Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemAction
prefuse.action A library of reusable and composable modules for performing data processing or assigning visual attributes. 
prefuse.action.animate Action modules for constructing animations. 
prefuse.action.assignment Action modules for assigning visual properties such as colors, sizes, and fonts. 

Uses of ItemAction in prefuse.action

Subclasses of ItemAction in prefuse.action
 class EncoderAction
          ItemAction instance that can also maintain a collection of rule mappings that can be used by subclasses to create particular rule-mappings for encoding data values.

Uses of ItemAction in prefuse.action.animate

Subclasses of ItemAction in prefuse.action.animate
 class ArrayAnimator
          Animator that inerpolates an array of numerical values.
 class AxisLabelAnimator
          Animator that interpolates positions, colors, and visibility status for metric axes.
 class ColorAnimator
          Animator that linearly interpolates between starting and ending colors for VisualItems during an animation.
 class FontAnimator
          Animator that interpolates between starting and ending Fonts for VisualItems during an animation.
 class LocationAnimator
          Animator that linearly interpolates between two positions.
 class PolarLocationAnimator
          Animator that interpolates between starting and ending display locations by linearly interpolating between polar coordinates.
 class SizeAnimator
          Animator that linearly interpolates the size of a VisualItems.

Uses of ItemAction in prefuse.action.assignment

Subclasses of ItemAction in prefuse.action.assignment
 class ColorAction
          Assignment Action that assigns color values to VisualItems for a given color field (e.g., the stroke, text, or fill color).
 class DataColorAction
           Assignment Action that assigns color values for a group of items based upon a data field.
 class DataShapeAction
           Assignment Action that assigns shape values for a group of items based upon a data field.
 class DataSizeAction
           Assignment Action that assigns size values for a group of items based upon a data field.
 class FontAction
          Assignment Action that assigns font values to VisualItems.
 class ShapeAction
          Assignment Action that assigns shape values to VisualItems.
 class SizeAction
          Assignment Action that assigns size values to VisualItems.
 class StrokeAction
          Assignment Action that assigns Stroke values to VisualItems.

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