualItem.
 void ZoomControl.itemReleased(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void SubtreeDragControl.itemReleased(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void PanControl.itemReleased(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void DragControl.itemReleased(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void ControlAdapter.itemReleased(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void Control.itemReleased(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a VisualItem.
 void WheelZoomControl.itemWheelMoved(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent e)
 void ControlAdapter.itemWheelMoved(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent e)
 void Control.itemWheelMoved(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse wheel is rotated while the mouse is over a VisualItem.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.render

Methods in prefuse.render with parameters of type VisualItem
protected  void AbstractShapeRenderer.drawShape(java.awt.Graphics2D g, VisualItem item, java.awt.Shape shape)
          Draws the specified shape into the provided Graphics context, using stroke and fill color values from the specified VisualItem.
protected static void LabelRenderer.getAlignedPoint(java.awt.geom.Point2D p, VisualItem item, double w, double h, int xAlign, int yAlign)
          Helper method, which calculates the top-left co-ordinate of an item given the item's alignment.
protected  java.awt.Image LabelRenderer.getImage(VisualItem item)
          Get the image to include in the label for the given VisualItem.
protected  java.lang.String LabelRenderer.getImageLocation(VisualItem item)
          Returns a location string for the image to draw.
protected  double EdgeRenderer.getLineWidth(VisualItem item)
          Returns the line width to be used for this VisualItem.
protected  java.awt.Shape ShapeRenderer.getRawShape(VisualItem item)
protected  java.awt.Shape PolygonRenderer.getRawShape(VisualItem item)
protected  java.awt.Shape LabelRenderer.getRawShape(VisualItem item)
protected  java.awt.Shape EdgeRenderer.getRawShape(VisualItem item)
protected  java.awt.Shape AxisRenderer.getRawShape(VisualItem item)
protected abstract  java.awt.Shape AbstractShapeRenderer.getRawShape(VisualItem item)
          Return a non-transformed shape for the visual representation of the item.
 Renderer RendererFactory.getRenderer(VisualItem item)
          Return a Renderer instance to draw the given VisualItem.
 Renderer DefaultRendererFactory.getRenderer(VisualItem item)
          Return a Renderer instance for the input VisualItem.
 int EdgeRenderer.getRenderType(VisualItem item)
 int AbstractShapeRenderer.getRenderType(VisualItem item)
          Returns a value indicating if a shape is drawn by its outline, by a fill, or both.
 java.awt.Shape AbstractShapeRenderer.getShape(VisualItem item)
          Returns the shape describing the boundary of an item.
protected  java.awt.BasicStroke EdgeRenderer.getStroke(VisualItem item)
          Returns the stroke value returned by getStroke(), scaled by the current line width determined by the EdgeRenderer.getLineWidth(VisualItem) method.
protected  java.awt.BasicStroke AbstractShapeRenderer.getStroke(VisualItem item)
          Retursn the stroke to use for drawing lines and shape outlines.
protected  java.lang.String LabelRenderer.getText(VisualItem item)
          Returns the text to draw.
protected  java.awt.geom.AffineTransform EdgeRenderer.getTransform(VisualItem item)
protected  java.awt.geom.AffineTransform AbstractShapeRenderer.getTransform(VisualItem item)
          Return the graphics space transform applied to this item's shape, if any.
 boolean Renderer.locatePoint(java.awt.geom.Point2D p, VisualItem item)
          Returns true if the Point is located inside the extents of the item.
 boolean NullRenderer.locatePoint(java.awt.geom.Point2D p, VisualItem item)
 boolean EdgeRenderer.locatePoint(java.awt.geom.Point2D p, VisualItem item)
 boolean AxisRenderer.locatePoint(java.awt.geom.Point2D p, VisualItem item)
 boolean AbstractShapeRenderer.locatePoint(java.awt.geom.Point2D p, VisualItem item)
 void Renderer.render(java.awt.Graphics2D g, VisualItem item)
          Render item into a Graphics2D context.
 void NullRenderer.render(java.awt.Graphics2D g, VisualItem item)
 void LabelRenderer.render(java.awt.Graphics2D g, VisualItem item)
 void EdgeRenderer.render(java.awt.Graphics2D g, VisualItem item)
 void AxisRenderer.render(java.awt.Graphics2D g, VisualItem item)
 void AbstractShapeRenderer.render(java.awt.Graphics2D g, VisualItem item)
 void Renderer.setBounds(VisualItem item)
          Calculates and sets the bounding rectangle for an item.
 void NullRenderer.setBounds(VisualItem item)
 void EdgeRenderer.setBounds(VisualItem item)
 void AxisRenderer.setBounds(VisualItem item)
 void AbstractShapeRenderer.setBounds(VisualItem item)

