Uses of Class

Packages that use Table
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.controls Control modules for incorporating interaction in prefuse Displays. Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Data columns for storing typed data within a data table. Listener interfaces for monitoring prefuse data structures and expressions. Input/output classes for reading and writing data from formatted files. Input libraries for loading data from SQL databases. Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. Utility classes pertaining to input and output. 
prefuse.util.ui Utility classes facilitating the generation and composition of user interface components. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.tuple Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. 

Uses of Table in prefuse

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type Table
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table, Predicate filter)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table, Predicate filter, Schema schema)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualTable Visualization.addTable(java.lang.String group, Table table, Schema schema)
          Adds a data table to this visualization, using the given data group name.

Uses of Table in prefuse.controls

Methods in prefuse.controls with parameters of type Table
 void DragControl.tableChanged(Table t, int start, int end, int col, int type)

Uses of Table in

Subclasses of Table in
 class CascadedTable
          Table subclass featuring a "cascaded" table design - a CascadedTable can have a parent table, from which it inherits a potentially filtered set of rows and columns.

Fields in declared as Table
protected  Table Graph.m_links
          Table containing the adjacency lists for the graph
protected  Table CascadedTable.m_parent
          Cascaded parent table

Methods in that return Table
protected  Table Tree.createLinkTable()
protected  Table Graph.createLinkTable()
          Instantiate and return the link table.
 Table Graph.getEdgeTable()
          Get the backing edge table.
 Table Graph.getNodeTable()
          Get the backing node table.
 Table CascadedTable.getParentTable()
          Get the parent table from which this cascaded table inherits values.
 Table Tuple.getTable()
          Returns the Table instance that backs this Tuple, if it exists.
 Table Schema.instantiate()
          Instantiate this schema as a new Table instance.
 Table Schema.instantiate(int nrows)
          Instantiate this schema as a new Table instance.
 Table filter, Sort sort)
          Query this table for a filtered, sorted subset of this table.

Methods in with parameters of type Table
protected  void Graph.fireGraphEvent(Table t, int first, int last, int col, int type)
          Fire a graph change event
protected  void Graph.init(Table nodes, Table edges, boolean directed, java.lang.String nodeKey, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Initialize this Graph instance.
 void SpanningTree.setEdgeTable(Table edges)
          Unsupported operation.
 void Graph.setEdgeTable(Table edges)
          Updates this graph to use a different edge structure for the same nodes.
 void Graph.Listener.setEdgeTable(Table edges)
 void Graph.Listener.tableChanged(Table t, int start, int end, int col, int type)

Constructors in with parameters of type Table
CascadedTable(Table parent)
          Create a new CascadedTable.
CascadedTable(Table parent, ColumnProjection colFilter)
          Create a new CascadedTable.
CascadedTable(Table parent, Predicate rowFilter)
          Create a new CascadedTable.
CascadedTable(Table parent, Predicate rowFilter, ColumnProjection colFilter)
          Create a new CascadedTable.
CascadedTable(Table parent, Predicate rowFilter, ColumnProjection colFilter, java.lang.Class tupleType)
          Create a new CascadedTable.
Graph(Table nodes, boolean directed)
          Create a new Graph using the provided table of node data and an empty set of edges.
Graph(Table nodes, boolean directed, java.lang.String nodeKey, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Create a new Graph using the provided table of node data and an empty set of edges.
Graph(Table nodes, Table edges, boolean directed)
          Create a new Graph, using node table row numbers to uniquely identify nodes in the edge table's source and target fields.
Graph(Table nodes, Table edges, boolean directed, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Create a new Graph, using node table row numbers to uniquely identify nodes in the edge table's source and target fields.
Graph(Table nodes, Table edges, boolean directed, java.lang.String nodeKey, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Create a new Graph.
Tree(Table nodes, Table edges)
          Create a new Tree.
Tree(Table nodes, Table edges, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Create a new Tree.
Tree(Table nodes, Table edges, java.lang.String nodeKey, java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String targetKey)
          Create a new Tree.

Uses of Table in

Methods in with parameters of type Table
static Column ColumnFactory.getColumn(Table t, Expression expr)
          Get a new column based on the given expression.

Constructors in with parameters of type Table
ColumnMetadata(Table table, java.lang.String column)
          Creates a new ColumnMetadata instance.
ColumnMetadata(Table table, java.lang.String column, java.util.Comparator cmp, boolean dynamic)
          Creates a new ColumnMetadata instance.
ExpressionColumn(Table table, Expression expr)
          Create a new ExpressionColumn.

