visualization gallery
DocuBurst by Christopher Collins
Uncertainty Lattices by Christopher Collins by Heer, Viégas, and Wattenberg
StudiAnalyse by Christoph Gerstle and Florian Moritz
Enron Explorer by Trampoline Systems
Social Action by Adam Perer
Nearword by Gregory Vaughan
34all by Martin Dudek
Zone Manager by Martin Dudek
timeVis by Can Altineller
Small-World Networks by Stephen Frowe Ingram
Vizster by Jeffrey Heer and danah boyd
Flow Map Layout by Doantam Phan
NameVoyager by Martin Wattenberg, rebuilt by Jeffrey Heer
¢ongress by Jeffrey Heer
zipdecode by Ben Fry, rebuilt by Jeffrey Heer
TreeMap Demo by Jeffrey Heer
RadialGraphView Demo by Jeffrey Heer
TreeView Demo by Jeffrey Heer
GraphView Demo by Jeffrey Heer
FisheyeMenu Demo by Jeffrey Heer
DataMountain Demo by Jeffrey Heer
Have you built a visualization with prefuse that you'd like to share? Send an e-mail to prefuse-admin (at) lists (dot) sourceforge (dot) net including a description of your project, a link to a project website, and a 300x150 pixel image showcasing your visualization.
Image copyright is held by each of the respective visualization creators and/or their affiliated institutions.