Uses of Interface

Packages that use TupleSet
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.action.layout Action modules providing layout algorithms for use by prefuse visualizations. 
prefuse.action.layout.graph Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data. Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Listener interfaces for monitoring prefuse data structures and expressions. Dynamic query bindings and data range models for creating dynamic queries. Text search support for prefix, keyword, and regular expression searches. Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. 
prefuse.util Utility classes for use by both the toolkit and applications, including color and font support. 
prefuse.util.ui Utility classes facilitating the generation and composition of user interface components. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.tuple Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. 

Uses of TupleSet in prefuse

Methods in prefuse that return TupleSet
 TupleSet Visualization.getFocusGroup(java.lang.String group)
          Retrieve the focus data group of the given group name.
 TupleSet Visualization.getGroup(java.lang.String group)
          Get the TupleSet associated with the given data group name.
 TupleSet Visualization.getSourceData(java.lang.String group)
          Get the source data TupleSet backing the given visual data group.
 TupleSet Visualization.getSourceData(VisualTupleSet ts)
          Get the source data TupleSet backing the given visual tuple set.
 TupleSet Visualization.getVisualGroup(java.lang.String group)
          Retrieve the visual data group of the given group name.

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type TupleSet
 VisualTupleSet Visualization.add(java.lang.String group, TupleSet data)
          Add a data set to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTupleSet Visualization.add(java.lang.String group, TupleSet data, Predicate filter)
          Add a data set to this visualization, using the given data group name.
protected  void Visualization.addDataGroup(java.lang.String group, VisualTupleSet ts, TupleSet src)
 void Visualization.addFocusGroup(java.lang.String group, TupleSet tset)
          Add a new secondary, or focus, group to this visualization.

Uses of TupleSet in prefuse.action.layout

Methods in prefuse.action.layout with parameters of type TupleSet
static int[] GridLayout.analyzeGraphGrid(TupleSet ts)
          Analyzes a set of nodes to try and determine grid dimensions.
protected  int AxisLayout.getDataType(TupleSet ts)
          Retrieve the data type.
protected  void AxisLayout.numericalLayout(TupleSet ts)
          Compute a quantitative axis layout.
protected  void AxisLayout.ordinalLayout(TupleSet ts)
          Compute an ordinal axis layout.

Uses of TupleSet in prefuse.action.layout.graph

Methods in prefuse.action.layout.graph with parameters of type TupleSet
protected  void RadialTreeLayout.initSchema(TupleSet ts)
protected  void NodeLinkTreeLayout.initSchema(TupleSet ts)
protected  void FruchtermanReingoldLayout.initSchema(TupleSet ts)

Uses of TupleSet in

Classes in that implement TupleSet
 class CascadedTable
          Table subclass featuring a "cascaded" table design - a CascadedTable can have a parent table, from which it inherits a potentially filtered set of rows and columns.
 class Graph
          A Graph models a network of nodes connected by a collection of edges.
 class SpanningTree
          Special tree instance for storing a spanning tree over a graph instance.
 class Table
          A Table organizes a collection of data into rows and columns, each row containing a data record, and each column containing data values for a named data field with a specific data type.
 class Tree
          Graph subclass that models a tree structure of hierarchical parent-child relationships.

Methods in that return TupleSet
 TupleSet Graph.getEdges()
          Get the collection of edges as a TupleSet.
 TupleSet Graph.getNodes()
          Get the collection of nodes as a TupleSet.

Uses of TupleSet in

Methods in with parameters of type TupleSet
 void TupleSetListener.tupleSetChanged(TupleSet tset, Tuple[] added, Tuple[] removed)
          Notification that a TupleSet has changed.

Uses of TupleSet in

Fields in declared as TupleSet
protected  TupleSet DynamicQueryBinding.m_tuples
          The TupleSet processed by the query.

Constructors in with parameters of type TupleSet
DynamicQueryBinding(TupleSet tupleSet, java.lang.String field)
          Create a new DynamicQueryBinding.
ListQueryBinding(TupleSet ts, java.lang.String field)
          Create a new ListQueryBinding over the given set and data field.
ListQueryBinding(TupleSet ts, java.lang.String field, boolean includeAllOption)
          Create a new ListQueryBinding over the given set and data field.
RangeQueryBinding(TupleSet ts, java.lang.String field)
          Create a new RangeQueryBinding over the given set and data field.
RangeQueryBinding(TupleSet ts, java.lang.String field, boolean forceOrdinal)
          Create a new RangeQueryBinding over the given set and data field, optionally forcing an ordinal treatment of data.
SearchQueryBinding(TupleSet ts, java.lang.String field)
          Create a new SearchQueryBinding over the given set and data field.
SearchQueryBinding(TupleSet ts, java.lang.String field, SearchTupleSet set)
          Create a new SearchQueryBinding over the given set and data field, using the specified SearchTupleSet instance.