Uses of Table in

Methods in with parameters of type Table
 void TableListener.tableChanged(Table t, int start, int end, int col, int type)
          Notification that a table has changed.

Uses of Table in

Fields in declared as Table
protected  Table GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler.m_edges
protected  Table GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler.m_nodes

Methods in that return Table
 Table TableReader.readTable( f)
          Read in a table from the given File.
 Table AbstractTableReader.readTable( f)
 Table TableReader.readTable( is)
          Read in a table from the given InputStream.
 Table AbstractTextTableReader.readTable( is)
 Table TableReader.readTable(java.lang.String location)
          Read in a table from the file at the given location.
 Table AbstractTableReader.readTable(java.lang.String location)
 Table TableReader.readTable( url)
          Read in a table from the given URL.
 Table AbstractTableReader.readTable( url)

Methods in with parameters of type Table
 void TableWriter.writeTable(Table table, f)
          Write a table to the given File.
 void AbstractTableWriter.writeTable(Table table, f)
 void TableWriter.writeTable(Table table, os)
          Write a table from the given OutputStream.
 void FixedWidthTextTableWriter.writeTable(Table table, os)
 void DelimitedTextTableWriter.writeTable(Table table, os)
 void CSVTableWriter.writeTable(Table table, os)
 void TableWriter.writeTable(Table table, java.lang.String filename)
          Write a table to the file with the given filename.
 void AbstractTableWriter.writeTable(Table table, java.lang.String filename)

Uses of Table in

Methods in that return Table
 Table DatabaseDataSource.getData(java.lang.String query)
          Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
 Table DatabaseDataSource.getData(java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField)
          Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
 Table DatabaseDataSource.getData(Table t, java.lang.String query)
          Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
 Table DatabaseDataSource.getData(Table t, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField)
          Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
 Table DatabaseDataSource.getData(Table t, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField, java.lang.Object lock)
          Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
protected  Table DatabaseDataSource.process(Table t, java.sql.ResultSet rset, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object lock)
          Process the results of a SQL query, putting retrieved data into a Table instance.

Methods in with parameters of type Table
 Table DatabaseDataSource.getData(Table t, java.lang.String query)
          Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
 Table DatabaseDataSource.getData(Table t, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField)
          Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
 Table DatabaseDataSource.getData(Table t, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField, java.lang.Object lock)
          Executes a query and returns the results in a Table instance.
protected  int DatabaseDataSource.getExistingRow(Table t, java.sql.ResultSet rset, java.lang.String keyField)
          See if a retrieved database row is already represented in the given Table.
 void DatabaseDataSource.loadData(Table t, java.lang.String query)
          Asynchronously executes a query and stores the results in the given table instance.
 void DatabaseDataSource.loadData(Table t, java.lang.String query, java.lang.Object lock)
          Asynchronously executes a query and stores the results in the given table instance.
 void DatabaseDataSource.loadData(Table t, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField)
          Asynchronously executes a query and stores the results in the given table instance.
 void DatabaseDataSource.loadData(Table t, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField, java.lang.Object lock)
          Asynchronously executes a query and stores the results in the given table instance.
 void DatabaseDataSource.loadData(Table t, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField, java.lang.Object lock, DataSourceWorker.Listener listener)
          Asynchronously executes a query and stores the results in the given table instance.
 void SQLDataHandler.process(Table t, int trow, java.sql.ResultSet rset, int rcol)
          Process a data value from a ResultSet, translating it into a Java data value and storing it in a Table.
 void DefaultSQLDataHandler.process(Table t, int trow, java.sql.ResultSet rset, int rcol)
 void CompositeSQLDataHandler.process(Table t, int trow, java.sql.ResultSet rset, int rcol)
protected  Table DatabaseDataSource.process(Table t, java.sql.ResultSet rset, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object lock)
          Process the results of a SQL query, putting retrieved data into a Table instance.

Constructors in with parameters of type Table
DataSourceWorker.Entry(DatabaseDataSource ds, Table table, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String keyField, java.lang.Object lock, DataSourceWorker.Listener listener)
          Create a new Entry.

