Uses of Interface

Packages that use Tuple
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Listener interfaces for monitoring prefuse data structures and expressions. Classes implementing an SQL-like expression language for filtering and manipulating data. Text search support for prefix, keyword, and regular expression searches. Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. 
prefuse.util Utility classes for use by both the toolkit and applications, including color and font support. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.expression Expressions in the prefuse expression language that are specific to VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.tuple Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. 

Uses of Tuple in prefuse

Methods in prefuse that return Tuple
 Tuple Visualization.getSourceTuple(VisualItem item)
          Get the Tuple from a backing source data set that corresponds most closely to the given VisualItem.

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type Tuple
 VisualItem Visualization.getVisualItem(java.lang.String group, Tuple t)
          Get the VisualItem associated with a source data tuple, if it exists.

Uses of Tuple in

Subinterfaces of Tuple in
 interface Edge
          Tuple sub-interface that represents an edge in a graph structure.
 interface Node
          Tuple sub-interface that represents a node in a graph or tree structure.

Methods in that return Tuple
 Tuple Table.addTuple(Tuple t)
          Add a Tuple to this table.
 Tuple Table.getTuple(int row)
          Get the Tuple instance providing object-oriented access to the given table row.
 Tuple Table.setTuple(Tuple t)
          Clears the contents of this table and then attempts to add the given Tuple instance.

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
 Tuple Table.addTuple(Tuple t)
          Add a Tuple to this table.
 boolean Table.containsTuple(Tuple t)
          Indicates if this table contains the given Tuple instance.
 boolean Table.removeTuple(Tuple t)
          Remove a tuple from this table.
 boolean SpanningTree.removeTuple(Tuple t)
          Unsupported operation.
 boolean Graph.removeTuple(Tuple t)
          If the given tuple is a Node or Edge in this graph, remove it.
 Tuple Table.setTuple(Tuple t)
          Clears the contents of this table and then attempts to add the given Tuple instance.

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
 void TupleSetListener.tupleSetChanged(TupleSet tset, Tuple[] added, Tuple[] removed)
          Notification that a TupleSet has changed.
 void TupleSetListener.tupleSetChanged(TupleSet tset, Tuple[] added, Tuple[] removed)
          Notification that a TupleSet has changed.

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
 java.lang.Object RangePredicate.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object ObjectLiteral.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object NumericLiteral.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object IfExpression.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object Expression.get(Tuple t)
          Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
 java.lang.Object ComparisonPredicate.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object ColumnExpression.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object BooleanLiteral.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object ArithmeticExpression.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object AbstractPredicate.get(Tuple t)
          Returns the wrapper Object type for the result of Expression.getBoolean(Tuple).
 java.lang.Object AbstractExpression.get(Tuple t)
          By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
 boolean XorPredicate.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean RangePredicate.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean OrPredicate.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean NotPredicate.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean IfExpression.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean Expression.getBoolean(Tuple t)
          Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
 boolean ComparisonPredicate.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean ColumnExpression.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean BooleanLiteral.getBoolean(Tuple tuple)
 boolean AndPredicate.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean AbstractExpression.getBoolean(Tuple t)
          By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
 double NumericLiteral.getDouble(Tuple t)
 double IfExpression.getDouble(Tuple t)
 double Expression.getDouble(Tuple t)
          Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
 double ColumnExpression.getDouble(Tuple t)
 double ArithmeticExpression.getDouble(Tuple t)
 double AbstractExpression.getDouble(Tuple t)
          By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
 float NumericLiteral.getFloat(Tuple t)
 float IfExpression.getFloat(Tuple t)
 float Expression.getFloat(Tuple t)
          Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
 float ColumnExpression.getFloat(Tuple t)
 float ArithmeticExpression.getFloat(Tuple t)
 float AbstractExpression.getFloat(Tuple t)
          By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
 int NumericLiteral.getInt(Tuple t)
 int IfExpression.getInt(Tuple t)
 int Expression.getInt(Tuple t)
          Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
 int ColumnExpression.getInt(Tuple t)
 int ArithmeticExpression.getInt(Tuple t)
 int AbstractExpression.getInt(Tuple t)
          By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
static Literal Literal.getLiteral(Tuple t, java.lang.String field)
          Evaluate the given tuple and data field and return the result as a new Literal instance.
 long NumericLiteral.getLong(Tuple t)
 long IfExpression.getLong(Tuple t)
 long Expression.getLong(Tuple t)
          Evaluate the Expression on the given input Tuple.
 long ColumnExpression.getLong(Tuple t)
 long ArithmeticExpression.getLong(Tuple t)
 long AbstractExpression.getLong(Tuple t)
          By default, throws an UnsupportedOperationException.

