Class ActionList

  extended by prefuse.activity.Activity
      extended by prefuse.action.Action
          extended by prefuse.action.CompositeAction
              extended by prefuse.action.ActionList

public class ActionList
extends CompositeAction

The ActionList represents a chain of Actions that process VisualItems. ActionList also implements the Action interface, so ActionLists can be placed within other ActionList or ActionSwitch instances, allowing recursive composition of different sets of Actions.

jeffrey heer
See Also:
Activity, Action

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class prefuse.action.CompositeAction
Fields inherited from class prefuse.action.Action
Fields inherited from class prefuse.activity.Activity
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new run-once ActionList.
ActionList(long duration)
          Creates a new ActionList of specified duration and default step time of 20 milliseconds.
ActionList(long duration, long stepTime)
          Creates a new ActionList of specified duration and step time.
ActionList(Visualization vis)
          Creates a new run-once ActionList that processes the given Visualization.
ActionList(Visualization vis, long duration)
          Creates a new ActionList which processes the given Visualization and has the specified duration and a default step time of 20 milliseconds.
Method Summary
 void run(double frac)
          Runs this Action, triggering whatever processing this Action performs.
Methods inherited from class prefuse.action.CompositeAction
add, add, get, remove, remove, setVisualization, size
Methods inherited from class prefuse.action.Action
getVisualization, run
Methods inherited from class prefuse.activity.Activity
addActivityListener, alwaysRunAfter, cancel, fireActivityCancelled, fireActivityFinished, fireActivityScheduled, fireActivityStarted, fireActivityStepped, getDuration, getNextTime, getPace, getPacingFunction, getStartTime, getStepTime, getStopTime, isEnabled, isRunning, isScheduled, removeActivityListener, run, runAfter, runAt, setDuration, setEnabled, setPacingFunction, setStartTime, setStepTime
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ActionList()
Creates a new run-once ActionList.


public ActionList(Visualization vis)
Creates a new run-once ActionList that processes the given Visualization.

vis - the Visualization to process.


public ActionList(long duration)
Creates a new ActionList of specified duration and default step time of 20 milliseconds.

duration - the duration of this Activity, in milliseconds


public ActionList(Visualization vis,
                  long duration)
Creates a new ActionList which processes the given Visualization and has the specified duration and a default step time of 20 milliseconds.

vis - the Visualization to process.
duration - the duration of this Activity, in milliseconds


public ActionList(long duration,
                  long stepTime)
Creates a new ActionList of specified duration and step time.

duration - the duration of this Activity, in milliseconds
stepTime - the time to wait in milliseconds between executions of the action list
Method Detail


public void run(double frac)
Description copied from class: Action
Runs this Action, triggering whatever processing this Action performs. Subclass this method to create custom Actions.

Specified by:
run in class Action
frac - the fraction of this Action's duration that has elapsed.
See Also:

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