Uses of Interface

Packages that use LiteralIterator Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. 
prefuse.util.collections Utility classes providing useful data structures not present in the Java Collections framework. 

Uses of LiteralIterator in

Classes in that implement LiteralIterator
 class FilterRowIterator
          Iterator over table rows that filters the output by a given predicate.
 class RowManager.ColumnRowIterator
          Iterator over the indices into a given data column, mapped to from the rows of this RowManager.
 class RowManager.RowIterator
          Iterator over the occupied rows of this RowManager.
 class TableIterator
          An iterator over table rows, providing convenience methods for accessing and manipulating table data.
 class UniqueRowIterator
          IntIterator over rows that ensures that no duplicates appear in the iteration.

Uses of LiteralIterator in prefuse.util.collections

Classes in prefuse.util.collections that implement LiteralIterator
 class AbstractLiteralIterator
          Abstract base class for a LiteralIterator implementations.
protected  class AbstractTreeMap.EntryIterator
protected  class AbstractTreeMap.KeyIterator
protected  class AbstractTreeMap.ValueIterator
 class BooleanIntBitSetMap.BitSetIterator
 class CompositeIntIterator
          IntIterator implementation that combines the results of multiple int iterators.
 class IntArrayIterator
          IntIterator implementation that provides an iteration over the contents of an int array.
 class IntIterator
          Abstract LiteralIterator implementation that supports an iteration over int values.

Methods in prefuse.util.collections that return LiteralIterator
 LiteralIterator LongIntTreeMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator LongIntSortedMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator IntIntTreeMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator IntIntSortedMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator FloatIntTreeMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator FloatIntSortedMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator DoubleIntTreeMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator DoubleIntSortedMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator BooleanIntSortedMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator BooleanIntBitSetMap.keyIterator()
 LiteralIterator BooleanIntSortedMap.keyRangeIterator(boolean fromKey, boolean fromInc, boolean toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator BooleanIntBitSetMap.keyRangeIterator(boolean fromKey, boolean fromInc, boolean toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator DoubleIntTreeMap.keyRangeIterator(double fromKey, boolean fromInc, double toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator DoubleIntSortedMap.keyRangeIterator(double fromKey, boolean fromInc, double toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator FloatIntTreeMap.keyRangeIterator(float fromKey, boolean fromInc, float toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator FloatIntSortedMap.keyRangeIterator(float fromKey, boolean fromInc, float toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator IntIntTreeMap.keyRangeIterator(int fromKey, boolean fromInc, int toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator IntIntSortedMap.keyRangeIterator(int fromKey, boolean fromInc, int toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator LongIntTreeMap.keyRangeIterator(long fromKey, boolean fromInc, long toKey, boolean toInc)
 LiteralIterator LongIntSortedMap.keyRangeIterator(long fromKey, boolean fromInc, long toKey, boolean toInc)

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