Uses of Interface

Packages that use Predicate
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.action A library of reusable and composable modules for performing data processing or assigning visual attributes. 
prefuse.action.assignment Action modules for assigning visual properties such as colors, sizes, and fonts. 
prefuse.action.filter Action modules for visually filtering items by controlling their visibility. 
prefuse.action.layout Action modules providing layout algorithms for use by prefuse visualizations. 
prefuse.controls Control modules for incorporating interaction in prefuse Displays. Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Classes implementing an SQL-like expression language for filtering and manipulating data. Parser/compiler for the prefuse expression language. Dynamic query bindings and data range models for creating dynamic queries. Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. 
prefuse.render Interfaces and modules for rendering VisualItems into a graphics context. 
prefuse.util Utility classes for use by both the toolkit and applications, including color and font support. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.expression Expressions in the prefuse expression language that are specific to VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.tuple Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. 

Uses of Predicate in prefuse

Methods in prefuse that return Predicate
 Predicate Display.getPredicate()
          Returns the filtering Predicate used to control what items are drawn by this display.

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type Predicate
 VisualTupleSet Visualization.add(java.lang.String group, TupleSet data, Predicate filter)
          Add a data set to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addDecorators(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String source, Predicate filter)
          Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group.
 VisualTable Visualization.addDecorators(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String source, Predicate filter, Schema schema)
          Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group.
 VisualTable Visualization.addDerivedTable(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String source, Predicate filter, Schema override)
          Add a derived table, a VisualTable that is cascaded from an existing VisualTable.
 VisualGraph Visualization.addGraph(java.lang.String group, Graph graph, Predicate filter)
          Adds a graph to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualGraph Visualization.addGraph(java.lang.String group, Graph graph, Predicate filter, Schema nodeSchema, Schema edgeSchema)
          Adds a graph to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table, Predicate filter)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table, Predicate filter, Schema schema)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTree Visualization.addTree(java.lang.String group, Tree tree, Predicate filter)
          Adds a tree to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTree Visualization.addTree(java.lang.String group, Tree tree, Predicate filter, Schema nodeSchema, Schema edgeSchema)
          Adds a tree to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 java.util.Iterator Visualization.items(Predicate filter)
          Get an iterator over all items which match the given Predicate filter.
 java.util.Iterator Visualization.items(java.lang.String group, Predicate filter)
          Get an iterator over all items in the given group which match the given Predicate filter.
 void Visualization.setInteractive(java.lang.String group, Predicate p, boolean value)
          Sets the interactivity status for all items in a given data group matching a given filter predicate.
 void Display.setPredicate(Predicate p)
          Sets the filtering Predicate used to control what items are drawn by this Display.
 void Visualization.setValue(java.lang.String group, Predicate p, java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object val)
          Set a data field value for all items in a given data group matching a given filter predicate.
 void Visualization.setVisible(java.lang.String group, Predicate p, boolean value)
          Sets the visbility status for all items in a given data group matching a given filter predicate.

Constructors in prefuse with parameters of type Predicate
Display(Visualization visualization, Predicate predicate)
          Creates a new Display associated with the given Visualization that draws all VisualItems in the visualization that pass the given Predicate.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.action

Fields in prefuse.action declared as Predicate
protected  Predicate ItemAction.m_predicate
          A reference to filtering predicate for this Action

Methods in prefuse.action that return Predicate
 Predicate ItemAction.getFilterPredicate()
          Returns the filtering predicate used by this Action.

Methods in prefuse.action with parameters of type Predicate
protected  void EncoderAction.add(Predicate p, java.lang.Object value)
          Add a mapping rule to this EncoderAction.
 boolean EncoderAction.remove(Predicate p)
          Remove rules using the given predicate from this encoder.
 void ItemAction.setFilterPredicate(Predicate filter)
          Sets the filtering predicate used by this Action.

