Packages that use Graph | |
prefuse | The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. |
prefuse.action.layout.graph | Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data. |
prefuse.data | Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. |
prefuse.data.event | Listener interfaces for monitoring prefuse data structures and expressions. |
prefuse.data.io | Input/output classes for reading and writing data from formatted files. |
prefuse.data.tuple | Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. |
prefuse.data.util | Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. |
prefuse.util | Utility classes for use by both the toolkit and applications, including color and font support. |
prefuse.util.io | Utility classes pertaining to input and output. |
prefuse.util.ui | Utility classes facilitating the generation and composition of user interface components. |
prefuse.visual | Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. |
prefuse.visual.tuple | Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse |
Methods in prefuse with parameters of type Graph | |
VisualGraph |
Visualization.addGraph(java.lang.String group,
Graph graph)
Adds a graph to this visualization, using the given data group name. |
VisualGraph |
Visualization.addGraph(java.lang.String group,
Graph graph,
Predicate filter)
Adds a graph to this visualization, using the given data group name. |
VisualGraph |
Visualization.addGraph(java.lang.String group,
Graph graph,
Predicate filter,
Schema nodeSchema,
Schema edgeSchema)
Adds a graph to this visualization, using the given data group name. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse.action.layout.graph |
Methods in prefuse.action.layout.graph with parameters of type Graph | |
void |
FruchtermanReingoldLayout.calcRepulsion(Graph g,
NodeItem n1)
Uses of Graph in prefuse.data |
Subclasses of Graph in prefuse.data | |
class |
Special tree instance for storing a spanning tree over a graph instance. |
class |
Graph subclass that models a tree structure of hierarchical parent-child relationships. |
Fields in prefuse.data declared as Graph | |
protected Graph |
A reference to the backing graph that this tree spans. |
Methods in prefuse.data that return Graph | |
Graph |
Get the Graph of which this Node is a member. |
Graph |
Returns the graph of which this Edge is a member. |
Constructors in prefuse.data with parameters of type Graph | |
SpanningTree(Graph g,
Node root)
Create a new SpanningTree. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse.data.event |
Methods in prefuse.data.event with parameters of type Graph | |
void |
GraphListener.graphChanged(Graph g,
java.lang.String table,
int start,
int end,
int col,
int type)
Notification that a graph has changed. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse.data.io |
Fields in prefuse.data.io declared as Graph | |
protected Graph |
Methods in prefuse.data.io that return Graph | |
Graph |
Graph |
GraphReader.readGraph(java.io.File f)
Read in a graph from the given File. |
Graph |
AbstractGraphReader.readGraph(java.io.File f)
Graph |
TreeMLReader.readGraph(java.io.InputStream is)
Graph |
GraphReader.readGraph(java.io.InputStream is)
Read in a graph from the given InputStream. |
Graph |
GraphMLReader.readGraph(java.io.InputStream is)
abstract Graph |
AbstractGraphReader.readGraph(java.io.InputStream is)
Graph |
GraphReader.readGraph(java.lang.String location)
Read in a graph from the file at the given location. |
Graph |
AbstractGraphReader.readGraph(java.lang.String location)
Graph |
GraphReader.readGraph(java.net.URL url)
Read in a graph from the given URL. |
Graph |
AbstractGraphReader.readGraph(java.net.URL url)
Methods in prefuse.data.io with parameters of type Graph | |
void |
GraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph,
java.io.File f)
Write a graph to the given File. |
void |
AbstractGraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph,
java.io.File f)
void |
TreeMLWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph,
java.io.OutputStream os)
void |
GraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph,
java.io.OutputStream os)
Write a graph from the given OutputStream. |
void |
GraphMLWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph,
java.io.OutputStream os)
void |
GraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph,
java.lang.String filename)
Write a graph to the file with the given filename. |
void |
AbstractGraphWriter.writeGraph(Graph graph,
java.lang.String filename)
Uses of Graph in prefuse.data.tuple |
Fields in prefuse.data.tuple declared as Graph | |
protected Graph |
protected Graph |
The backing graph. |
protected Graph |
The backing graph. |
Methods in prefuse.data.tuple that return Graph | |
Graph |
Graph |
Methods in prefuse.data.tuple with parameters of type Graph | |
void |
TupleManager.init(Table t,
Graph g,
java.lang.Class tupleType)
Initialize this TupleManager for use with a given Table. |
protected void |
TableTuple.init(Table table,
Graph graph,
int row)
Initialize a new TableTuple for the given table and row. |
protected void |
TableNode.init(Table table,
Graph graph,
int row)
Initialize a new Node backed by a node table. |
protected void |
TableEdge.init(Table table,
Graph graph,
int row)
Initialize a new Edge backed by an edge table. |
Constructors in prefuse.data.tuple with parameters of type Graph | |
TupleManager(Table t,
Graph g,
java.lang.Class tupleType)
Create a new TupleManager for the given Table. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse.data.util |
Constructors in prefuse.data.util with parameters of type Graph | |
ValidEdgePredicate(Graph g)
Creates a new ValidEdgePredicate. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse.util |
Methods in prefuse.util that return Graph | |
static Graph |
GraphLib.getClique(int n)
Returns a clique of given size. |
static Graph |
GraphLib.getGrid(int m,
int n)
Returns a graph structured as an m-by-n grid. |
static Graph |
GraphLib.getHoneycomb(int levels)
static Graph |
GraphLib.getNodes(int n)
Builds a completely unconnected (edge-free) graph with the given number of nodes |
static Graph |
GraphLib.getStar(int n)
Builds a "star" graph with one central hub connected to the given number of satellite nodes. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse.util.io |
Methods in prefuse.util.io that return Graph | |
static Graph |
IOLib.getGraphFile(java.awt.Component c)
Present a file chooser dialog for loading a Graph or Tree data set. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse.util.ui |
Methods in prefuse.util.ui with parameters of type Graph | |
void |
JPrefuseTree.PrefuseTreeModel.graphChanged(Graph g,
java.lang.String table,
int start,
int end,
int col,
int type)
Uses of Graph in prefuse.visual |
Subclasses of Graph in prefuse.visual | |
class |
A visual abstraction of a graph data structure. |
class |
A visual abstraction of a tree data structure. |
Uses of Graph in prefuse.visual.tuple |
Fields in prefuse.visual.tuple declared as Graph | |
protected Graph |
protected Graph |
Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple that return Graph | |
Graph |
Graph |
Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple with parameters of type Graph | |
protected void |
TableVisualItem.init(Table table,
Graph graph,
int row)
Initialize a new TableVisualItem for the given table and row. |
protected void |
TableNodeItem.init(Table table,
Graph graph,
int row)
Initialize a new TableNodeItem for the given graph, table, and row. |
protected void |
TableEdgeItem.init(Table table,
Graph graph,
int row)
Initialize a new TableEdgeItem for the given graph, table, and row. |
protected void |
TableDecoratorItem.init(Table table,
Graph graph,
int row)
Initialize a new TableDecoratorItem for the given table and row. |
protected void |
TableAggregateItem.init(Table table,
Graph graph,
int row)
Initialize a new TableAggregateItem for the given table and row. |