Uses of Package

Packages that use prefuse.visual.sort
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.util.display Utility classes specific to the Display class. 
prefuse.visual.sort ItemSorter instances for determining the rendering order of VisualItems. 

Classes in prefuse.visual.sort used by prefuse
          ItemSorter instances provide an integer score for each VisualItem; these scores are then used to sort the items in ascending order of score.

Classes in prefuse.visual.sort used by prefuse.util.display
          ItemSorter instances provide an integer score for each VisualItem; these scores are then used to sort the items in ascending order of score.

Classes in prefuse.visual.sort used by prefuse.visual.sort
          ItemSorter instances provide an integer score for each VisualItem; these scores are then used to sort the items in ascending order of score.

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