Constructors in prefuse.action with parameters of type Predicate
EncoderAction(java.lang.String group, Predicate filter)
          Create a new EncoderAction that processes the specified group.
EncoderAction(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate filter)
          Create a new EncoderAction that processes the specified group.
ItemAction(java.lang.String group, Predicate filter)
          Create a new ItemAction that processes the specified group.
ItemAction(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate filter)
          Create a new ItemAction that processes the specified group.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.action.assignment

Methods in prefuse.action.assignment with parameters of type Predicate
 void StrokeAction.add(Predicate p, java.awt.BasicStroke stroke)
          Add a mapping rule to this StrokeAction.
 void ColorAction.add(Predicate p, ColorAction f)
          Add a color mapping rule to this ColorAction.
 void SizeAction.add(Predicate p, double size)
          Add a size mapping rule to this SizeAction.
 void FontAction.add(Predicate p, java.awt.Font font)
          Add a font mapping rule to this FontAction.
 void FontAction.add(Predicate p, FontAction f)
          Add a font mapping rule to this FontAction.
 void ShapeAction.add(Predicate p, int shape)
          Add a shape mapping rule to this ShapeAction.
 void ColorAction.add(Predicate p, int color)
          Add a color mapping rule to this ColorAction.
 void ShapeAction.add(Predicate p, ShapeAction f)
          Add a size mapping rule to this ShapeAction.
 void SizeAction.add(Predicate p, SizeAction f)
          Add a size mapping rule to this SizeAction.
 void StrokeAction.add(Predicate p, StrokeAction f)
          Add a mapping rule to this StrokeAction.

Constructors in prefuse.action.assignment with parameters of type Predicate
ColorAction(java.lang.String group, Predicate filter, java.lang.String field)
          Constructor, sets the data group, filter predicate and color field for color assignment.
ColorAction(java.lang.String group, Predicate filter, java.lang.String field, int color)
          Constructor, sets the data group, filter predicate, color field, and default color value for color assignment.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.action.filter

Fields in prefuse.action.filter declared as Predicate
protected  Predicate GraphDistanceFilter.m_groupP

Methods in prefuse.action.filter with parameters of type Predicate
protected  void VisibilityFilter.setPredicate(Predicate p)
          Set the test predicate used to determine visibility.

Constructors in prefuse.action.filter with parameters of type Predicate
VisibilityFilter(Predicate p)
          Create a new VisibilityFilter.
VisibilityFilter(java.lang.String group, Predicate p)
          Create a new VisibilityFilter.
VisibilityFilter(Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate p)
          Create a new VisibilityFilter.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.action.layout

Methods in prefuse.action.layout that return Predicate
 Predicate AxisLayout.getFilter()
          Get the predicate filter to limit which items are considered for layout.

Methods in prefuse.action.layout with parameters of type Predicate
 void AxisLayout.setFilter(Predicate filter)
          Set a predicate filter to limit which items are considered for layout.

Constructors in prefuse.action.layout with parameters of type Predicate
AxisLayout(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String field, int axis, Predicate filter)
          Create a new AxisLayout.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.controls

Fields in prefuse.controls declared as Predicate
protected  Predicate FocusControl.filter

Methods in prefuse.controls that return Predicate
 Predicate FocusControl.getFilter()
          Get the filter for processing items by this focus control.

Methods in prefuse.controls with parameters of type Predicate
 void FocusControl.setFilter(Predicate p)
          Set a filter for processing items by this focus control.

Uses of Predicate in

Fields in declared as Predicate
protected  Predicate CascadedTable.m_rowFilter
          Selection Predicate determining which rows of the parent table are included in this table.

Methods in that return Predicate
 Predicate CascadedTable.getRowFilter()
          Gets ths Predicate determining which rows of the parent table are included in this one.

