Uses of Class

Packages that use IntIterator Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. 
prefuse.util.collections Utility classes providing useful data structures not present in the Java Collections framework. 

Uses of IntIterator in

Methods in that return IntIterator
 IntIterator Tree.childEdgeRows(int node)
          Get an iterator over the edge ids for edges connecting child nodes to a given parent
 IntIterator Graph.edgeRows()
          Get an iterator over all edge ids (edge table row numbers).
 IntIterator Graph.edgeRows(int node)
          Get an iterator over all edge ids for edges incident on the given node.
 IntIterator Graph.edgeRows(int node, int direction)
          Get an iterator edge ids for edges incident on the given node.
 IntIterator Graph.inEdgeRows(int node)
          Get an iterator over all edges that have the given node as a target.
 IntIterator Graph.nodeRows()
          Get an iterator over all node ids (node table row numbers).
 IntIterator Graph.outEdgeRows(int node)
          Get an iterator over all edges that have the given node as a source.
 IntIterator Table.rangeSortedBy(java.lang.String field, double lo, double hi, int indexType)
          Return an iterator over a range of rwos in this table, determined by a bounded range for a given data field.
 IntIterator Table.rangeSortedBy(java.lang.String field, float lo, float hi, int indexType)
          Return an iterator over a range of rwos in this table, determined by a bounded range for a given data field.
 IntIterator Table.rangeSortedBy(java.lang.String field, int lo, int hi, int indexType)
          Return an iterator over a range of rwos in this table, determined by a bounded range for a given data field.
 IntIterator Table.rangeSortedBy(java.lang.String field, long lo, long hi, int indexType)
          Return an iterator over a range of rwos in this table, determined by a bounded range for a given data field.
 IntIterator Table.rangeSortedBy(java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object lo, java.lang.Object hi, int indexType)
          Return an iterator over a range of rwos in this table, determined by a bounded range for a given data field.
 IntIterator Table.rows()
          Get an interator over the row numbers of this table.
 IntIterator Table.rows(boolean reverse)
          Get an interator over the row numbers of this table.
 IntIterator Table.rows(Predicate filter)
          Get a filtered iterator over the row numbers of this table, returning only the rows whose tuples match the given filter predicate.
 IntIterator Table.rowsSortedBy(java.lang.String field, boolean ascend)
          Get an iterator over the rows of this table, sorted by the given data field.

Methods in with parameters of type IntIterator
 TableIterator Table.iterator(IntIterator rows)
          Return a TableIterator over the given rows of this table.
 java.util.Iterator Table.tuples(IntIterator rows)
          Get an iterator over the tuples for the given rows in this table.

Uses of IntIterator in

Methods in with parameters of type IntIterator
 java.util.Iterator TupleManager.iterator(IntIterator rows)
          Return an iterator over the tuples in this manager.

Constructors in with parameters of type IntIterator
TupleManager.TupleManagerIterator(TupleManager tuples, IntIterator rows)
          Create a new TupleManagerIterator.

Uses of IntIterator in

Subclasses of IntIterator in
 class FilterRowIterator
          Iterator over table rows that filters the output by a given predicate.
 class RowManager.ColumnRowIterator
          Iterator over the indices into a given data column, mapped to from the rows of this RowManager.
 class RowManager.RowIterator
          Iterator over the occupied rows of this RowManager.
 class TableIterator
          An iterator over table rows, providing convenience methods for accessing and manipulating table data.
 class UniqueRowIterator
          IntIterator over rows that ensures that no duplicates appear in the iteration.