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.util

Methods in prefuse.util with parameters of type VisualItem
static double PrefuseLib.distance(VisualItem vi1, VisualItem vi2)
          Get the distance between the x,y points of two VisualItems.
static void GraphicsLib.paint(java.awt.Graphics2D g, VisualItem item, java.awt.Shape shape, java.awt.BasicStroke stroke, int type)
          Render a shape associated with a VisualItem into a graphics context.
static void GraphicsLib.setBounds(VisualItem item, java.awt.Shape shape, java.awt.BasicStroke stroke)
          Sets a VisualItem's bounds based on its shape and stroke type.
static void PrefuseLib.setX(VisualItem item, VisualItem referrer, double x)
          Update the x-coordinate of an item.
static void PrefuseLib.setY(VisualItem item, VisualItem referrer, double y)
          Update the y-coordinate of an item.
static void PrefuseLib.update(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void PrefuseLib.updateBoolean(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, boolean b)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void PrefuseLib.updateDouble(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, double val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void PrefuseLib.updateFloat(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, float val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void PrefuseLib.updateInt(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, int val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void PrefuseLib.updateLong(VisualItem item, java.lang.String field, long val)
          Update the values in an interpolated column (a set of three columns representing a current value along with starting and ending values).
static void PrefuseLib.updateVisible(VisualItem item, boolean val)
          Update the visibility of an item.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.util.display

Fields in prefuse.util.display declared as VisualItem
 VisualItem[] RenderingQueue.pitems
 VisualItem[] RenderingQueue.ritems

Methods in prefuse.util.display with parameters of type VisualItem
 void RenderingQueue.addToPickingQueue(VisualItem item)
          Add an item to the picking queue.
 void RenderingQueue.addToRenderQueue(VisualItem item)
          Add an item to the rendering queue.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.visual

Subinterfaces of VisualItem in prefuse.visual
 interface AggregateItem
          VisualItem that represents an aggregation of one or more other VisualItems.
 interface DecoratorItem
          VisualItem that "decorates" another VisualItem.
 interface EdgeItem
          VisualItem that represents an edge in a graph.
 interface NodeItem
          VisualItem that represents a node in a graph.

Methods in prefuse.visual that return VisualItem
 VisualItem VisualTable.addItem()
          Add a new row to the table and return the VisualItem for that row.
 VisualItem DecoratorItem.getDecoratedItem()
          Get the VisualItem that this item is decorating.
 VisualItem VisualTable.getItem(int row)
          Get the VisualItem for the given table row.

Methods in prefuse.visual with parameters of type VisualItem
 void AggregateItem.addItem(VisualItem item)
          Add a VisualItem to this aggregate.
 void AggregateTable.addToAggregate(int row, VisualItem member)
          Add an item to the aggregation at the given row.
 boolean AggregateTable.aggregateContains(int row, VisualItem member)
          Indicates if an item is a member of the aggregate at the given row
 boolean AggregateItem.containsItem(VisualItem item)
          Indicates is a given VisualItem is contained in the aggregation.
protected  int AggregateTable.getAggregatedRow(int row, VisualItem member)
          Get the row index to the aggregate mapping table for the given aggregate and contained VisualItem.
 void AggregateTable.removeFromAggregate(int row, VisualItem member)
          Remove an item from the aggregation at the given row
 void AggregateItem.removeItem(VisualItem item)
          Remove a VisualItem from this aggregate.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.visual.sort

Methods in prefuse.visual.sort with parameters of type VisualItem
 int v1, VisualItem v2)
          Compare two items based on their ordering scores.
 int TreeDepthItemSorter.score(VisualItem item)
          Score items similarly to ItemSorter, but additionally ranks items based on their tree depth.
 int ItemSorter.score(VisualItem item)
          Return an ordering score for an item.

Uses of VisualItem in prefuse.visual.tuple

Classes in prefuse.visual.tuple that implement VisualItem
 class TableAggregateItem
          AggregateItem implementation that uses data values from a backing AggregateTable.
 class TableDecoratorItem
          DecoratorItem implementation that uses data values from a backing VisualTable.
 class TableEdgeItem
          EdgeItem implementation that used data values from a backing VisualTable of edges.
 class TableNodeItem
          NodeItem implementation that used data values from a backing VisualTable of nodes.
 class TableVisualItem
          VisualItem implementation that uses data values from a backing VisualTable.

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple that return VisualItem
 VisualItem TableDecoratorItem.getDecoratedItem()

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple with parameters of type VisualItem
 void TableAggregateItem.addItem(VisualItem item)
 boolean TableAggregateItem.containsItem(VisualItem item)
 void TableAggregateItem.removeItem(VisualItem item)

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