Uses of Class

Packages that use Action
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.action A library of reusable and composable modules for performing data processing or assigning visual attributes. 
prefuse.action.animate Action modules for constructing animations. 
prefuse.action.assignment Action modules for assigning visual properties such as colors, sizes, and fonts. 
prefuse.action.distortion Actions modules which distort the presentation space to support enhanced navigation and browsing. 
prefuse.action.filter Action modules for visually filtering items by controlling their visibility. 
prefuse.action.layout Action modules providing layout algorithms for use by prefuse visualizations. 
prefuse.action.layout.graph Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data. 

Uses of Action in prefuse

Methods in prefuse that return Action
 Action Visualization.getAction(java.lang.String name)
          Get the data processing Action with the given name.
 Action Visualization.putAction(java.lang.String name, Action action)
          Add a data processing Action to this Visualization.
 Action Visualization.removeAction(java.lang.String name)
          Remove a data processing Action registered with this visualization.

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type Action
 Action Visualization.putAction(java.lang.String name, Action action)
          Add a data processing Action to this Visualization.

Uses of Action in prefuse.action

Subclasses of Action in prefuse.action
 class ActionList
          The ActionList represents a chain of Actions that process VisualItems.
 class ActionSwitch
          The ActionSwitch selects between a set of Actions, allowing only one of a group of Actions to be executed at a time.
 class CompositeAction
          Abstract base class for Action implementations that hold a collection of subclasses.
 class EncoderAction
          ItemAction instance that can also maintain a collection of rule mappings that can be used by subclasses to create particular rule-mappings for encoding data values.
 class GroupAction
          An Action that can be parameterized to process a particular group of items.
 class ItemAction
          An Action that processes VisualItems one item at a time.
 class RepaintAction
          Issues a repaint request to a Visualization.

Methods in prefuse.action that return Action
 Action CompositeAction.get(int i)
          Returns the Action at the specified index.
 Action CompositeAction.remove(int i)
          Removes the Action at the specified index.

Methods in prefuse.action with parameters of type Action
 void CompositeAction.add(Action a)
          Adds an Action to the end of the composite list.
 void CompositeAction.add(int i, Action a)
          Adds an Action at the given index.
 boolean CompositeAction.remove(Action a)
          Removes a given Action from the composite.

Constructors in prefuse.action with parameters of type Action
ActionSwitch(Action[] acts, int switchVal)
          Creates a new ActionSwitch with the given actions and switch value.

Uses of Action in prefuse.action.animate

Subclasses of Action in prefuse.action.animate
 class ArrayAnimator
          Animator that inerpolates an array of numerical values.
 class AxisLabelAnimator
          Animator that interpolates positions, colors, and visibility status for metric axes.
 class ColorAnimator
          Animator that linearly interpolates between starting and ending colors for VisualItems during an animation.
 class FontAnimator
          Animator that interpolates between starting and ending Fonts for VisualItems during an animation.
 class LocationAnimator
          Animator that linearly interpolates between two positions.
 class PolarLocationAnimator
          Animator that interpolates between starting and ending display locations by linearly interpolating between polar coordinates.
 class QualityControlAnimator
          Animator that toggles rendering quality to allow for smooth animations but high quality rendering of still images.
 class SizeAnimator
          Animator that linearly interpolates the size of a VisualItems.
 class VisibilityAnimator
          Animator that interpolates the visibility status of VisualItems.

Uses of Action in prefuse.action.assignment

Subclasses of Action in prefuse.action.assignment
 class ColorAction
          Assignment Action that assigns color values to VisualItems for a given color field (e.g., the stroke, text, or fill color).
 class DataColorAction
           Assignment Action that assigns color values for a group of items based upon a data field.
 class DataShapeAction
           Assignment Action that assigns shape values for a group of items based upon a data field.
 class DataSizeAction
           Assignment Action that assigns size values for a group of items based upon a data field.
 class FontAction
          Assignment Action that assigns font values to VisualItems.
 class ShapeAction
          Assignment Action that assigns shape values to VisualItems.
 class SizeAction
          Assignment Action that assigns size values to VisualItems.
 class StrokeAction
          Assignment Action that assigns Stroke values to VisualItems.

Uses of Action in prefuse.action.distortion

Subclasses of Action in prefuse.action.distortion
 class BifocalDistortion
           Computes a bifocal distortion of space, magnifying a focus region of space and uniformly demagnifying the rest of the space.
 class Distortion
          Abstract base class providing a structure for space-distortion techniques.
 class FisheyeDistortion
           Computes a graphical fisheye distortion of a graph view.

Uses of Action in prefuse.action.filter

Subclasses of Action in prefuse.action.filter
 class FisheyeTreeFilter
          Filter Action that computes a fisheye degree-of-interest function over a tree structure (or the spanning tree of a graph structure).
 class GraphDistanceFilter
          Filter Action that sets visible all items within a specified graph distance from a set of focus items; all other items will be set to invisible.
 class VisibilityFilter
          Filter Action that sets visible all items that meet a given Predicate condition and sets all other items invisible.

Uses of Action in prefuse.action.layout

Subclasses of Action in prefuse.action.layout
 class AxisLabelLayout
          Layout Action that positions axis grid lines and labels for a given range model.
 class AxisLayout
          Layout Action that assigns positions along a single dimension (either x or y) according to a specified data field.
 class CircleLayout
          Layout action that positions visual items along a circle.
 class CollapsedStackLayout
          Layout Action that updates the outlines of polygons in a stacked line chart, properly setting the coordinates of "collapsed" stacks.
 class CollapsedSubtreeLayout
          Layout Action that sets the positions for newly collapsed or newly expanded nodes of a tree.
 class GridLayout
          Implements a uniform grid-based layout.
 class Layout
          Abstract base class providing convenience methods for layout algorithms.
 class RandomLayout
          Performs a random layout of items within the layout bounds.
 class SpecifiedLayout
          Layout Action that sets x, y coordinates for a visual item by simply looking them up from another data field.
 class StackedAreaChart
          Layout Action that computes a stacked area chart, in which a series of data values are consecutively stacked on top of each other.

Uses of Action in prefuse.action.layout.graph

Subclasses of Action in prefuse.action.layout.graph
 class BalloonTreeLayout
          Layout that computes a circular "balloon-tree" layout of a tree.
 class ForceDirectedLayout
          Layout that positions graph elements based on a physics simulation of interacting forces; by default, nodes repel each other, edges act as springs, and drag forces (similar to air resistance) are applied.
 class FruchtermanReingoldLayout
          Layout instance implementing the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm for force-directed placement of graph nodes.
 class NodeLinkTreeLayout
          TreeLayout that computes a tidy layout of a node-link tree diagram.
 class RadialTreeLayout
          TreeLayout instance that computes a radial layout, laying out subsequent depth levels of a tree on circles of progressively increasing radius.
 class SquarifiedTreeMapLayout
           TreeLayout instance computing a TreeMap layout that optimizes for low aspect ratios of visualized tree nodes.
 class TreeLayout
          Abstract base class providing convenience methods for tree layout algorithms.

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