Methods in with parameters of type Predicate
 void Table.remove(Predicate filter)
          Removes all table rows that meet the input predicate filter.
 IntIterator Table.rows(Predicate filter)
          Get a filtered iterator over the row numbers of this table, returning only the rows whose tuples match the given filter predicate.
 Table filter, Sort sort)
          Query this table for a filtered, sorted subset of this table.
 void CascadedTable.setRowFilter(Predicate rowFilter)
          Sets the Predicate determining which rows of the parent table are included in this one.
 java.util.Iterator Graph.tuples(Predicate filter)
          Get a filtered iterator over the edges and nodes of this graph.

Constructors in with parameters of type Predicate
CascadedTable(Table parent, Predicate rowFilter)
          Create a new CascadedTable.
CascadedTable(Table parent, Predicate rowFilter, ColumnProjection colFilter)
          Create a new CascadedTable.
CascadedTable(Table parent, Predicate rowFilter, ColumnProjection colFilter, java.lang.Class tupleType)
          Create a new CascadedTable.

Uses of Predicate in

Classes in that implement Predicate
 class AbstractPredicate
          Abstract base class for dedicated Predicate instances.
 class AndPredicate
          Predicate representing an "and" clause of sub-predicates.
 class BooleanLiteral
          Literal expression of a boolean value.
 class ColumnExpression
          Expression instance that returns the value stored in a Tuple data field.
 class ComparisonPredicate
          Predicate implementation that computes a comparison operation.
 class CompositePredicate
          Abstract base class for Predicate instances that maintain one or more sub-predicates (clauses).
 class NotPredicate
          Predicate representing the negation of another predicate.
 class OrPredicate
          Predicate representing an "or" clause of sub-predicates.
 class RangePredicate
          Predicate instance that evaluates if a value is contained within a bounded range.
 class XorPredicate
          Predicate representing an "xor" clause of sub-predicates.

Methods in that return Predicate
 Predicate CompositePredicate.get(int idx)
          Get the sub-predicate at the given index.
 Predicate NotPredicate.getPredicate()
          Get the negated predicate.
 Predicate CompositePredicate.getSubPredicate(Predicate p)
          Get a predicate instance just like this one but without the given predicate as a clause.
 Predicate IfExpression.getTestPredicate()
          Get the test predicate.

Methods in with parameters of type Predicate
 void CompositePredicate.add(Predicate p)
          Add a new clause.
 Predicate CompositePredicate.getSubPredicate(Predicate p)
          Get a predicate instance just like this one but without the given predicate as a clause.
 boolean CompositePredicate.remove(Predicate p)
          Remove a new clause.
 void CompositePredicate.set(Predicate p)
          Set the given predicate to be the only clause of thie composite.
 void CompositePredicate.set(Predicate[] p)
          Set the given predicates to be the clauses of thie composite.
 void IfExpression.setTestPredicate(Predicate p)
          Set the test predicate.

Constructors in with parameters of type Predicate
AndPredicate(Predicate p1)
          Create a new AndPredicate.
AndPredicate(Predicate p1, Predicate p2)
          Create a new AndPredicate.
CompositePredicate(Predicate p1, Predicate p2)
          Create a new CompositePredicate.
IfExpression(Predicate test, Expression thenExpr, Expression elseExpr)
          Create a new IfExpression.
NotPredicate(Predicate p)
          Create a new NotPredicate.
OrPredicate(Predicate p1)
          Create a new OrPredicate.
OrPredicate(Predicate p1, Predicate p2)
          Create a new OrPredicate.
XorPredicate(Predicate p1)
          Create a new XorPredicate.
XorPredicate(Predicate p1, Predicate p2)
          Create a new XorPredicate.

Uses of Predicate in

Methods in that return Predicate
static Predicate ExpressionParser.predicate(java.lang.String expr)
          Parse an expression as a predicate.

Uses of Predicate in

Fields in declared as Predicate
protected  Predicate DynamicQueryBinding.m_query
          The actual query over Table data.

Methods in that return Predicate
 Predicate DynamicQueryBinding.getPredicate()
          Returns the query predicate bound to this dynamic query.

