Uses of Class

Packages that use Graph
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.action.layout.graph Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data. Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Listener interfaces for monitoring prefuse data structures and expressions. Input/output classes for reading and writing data from formatted files. Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. 
prefuse.util Utility classes for use by both the toolkit and applications, including color and font support. Utility classes pertaining to input and output. 
prefuse.util.ui Utility classes facilitating the generation and composition of user interface components. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.tuple Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. 

Uses of Graph in prefuse

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type Graph
 VisualGraph Visualization.addGraph(java.lang.String group, Graph graph)
          Adds a graph to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualGraph Visualization.addGraph(java.lang.String group, Graph graph, Predicate filter)
          Adds a graph to this visualization, using the given data group name.
 VisualGraph Visualization.addGraph(java.lang.String group, Graph graph, Predicate filter, Schema nodeSchema, Schema edgeSchema)
          Adds a graph to this visualization, using the given data group name.

Uses of Graph in prefuse.action.layout.graph

Methods in prefuse.action.layout.graph with parameters of type Graph
 void FruchtermanReingoldLayout.calcRepulsion(Graph g, NodeItem n1)

Uses of Graph in

Subclasses of Graph in
 class SpanningTree
          Special tree instance for storing a spanning tree over a graph instance.
 class Tree
          Graph subclass that models a tree structure of hierarchical parent-child relationships.

Fields in declared as Graph
protected  Graph SpanningTree.m_backing
          A reference to the backing graph that this tree spans.

Methods in that return Graph
 Graph Node.getGraph()
          Get the Graph of which this Node is a member.
 Graph Edge.getGraph()
          Returns the graph of which this Edge is a member.

Constructors in with parameters of type Graph
SpanningTree(Graph g, Node root)
          Create a new SpanningTree.

Uses of Graph in

Methods in with parameters of type Graph
 void GraphListener.graphChanged(Graph g, java.lang.String table, int start, int end, int col, int type)
          Notification that a graph has changed.

Uses of Graph in

Fields in declared as Graph
protected  Graph GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler.m_graph

Methods in that return Graph
 Graph GraphMLReader.GraphMLHandler.getGraph()
 Graph GraphReader.readGraph( f)
          Read in a graph from the given File.
 Graph AbstractGraphReader.readGraph( f)
 Graph TreeMLReader.readGraph( is)
 Graph GraphReader.readGraph( is)
          Read in a graph from the given InputStream.
 Graph GraphMLReader.readGraph( is)
abstract  Graph AbstractGraphReader.readGraph( is)
 Graph GraphReader.readGraph(java.lang.String location)
          Read in a graph from the file at the given location.
 Graph AbstractGraphReader.readGraph(java.lang.String location)
 Graph GraphReader.readGraph( url)
          Read in a graph from the given URL.
 Graph AbstractGraphReader.readGraph( url)

Methods in with parameters of type Graph
 void GraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph, f)
          Write a graph to the given File.
 void AbstractGraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph, f)
 void TreeMLWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph, os)
 void GraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph, os)
          Write a graph from the given OutputStream.
 void GraphMLWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph, os)
 void GraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph, java.lang.String filename)
          Write a graph to the file with the given filename.
 void AbstractGraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph, java.lang.String filename)

Uses of Graph in

Fields in declared as Graph
protected  Graph TupleManager.m_graph
protected  Graph TableNode.m_graph
          The backing graph.
protected  Graph TableEdge.m_graph
          The backing graph.

Methods in that return Graph
 Graph TableNode.getGraph()
 Graph TableEdge.getGraph()

Methods in with parameters of type Graph
 void TupleManager.init(Table t, Graph g, java.lang.Class tupleType)
          Initialize this TupleManager for use with a given Table.
protected  void TableTuple.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableTuple for the given table and row.
protected  void TableNode.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new Node backed by a node table.
protected  void TableEdge.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new Edge backed by an edge table.

Constructors in with parameters of type Graph
TupleManager(Table t, Graph g, java.lang.Class tupleType)
          Create a new TupleManager for the given Table.

Uses of Graph in

Constructors in with parameters of type Graph
ValidEdgePredicate(Graph g)
          Creates a new ValidEdgePredicate.

Uses of Graph in prefuse.util

Methods in prefuse.util that return Graph
static Graph GraphLib.getClique(int n)
          Returns a clique of given size.
static Graph GraphLib.getGrid(int m, int n)
          Returns a graph structured as an m-by-n grid.
static Graph GraphLib.getHoneycomb(int levels)
static Graph GraphLib.getNodes(int n)
          Builds a completely unconnected (edge-free) graph with the given number of nodes
static Graph GraphLib.getStar(int n)
          Builds a "star" graph with one central hub connected to the given number of satellite nodes.

Uses of Graph in

Methods in that return Graph
static Graph IOLib.getGraphFile(java.awt.Component c)
          Present a file chooser dialog for loading a Graph or Tree data set.

Uses of Graph in prefuse.util.ui

Methods in prefuse.util.ui with parameters of type Graph
 void JPrefuseTree.PrefuseTreeModel.graphChanged(Graph g, java.lang.String table, int start, int end, int col, int type)

Uses of Graph in prefuse.visual

Subclasses of Graph in prefuse.visual
 class VisualGraph
          A visual abstraction of a graph data structure.
 class VisualTree
          A visual abstraction of a tree data structure.

Uses of Graph in prefuse.visual.tuple

Fields in prefuse.visual.tuple declared as Graph
protected  Graph TableNodeItem.m_graph
protected  Graph TableEdgeItem.m_graph

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple that return Graph
 Graph TableNodeItem.getGraph()
 Graph TableEdgeItem.getGraph()

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple with parameters of type Graph
protected  void TableVisualItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableVisualItem for the given table and row.
protected  void TableNodeItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableNodeItem for the given graph, table, and row.
protected  void TableEdgeItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableEdgeItem for the given graph, table, and row.
protected  void TableDecoratorItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableDecoratorItem for the given table and row.
protected  void TableAggregateItem.init(Table table, Graph graph, int row)
          Initialize a new TableAggregateItem for the given table and row.

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