Uses of Class

Packages that use VisualTable
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.action.layout Action modules providing layout algorithms for use by prefuse visualizations. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 

Uses of VisualTable in prefuse

Methods in prefuse that return VisualTable
 VisualTable Visualization.addDecorators(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String source)
          Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group.
 VisualTable Visualization.addDecorators(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String source, Predicate filter)
          Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group.
 VisualTable Visualization.addDecorators(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String source, Predicate filter, Schema schema)
          Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group.
 VisualTable Visualization.addDecorators(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String source, Schema schema)
          Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group.
 VisualTable Visualization.addDerivedTable(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String source, Predicate filter, Schema override)
          Add a derived table, a VisualTable that is cascaded from an existing VisualTable.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group)
          Add an empty VisualTable to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Schema schema)
          Add an empty VisualTable to this visualization, using the given data group name and table schema.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table, Predicate filter)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table, Predicate filter, Schema schema)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table, Schema schema)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(VisualTable table)
          Add a VisualTable to this visualization, using the table's pre-set group name.

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type VisualTable
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(VisualTable table)
          Add a VisualTable to this visualization, using the table's pre-set group name.

Uses of VisualTable in prefuse.action.layout

Methods in prefuse.action.layout that return VisualTable
protected  VisualTable AxisLabelLayout.getTable()
          Create a new table for representing axis labels.

Methods in prefuse.action.layout with parameters of type VisualTable
protected  void AxisLabelLayout.garbageCollect(VisualTable labels)
          Remove axis labels no longer being used.
protected  void AxisLabelLayout.linearLayout(VisualTable labels)
          Calculates a quantitative, linearly scaled layout.
protected  void AxisLabelLayout.logLayout(VisualTable labels)
          Calculates a quantitative, logarithmically-scaled layout.
protected  void AxisLabelLayout.ordinalLayout(VisualTable labels)
          Compute an ordinal layout of axis marks.
protected  void AxisLabelLayout.sqrtLayout(VisualTable labels)
          Calculates a quantitative, square root scaled layout.

Uses of VisualTable in prefuse.visual

Subclasses of VisualTable in prefuse.visual
 class AggregateTable
          VisualTable instance that maintains visual items representing aggregates of items.

Constructors in prefuse.visual with parameters of type VisualTable
VisualGraph(VisualTable nodes, VisualTable edges, boolean directed, java.lang.String nodeKey, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Create a new VisualGraph
VisualTree(VisualTable nodes, VisualTable edges, java.lang.String nodeKey, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Create a new VisualTree.

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