Methods in that return IntIterator
 IntIterator TreeIndex.allRows(int type)
 IntIterator Index.allRows(int type)
          Get an iterator over all rows in the index, in sorted order.
 IntIterator RowManager.columnRows(int col)
          Return an iterator over column row indices.
 IntIterator RowManager.columnRows(int col, boolean reverse)
          Return an iterator over column row indices.
 IntIterator RowManager.columnRows(IntIterator rows, int col)
          Return an iterator over column row indices.
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getAndIterator(Table t, AndPredicate ap)
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getColumnIterator(Table t, java.lang.String field, boolean val)
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getComparisonIterator(Table t, ComparisonPredicate cp)
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getOptimizedIterator(Table t, Predicate p)
          Get an optimized iterator over the rows of a table, if possible.
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getOrIterator(Table t, OrPredicate op)
protected static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.getRangeIterator(Table t, RangePredicate rp)
 IntIterator RowManager.rows()
          Get an iterator over the table rows.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(boolean val)
 IntIterator RowManager.rows(boolean reverse)
          Get an iterator over the table rows.
 IntIterator Index.rows(boolean val)
          Get an iterator over all rows with the given data value.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(double val)
 IntIterator Index.rows(double val)
          Get an iterator over all rows with the given data value.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(double lo, double hi, int type)
 IntIterator Index.rows(double lo, double hi, int type)
          Get an iterator over a sorted range of rows.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(float val)
 IntIterator Index.rows(float val)
          Get an iterator over all rows with the given data value.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(float lo, float hi, int type)
 IntIterator Index.rows(float lo, float hi, int type)
          Get an iterator over a sorted range of rows.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(int val)
 IntIterator Index.rows(int val)
          Get an iterator over all rows with the given data value.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(int lo, int hi, int type)
 IntIterator Index.rows(int lo, int hi, int type)
          Get an iterator over a sorted range of rows.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(long val)
 IntIterator Index.rows(long val)
          Get an iterator over all rows with the given data value.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(long lo, long hi, int type)
 IntIterator Index.rows(long lo, long hi, int type)
          Get an iterator over a sorted range of rows.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(java.lang.Object val)
 IntIterator Index.rows(java.lang.Object val)
          Get an iterator over all rows with the given data value.
 IntIterator TreeIndex.rows(java.lang.Object lo, java.lang.Object hi, int type)
 IntIterator Index.rows(java.lang.Object lo, java.lang.Object hi, int type)
          Get an iterator over a sorted range of rows.
static IntIterator FilterIteratorFactory.rows(Table t, Predicate p)
          Get a filtered iterator over the rows in the given table, filtered by the given predicate.

Methods in with parameters of type IntIterator
 IntIterator RowManager.columnRows(IntIterator rows, int col)
          Return an iterator over column row indices.

Constructors in with parameters of type IntIterator
FilterRowIterator(IntIterator rows, Table t, Predicate p)
          Create a new FilterRowIterator.
RowManager.ColumnRowIterator(IntIterator rows, int col)
TableIterator(Table table, IntIterator rows)
          Create a new TableIterator using a given iterator over table rows.
UniqueRowIterator(IntIterator iter)
          Create a new UniqueRowIterator.

Uses of IntIterator in prefuse.util.collections

Subclasses of IntIterator in prefuse.util.collections
protected  class AbstractTreeMap.ValueIterator
 class BooleanIntBitSetMap.BitSetIterator
 class CompositeIntIterator
          IntIterator implementation that combines the results of multiple int iterators.
 class IntArrayIterator
          IntIterator implementation that provides an iteration over the contents of an int array.

Methods in prefuse.util.collections that return IntIterator
 IntIterator IntSortedMap.valueIterator(boolean ascending)
 IntIterator BooleanIntBitSetMap.valueIterator(boolean ascending)
 IntIterator AbstractTreeMap.valueIterator(boolean ascend)
 IntIterator BooleanIntSortedMap.valueRangeIterator(boolean fromKey, boolean fromInc, boolean toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator BooleanIntBitSetMap.valueRangeIterator(boolean fromKey, boolean fromInc, boolean toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator DoubleIntTreeMap.valueRangeIterator(double fromKey, boolean fromInc, double toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator DoubleIntSortedMap.valueRangeIterator(double fromKey, boolean fromInc, double toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator FloatIntTreeMap.valueRangeIterator(float fromKey, boolean fromInc, float toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator FloatIntSortedMap.valueRangeIterator(float fromKey, boolean fromInc, float toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator IntIntTreeMap.valueRangeIterator(int fromKey, boolean fromInc, int toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator IntIntSortedMap.valueRangeIterator(int fromKey, boolean fromInc, int toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator LongIntTreeMap.valueRangeIterator(long fromKey, boolean fromInc, long toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator LongIntSortedMap.valueRangeIterator(long fromKey, boolean fromInc, long toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator ObjectIntTreeMap.valueRangeIterator(java.lang.Object fromKey, boolean fromInc, java.lang.Object toKey, boolean toInc)
 IntIterator ObjectIntSortedMap.valueRangeIterator(java.lang.Object fromKey, boolean fromInc, java.lang.Object toKey, boolean toInc)

Constructors in prefuse.util.collections with parameters of type IntIterator
CompositeIntIterator(IntIterator[] iters)
CompositeIntIterator(IntIterator iter1, IntIterator iter2)

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