Uses of Interface

Packages that use NodeItem
prefuse.action.layout.graph Action modules for computing the layout of graph or tree structured data. 
prefuse.controls Control modules for incorporating interaction in prefuse Displays. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.tuple Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. 

Uses of NodeItem in prefuse.action.layout.graph

Fields in prefuse.action.layout.graph declared as NodeItem
protected  NodeItem RadialTreeLayout.m_prevRoot
protected  NodeItem TreeLayout.m_root

Methods in prefuse.action.layout.graph that return NodeItem
 NodeItem TreeLayout.getLayoutRoot()
          Return the NodeItem to use as the root for this tree layout.

Methods in prefuse.action.layout.graph with parameters of type NodeItem
 void FruchtermanReingoldLayout.calcPositions(NodeItem n, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D b)
 void FruchtermanReingoldLayout.calcRepulsion(Graph g, NodeItem n1)
 void NodeLinkTreeLayout.Params.init(NodeItem item)
protected  void RadialTreeLayout.layout(NodeItem n, double r, double theta1, double theta2)
          Compute the layout.
 void TreeLayout.setLayoutRoot(NodeItem root)
          Explicitly set the node to use as the layout root.
protected  void RadialTreeLayout.setPolarLocation(NodeItem n, NodeItem p, double r, double t)
          Set the position of the given node, given in polar co-ordinates.

Uses of NodeItem in prefuse.controls

Methods in prefuse.controls with parameters of type NodeItem
protected  void NeighborHighlightControl.setNeighborHighlight(NodeItem n, boolean state)
          Set the highlighted state of the neighbors of a node.

Uses of NodeItem in prefuse.visual

Methods in prefuse.visual that return NodeItem
 NodeItem EdgeItem.getAdjacentItem(NodeItem n)
          Get the NodeItem connected to the given NodeItem by this edge.
 NodeItem EdgeItem.getSourceItem()
          Get the first, or source, NodeItem upon which this edge is incident.
 NodeItem EdgeItem.getTargetItem()
          Get the second, or target, NodeItem upon which this edge is incident.

Methods in prefuse.visual with parameters of type NodeItem
 NodeItem EdgeItem.getAdjacentItem(NodeItem n)
          Get the NodeItem connected to the given NodeItem by this edge.

Uses of NodeItem in prefuse.visual.tuple

Classes in prefuse.visual.tuple that implement NodeItem
 class TableNodeItem
          NodeItem implementation that used data values from a backing VisualTable of nodes.

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple that return NodeItem
 NodeItem TableEdgeItem.getAdjacentItem(NodeItem n)
 NodeItem TableEdgeItem.getSourceItem()
 NodeItem TableEdgeItem.getTargetItem()

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple with parameters of type NodeItem
 NodeItem TableEdgeItem.getAdjacentItem(NodeItem n)

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