Methods in with parameters of type Predicate
protected  void DynamicQueryBinding.setPredicate(Predicate p)
          Sets the dynamic query predicate.

Uses of Predicate in

Methods in with parameters of type Predicate
 java.util.Iterator TupleSet.tuples(Predicate filter)
          Return an iterator over the tuples in this tuple set, filtered by the given predicate.
 java.util.Iterator CompositeTupleSet.tuples(Predicate filter)
 java.util.Iterator AbstractTupleSet.tuples(Predicate filter)
 java.util.Iterator TupleSet.tuples(Predicate filter, Sort sort)
          Return an iterator over the tuples in this tuple set, filtered by the given predicate
 java.util.Iterator AbstractTupleSet.tuples(Predicate filter, Sort sort)

Uses of Predicate in

Classes in that implement Predicate
 class ValidEdgePredicate
          Filtering predicate over a potential edge table that indicates which edges are valid edges according to a backing node table.

Methods in with parameters of type Predicate
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getOptimizedIterator(Table t, Predicate p)
          Get an optimized iterator over the rows of a table, if possible.
static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.rows(Table t, Predicate p)
          Get a filtered iterator over the rows in the given table, filtered by the given predicate.
static java.util.Iterator FilterIteratorFactory.tuples(TupleSet ts, Predicate p)
          Get a filtered iterator over the tuples in the given set, filtered by the given predicate.

Constructors in with parameters of type Predicate
FilterIterator(java.util.Iterator tuples, Predicate p)
          Create a new FilterIterator.
FilterRowIterator(IntIterator rows, Table t, Predicate p)
          Create a new FilterRowIterator.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.render

Methods in prefuse.render with parameters of type Predicate
 void DefaultRendererFactory.add(Predicate p, Renderer r)
          Adds a new mapping to this RendererFactory.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.util

Methods in prefuse.util with parameters of type Predicate
 void PredicateChain.add(Predicate p, java.lang.Object val)
          Add a new rule to the end of the chain, associating a Predicate condition with an Object value.
 boolean PredicateChain.remove(Predicate p)
          Remove rules using the given predicate from this predicate chain.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.visual

Methods in prefuse.visual with parameters of type Predicate
 java.util.Iterator AggregateItem.items(Predicate filter)
          Get a filtered iterator over all the items contained in this aggregate.

Constructors in prefuse.visual with parameters of type Predicate
VisualTable(Table parent, Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate rowFilter)
          Create a new VisualTable.
VisualTable(Table parent, Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate rowFilter, Schema schema)
          Create a new VisualTable.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.visual.expression

Classes in prefuse.visual.expression that implement Predicate
 class HoverPredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item is currently under the mouse pointer.
 class InGroupPredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item is currently a member of a particular data group.
 class SearchPredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item is currently a member of a data group of the type SearchTupleSet, but including a possible special case in which all items should be pass through the predicate if no search query is specified.
 class StartVisiblePredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item's start visible flag is set.
 class ValidatedPredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item's validated flag is set.
 class VisiblePredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item's visible flag is set.

Fields in prefuse.visual.expression declared as Predicate
static Predicate VisiblePredicate.FALSE
          Convenience instance for the visible == false case.
static Predicate ValidatedPredicate.FALSE
          Convenience instance for the validated == false case.
static Predicate StartVisiblePredicate.FALSE
          Convenience instance for the start visible == false case.
static Predicate HoverPredicate.FALSE
          Convenience instance for the hover == false case.
static Predicate VisiblePredicate.TRUE
          Convenience instance for the visible == true case.
static Predicate ValidatedPredicate.TRUE
          Convenience instance for the validated == true case.
static Predicate StartVisiblePredicate.TRUE
          Convenience instance for the start visible == true case.
static Predicate HoverPredicate.TRUE
          Convenience instance for the hover == true case.

Uses of Predicate in prefuse.visual.tuple

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple with parameters of type Predicate
 java.util.Iterator TableAggregateItem.items(Predicate filter)

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