Uses of Table in

Fields in declared as Table
protected  Table TupleManager.m_table
protected  Table TableTuple.m_table

Methods in that return Table
 Table TableTuple.getTable()

Methods in with parameters of type Table
protected  void AbstractTupleSet.fireTupleEvent(Table t, int start, int end, int type)
          Fire a Tuple event.
 void TupleManager.init(Table t, Graph g, java.lang.Class tupleType)
          Initialize this TupleManager for use with a given Table.
protected  void TableTuple.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableTuple for the given table and row.
protected  void TableNode.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new Node backed by a node table.
protected  void TableEdge.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new Edge backed by an edge table.

Constructors in with parameters of type Table
TupleManager(Table t, Graph g, java.lang.Class tupleType)
          Create a new TupleManager for the given Table.

Uses of Table in

Fields in declared as Table
protected  Table TreeIndex.m_table
protected  Table RowManager.m_table

Methods in that return Table
 Table RowManager.getTable()
          Get the table managed by this RowManager.

Methods in with parameters of type Table
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getAndIterator(Table t, AndPredicate ap)
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getColumnIterator(Table t, java.lang.String field, boolean val)
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getComparisonIterator(Table t, ComparisonPredicate cp)
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getOptimizedIterator(Table t, Predicate p)
          Get an optimized iterator over the rows of a table, if possible.
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getOrIterator(Table t, OrPredicate op)
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getRangeIterator(Table t, RangePredicate rp)
static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.rows(Table t, Predicate p)
          Get a filtered iterator over the rows in the given table, filtered by the given predicate.
 void TreeIndex.tableChanged(Table t, int start, int end, int col, int type)

Constructors in with parameters of type Table
CascadedRowManager(Table table)
          Create a new CascadedRowManager.
FilteredRowManager(Table table)
          Create a new FilteredRowManager.
FilterRowIterator(IntIterator rows, Table t, Predicate p)
          Create a new FilterRowIterator.
RowManager(Table table)
          Create a new RowManager for the given Table.
TableIterator(Table table, IntIterator rows)
          Create a new TableIterator using a given iterator over table rows.
TreeIndex(Table t, RowManager rows, Column col, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Create a new TreeIndex.

Uses of Table in

Methods in that return Table
static Table IOLib.getTableFile(java.awt.Component c)
          Present a file chooser dialog for loading a Table data set.

Uses of Table in prefuse.util.ui

Methods in prefuse.util.ui that return Table
 Table JPrefuseTable.getTable()
          Get the table backing this component.

Methods in prefuse.util.ui with parameters of type Table
static javax.swing.JFrame JPrefuseTable.showTableWindow(Table t)
          Create a new window displaying the contents of the input Table as a Swing JTable.
 void PrefuseTableModel.tableChanged(Table t, int start, int end, int col, int type)

Constructors in prefuse.util.ui with parameters of type Table
JPrefuseTable(Table t)
          Create a new JPrefuseTable.
PrefuseTableModel(Table table)
          Creates a new PrefuseTableModel

Uses of Table in prefuse.visual

Subclasses of Table in prefuse.visual
 class AggregateTable
          VisualTable instance that maintains visual items representing aggregates of items.
 class VisualTable
          A visual abstraction of a Table data structure.

Fields in prefuse.visual declared as Table
protected  Table AggregateTable.m_aggregated
          Table storing the 1->Many aggregation mappings

Methods in prefuse.visual with parameters of type Table
protected  void VisualTree.fireGraphEvent(Table t, int first, int last, int col, int type)
          Fire a graph event.
protected  void VisualGraph.fireGraphEvent(Table t, int first, int last, int col, int type)
          Fire a graph event.

Constructors in prefuse.visual with parameters of type Table
VisualTable(Table parent, Visualization vis, java.lang.String group)
          Create a new VisualTable.
VisualTable(Table parent, Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate rowFilter)
          Create a new VisualTable.
VisualTable(Table parent, Visualization vis, java.lang.String group, Predicate rowFilter, Schema schema)
          Create a new VisualTable.

Uses of Table in prefuse.visual.tuple

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple with parameters of type Table
protected  void TableVisualItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableVisualItem for the given table and row.
protected  void TableNodeItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableNodeItem for the given graph, table, and row.
protected  void TableEdgeItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableEdgeItem for the given graph, table, and row.
protected  void TableDecoratorItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableDecoratorItem for the given table and row.
protected  void TableAggregateItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableAggregateItem for the given table and row.

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