Uses of TupleSet in

Classes in that implement TupleSet
 class KeywordSearchTupleSet
           SearchTupleSet implementation that performs text searches on indexed Tuple data using the Lucene search engine.
 class PrefixSearchTupleSet
           SearchTupleSet implementation supporting word prefix searches over indexed Tuple data fields.
 class RegexSearchTupleSet
          SearchTupleSet implementation that treats the query as a regular expression to match against all indexed Tuple data fields.
 class SearchTupleSet
          Abstract base class for TupleSet implementations that support text search.

Uses of TupleSet in

Classes in that implement TupleSet
 class AbstractTupleSet
          Abstract base class for TupleSet implementations.
 class CompositeTupleSet
          TupleSet implementation for treating a collection of tuple sets as a single, composite tuple set.
 class DefaultTupleSet
          TupleSet implementation that maintains a set of heterogeneous Tuples -- tuples that can come from any backing data source.

Methods in that return TupleSet
 TupleSet CompositeTupleSet.getSet(java.lang.String name)
          Get the TupleSet associated with the given name.
 TupleSet CompositeTupleSet.removeSet(java.lang.String name)
          Remove the TupleSet with the given name from this composite.

Methods in with parameters of type TupleSet
 void CompositeTupleSet.addSet(java.lang.String name, TupleSet set)
          Add a TupleSet to this composite.
 boolean CompositeTupleSet.containsSet(TupleSet set)
          Indicates if this composite contains the given TupleSet.

Uses of TupleSet in

Methods in with parameters of type TupleSet
 java.util.Comparator Sort.getComparator(TupleSet ts)
          Generates a Comparator to be used for sorting tuples drawn from the given tuple set.
static java.util.Iterator FilterIteratorFactory.tuples(TupleSet ts, Predicate p)
          Get a filtered iterator over the tuples in the given set, filtered by the given predicate.

Uses of TupleSet in prefuse.util

Methods in prefuse.util with parameters of type TupleSet
static java.lang.Class DataLib.inferType(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Infer the data field type across all tuples in a TupleSet.
static Tuple DataLib.max(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the maximum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.max(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the maximum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.median(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the median data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.median(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the median data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.min(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the minimum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.min(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the minimum data field value.
static java.lang.Object[] DataLib.ordinalArray(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get a sorted array containing all column values for a given tuple iterator and field.
static java.lang.Object[] DataLib.ordinalArray(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get a sorted array containing all column values for a given table and field.
static java.util.Map DataLib.ordinalMap(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get map mapping from column values (as Object instances) to their ordinal index in a sorted array.
static java.util.Map DataLib.ordinalMap(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get map mapping from column values (as Object instances) to their ordinal index in a sorted array.
 void UpdateListener.tupleSetChanged(TupleSet tset, Tuple[] added, Tuple[] removed)

Uses of TupleSet in prefuse.util.ui

Constructors in prefuse.util.ui with parameters of type TupleSet
JSearchPanel(TupleSet source, SearchTupleSet search, java.lang.String[] fields, boolean autoIndex, boolean monitorKeystrokes)
          Create a new JSearchPanel.

Uses of TupleSet in prefuse.visual

Subinterfaces of TupleSet in prefuse.visual
 interface VisualTupleSet
          TupleSet sub-interface for TupleSet instances that contain VisualItems, Tuple instances that include visual properties.

Classes in prefuse.visual that implement TupleSet
 class AggregateTable
          VisualTable instance that maintains visual items representing aggregates of items.
 class VisualGraph
          A visual abstraction of a graph data structure.
 class VisualTable
          A visual abstraction of a Table data structure.
 class VisualTree
          A visual abstraction of a tree data structure.

Methods in prefuse.visual that return TupleSet
 TupleSet VisualItem.getSourceData()
          Returns the original backing data set from which this VisualItem is derived.

Uses of TupleSet in prefuse.visual.tuple

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple that return TupleSet
 TupleSet TableVisualItem.getSourceData()

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