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in that return Tuple
 Tuple SearchTupleSet.addTuple(Tuple t)
          This method is not supported by this implementation.
protected  Tuple KeywordSearchTupleSet.getMatchingTuple(org.apache.lucene.document.Document d)
          Return the Tuple matching the given Lucene Document, if any.

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
 void Trie.addString(java.lang.String word, Tuple t)
          Add a new word to the trie, associated with the given Tuple.
 Tuple SearchTupleSet.addTuple(Tuple t)
          This method is not supported by this implementation.
abstract  void SearchTupleSet.index(Tuple t, java.lang.String field)
          Index an individual Tuple field, so that it can be searched for.
 void RegexSearchTupleSet.index(Tuple t, java.lang.String field)
 void PrefixSearchTupleSet.index(Tuple t, java.lang.String field)
          Indexes the given field of the provided Tuple instance.
 void KeywordSearchTupleSet.index(Tuple t, java.lang.String field)
 void Trie.removeString(java.lang.String word, Tuple t)
          Remove a word/Tuple pair from the trie.
 boolean SearchTupleSet.removeTuple(Tuple t)
          This method is not supported by this implementation.
abstract  void SearchTupleSet.unindex(Tuple t, java.lang.String field)
          Un-index an individual Tuple field, so that it can no longer be searched for.
 void RegexSearchTupleSet.unindex(Tuple t, java.lang.String field)
 void PrefixSearchTupleSet.unindex(Tuple t, java.lang.String field)
 void KeywordSearchTupleSet.unindex(Tuple t, java.lang.String attrName)
          This method throws an exception, as unidexing is not supported.

Constructors in with parameters of type Tuple
Trie.TrieLeaf(java.lang.String word, Tuple t)

Uses of Tuple in

Classes in that implement Tuple
 class TableEdge
          Edge implementation that reads Edge data from a backing edge table.
 class TableNode
          Node implementation that reads Node data from a backing node table.
 class TableTuple
          Tuple implementation that pulls values from a backing data Table.

Fields in declared as Tuple
static Tuple[] TupleSet.EMPTY_ARRAY
          An empty, zero-length array of tuples.

Methods in that return Tuple
protected  Tuple DefaultTupleSet.addInternal(Tuple t)
          Adds a tuple without firing a notification.
 Tuple TupleSet.addTuple(Tuple t)
          Add a Tuple to this TupleSet.
 Tuple DefaultTupleSet.addTuple(Tuple t)
 Tuple CompositeTupleSet.addTuple(Tuple t)
          Not supported.
 Tuple[] DefaultTupleSet.clearInternal()
          Clear the internal state without firing a notification.
 Tuple TupleManager.getTuple(int row)
          Get a Tuple corresponding to the given row index.
 Tuple TupleSet.setTuple(Tuple t)
          Set the TupleSet contents to be a single Tuple.
 Tuple DefaultTupleSet.setTuple(Tuple t)
 Tuple CompositeTupleSet.setTuple(Tuple t)
          Not supported.
 Tuple[] DefaultTupleSet.toArray()
          Get the contents of this TupleSet as an array.

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
protected  Tuple DefaultTupleSet.addInternal(Tuple t)
          Adds a tuple without firing a notification.
 Tuple TupleSet.addTuple(Tuple t)
          Add a Tuple to this TupleSet.
 Tuple DefaultTupleSet.addTuple(Tuple t)
 Tuple CompositeTupleSet.addTuple(Tuple t)
          Not supported.
 boolean TupleSet.containsTuple(Tuple t)
          Indicates if a given Tuple is contained within this TupleSet.
 boolean DefaultTupleSet.containsTuple(Tuple t)
 boolean CompositeTupleSet.containsTuple(Tuple t)
protected  void AbstractTupleSet.fireTupleEvent(Tuple[] added, Tuple[] removed)
          Fire a Tuple event.
protected  void AbstractTupleSet.fireTupleEvent(Tuple[] added, Tuple[] removed)
          Fire a Tuple event.
protected  void AbstractTupleSet.fireTupleEvent(Tuple t, int type)
          Fire a Tuple event.
protected  boolean DefaultTupleSet.removeInternal(Tuple t)
          Removes a tuple without firing a notification.
 boolean TupleSet.removeTuple(Tuple t)
          Remove a Tuple from this TupleSet.
 boolean DefaultTupleSet.removeTuple(Tuple t)
 boolean CompositeTupleSet.removeTuple(Tuple t)
          Removes the tuple from its source set if that source set is contained within this composite.
 Tuple TupleSet.setTuple(Tuple t)
          Set the TupleSet contents to be a single Tuple.
 Tuple DefaultTupleSet.setTuple(Tuple t)
 Tuple CompositeTupleSet.setTuple(Tuple t)
          Not supported.

