Uses of Class

Packages that use Spring
prefuse.util.force Utility classes providing a physical force simulation for layout and animation. 

Uses of Spring in prefuse.util.force

Methods in prefuse.util.force that return Spring
 Spring ForceSimulator.addSpring(ForceItem item1, ForceItem item2)
          Add a Spring to the simulation.
 Spring ForceSimulator.addSpring(ForceItem item1, ForceItem item2, float length)
          Add a Spring to the simulation.
 Spring ForceSimulator.addSpring(ForceItem item1, ForceItem item2, float coeff, float length)
          Add a Spring to the simulation.
 Spring Spring.SpringFactory.getSpring(ForceItem f1, ForceItem f2, float k, float length)
          Get a Spring instance and set it to the given parameters.

Methods in prefuse.util.force with parameters of type Spring
 void SpringForce.getForce(Spring s)
          Calculates the force vector acting on the items due to the given spring.
 void Force.getForce(Spring spring)
          Updates the force calculation on the given Spring.
 void AbstractForce.getForce(Spring spring)
          Throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
 void Spring.SpringFactory.reclaim(Spring s)
          Reclaim a Spring into the object pool.

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