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
 boolean ValidEdgePredicate.getBoolean(Tuple tpl)
          Indicates if the given tuple can be used as a valid edge for the nodes of the backing graph.
 int BreadthFirstIterator.getDepth(Tuple t)
          Get the traversal depth at which a particular tuple was encountered.

Uses of Tuple in prefuse.util

Methods in prefuse.util that return Tuple
static Tuple DataLib.max(java.util.Iterator tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the maximum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.max(java.util.Iterator tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the maximum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.max(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the maximum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.max(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the maximum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.median(java.util.Iterator tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the median data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.median(java.util.Iterator tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the median data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.median(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the median data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.median(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the median data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.min(java.util.Iterator tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the minimum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.min(java.util.Iterator tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the minimum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.min(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field)
          Get the Tuple with the minimum data field value.
static Tuple DataLib.min(TupleSet tuples, java.lang.String field, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Get the Tuple with the minimum data field value.

Methods in prefuse.util with parameters of type Tuple
 java.lang.Object PredicateChain.get(Tuple t)
          Evaluate the predicate chain for the given Tuple.
 void UpdateListener.tupleSetChanged(TupleSet tset, Tuple[] added, Tuple[] removed)
 void UpdateListener.tupleSetChanged(TupleSet tset, Tuple[] added, Tuple[] removed)

Uses of Tuple in prefuse.visual

Subinterfaces of Tuple in prefuse.visual
 interface AggregateItem
          VisualItem that represents an aggregation of one or more other VisualItems.
 interface DecoratorItem
          VisualItem that "decorates" another VisualItem.
 interface EdgeItem
          VisualItem that represents an edge in a graph.
 interface NodeItem
          VisualItem that represents a node in a graph.
 interface VisualItem
          Base interface for representing a visual item, a data object with a visual interactive form.

Methods in prefuse.visual that return Tuple
 Tuple VisualItem.getSourceTuple()
          Returns the original backing data tuple from which this VisualItem is derived.

Methods in prefuse.visual with parameters of type Tuple
 java.util.Iterator AggregateTable.getAggregates(Tuple t)
          Get an iterator over all AggregateItems that contain the given Tuple.
protected  int AggregateTable.getHashCode(Tuple t)
          Get a hashcode that uniquely identifies a particular tuple

Uses of Tuple in prefuse.visual.expression

Methods in prefuse.visual.expression with parameters of type Tuple
 java.lang.Object QueryExpression.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object InGroupPredicate.get(Tuple t)
 java.lang.Object GroupSizeFunction.get(Tuple t)
 boolean SearchPredicate.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 boolean InGroupPredicate.getBoolean(Tuple t)
 double GroupSizeFunction.getDouble(Tuple t)
 float GroupSizeFunction.getFloat(Tuple t)
protected  java.lang.String GroupExpression.getGroup(Tuple t)
          Evaluate the group name expression for the given Tuple
 int GroupSizeFunction.getInt(Tuple t)
 long GroupSizeFunction.getLong(Tuple t)

Uses of Tuple in prefuse.visual.tuple

Classes in prefuse.visual.tuple that implement Tuple
 class TableAggregateItem
          AggregateItem implementation that uses data values from a backing AggregateTable.
 class TableDecoratorItem
          DecoratorItem implementation that uses data values from a backing VisualTable.
 class TableEdgeItem
          EdgeItem implementation that used data values from a backing VisualTable of edges.
 class TableNodeItem
          NodeItem implementation that used data values from a backing VisualTable of nodes.
 class TableVisualItem
          VisualItem implementation that uses data values from a backing VisualTable.

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple that return Tuple
 Tuple TableVisualItem.getSourceTuple()

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