Uses of Interface

Packages that use Expression Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Data columns for storing typed data within a data table. Listener interfaces for monitoring prefuse data structures and expressions. Classes implementing an SQL-like expression language for filtering and manipulating data. Parser/compiler for the prefuse expression language. Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. 
prefuse.util Utility classes for use by both the toolkit and applications, including color and font support. 
prefuse.visual.expression Expressions in the prefuse expression language that are specific to VisualItems. 

Uses of Expression in

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
 void Table.addColumn(java.lang.String name, Expression expr)
          Add a derived column to this table, using an Expression instance to dynamically calculate the column data values.

Uses of Expression in

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
static Column ColumnFactory.getColumn(Table t, Expression expr)
          Get a new column based on the given expression.

Constructors in with parameters of type Expression
ExpressionColumn(Table table, Expression expr)
          Create a new ExpressionColumn.

Uses of Expression in

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
 void ExpressionListener.expressionChanged(Expression expr)
          Notification that an Expression instance has been modified in some way.

Uses of Expression in

Subinterfaces of Expression in
 interface Function
          Expression sub-interface representing a function in the prefuse expression language.
 interface Predicate
          A Predicate is a special type of Expression that carries the guarantee that the getBoolean(Tuple) method is supported.

Classes in that implement Expression
 class AbstractExpression
          Abstract base class for Expression implementations.
 class AbstractPredicate
          Abstract base class for dedicated Predicate instances.
 class AndPredicate
          Predicate representing an "and" clause of sub-predicates.
 class ArithmeticExpression
          Expression supporting basic arithmetic: add, subtract, multiply, divide, exponentiate (pow), and modulo (%).
 class BinaryExpression
          Abstract base class for Expression implementations that maintain two sub-expressions.
 class BooleanLiteral
          Literal expression of a boolean value.
 class ColumnExpression
          Expression instance that returns the value stored in a Tuple data field.
 class ComparisonPredicate
          Predicate implementation that computes a comparison operation.
 class CompositePredicate
          Abstract base class for Predicate instances that maintain one or more sub-predicates (clauses).
 class FunctionExpression
          Abstract base class for FunctionExpression implementations.
 class IfExpression
          Expression instance representing an "if then else" clause in the prefuse expression language.
 class Literal
          Abstarct base class for a Literal Expression that evaluates to a constant value.
 class NotPredicate
          Predicate representing the negation of another predicate.
 class NumericLiteral
          Literal expression of a numeric value.
 class ObjectLiteral
          Literal expression of an Object value.
 class OrPredicate
          Predicate representing an "or" clause of sub-predicates.
 class RangePredicate
          Predicate instance that evaluates if a value is contained within a bounded range.
 class XorPredicate
          Predicate representing an "xor" clause of sub-predicates.

Fields in declared as Expression
protected  Expression BinaryExpression.m_left
protected  Expression BinaryExpression.m_right

Methods in that return Expression
 Expression IfExpression.getElseExpression()
          Get the else expression
 Expression BinaryExpression.getLeftExpression()
          Get the left sub-expression.
 Expression RangePredicate.getMiddleExpression()
          Get the middle expression being tested for inclusion in the range
 Expression BinaryExpression.getRightExpression()
          Get the right sub-expression.
 Expression IfExpression.getThenExpression()
          Get the then expression
protected  Expression FunctionExpression.param(int idx)
          Return the parameter expression at the given index.

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
 void FunctionExpression.addParameter(Expression e)
 void Function.addParameter(Expression e)
          Add a parameter value sub-expression to this function.
 void AbstractExpression.expressionChanged(Expression expr)
          Relay an expression change event.
static java.util.Set ExpressionAnalyzer.getReferencedColumns(Expression expr)
          Get the set of data fields the expression is dependent upon.
static boolean ExpressionAnalyzer.hasDependency(Expression expr)
          Determine if an expression has a dependency on a data field.
 void IfExpression.setElseExpression(Expression e)
          Set the else expression
 void BinaryExpression.setLeftExpression(Expression e)
          Set the left sub-expression.
 void BinaryExpression.setRightExpression(Expression e)
          Set the right sub-expression.
 void IfExpression.setThenExpression(Expression e)
          Set the then expression
 void ExpressionVisitor.visitExpression(Expression expr)
          Callback made when visiting a particular expression.

Constructors in with parameters of type Expression
ArithmeticExpression(int operation, Expression left, Expression right)
          Create a new ArithmeticExpression.
BinaryExpression(int operation, int minOp, int maxOp, Expression left, Expression right)
          Create a new BinaryExpression.
ComparisonPredicate(int operation, Expression left, Expression right)
          Create a new ComparisonPredicate.
ComparisonPredicate(int operation, Expression left, Expression right, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Create a new ComparisonPredicate.
IfExpression(Predicate test, Expression thenExpr, Expression elseExpr)
          Create a new IfExpression.
RangePredicate(Expression middle, Expression left, Expression right)
          Create a new RangePredicate.
RangePredicate(Expression middle, Expression left, Expression right, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Create a new RangePredicate.
RangePredicate(int operation, Expression middle, Expression left, Expression right)
          Create a new RangePredicate.
RangePredicate(int operation, Expression middle, Expression left, Expression right, java.util.Comparator cmp)
          Create a new RangePredicate.

Uses of Expression in

Methods in that return Expression
static Expression ExpressionParser.AdditiveExpression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.AndExpression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.EqualityExpression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.Expression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.Identifier()
static Expression ExpressionParser.IfStatement()
static Expression ExpressionParser.Literal()
static Expression ExpressionParser.MultiplicativeExpression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.OrExpression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.Parse()
static Expression ExpressionParser.parse(java.lang.String expr)
          Parse an expression.
static Expression ExpressionParser.parse(java.lang.String expr, boolean throwsException)
          Parse an expression.
static Expression ExpressionParser.PrimaryExpression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.RelationalExpression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.UnaryExpression()
static Expression ExpressionParser.UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus()
static Expression ExpressionParser.XorExpression()

Uses of Expression in

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
 void TupleSet.addColumn(java.lang.String name, Expression expr)
          Add a data field / column to this TupleSet's members.
 void CompositeTupleSet.addColumn(java.lang.String name, Expression expr)
          Adds the value to all contained TupleSets that return a true value for TupleSet.isAddColumnSupported().
 void AbstractTupleSet.addColumn(java.lang.String name, Expression expr)
          Unsupported by default.

Uses of Expression in

Classes in that implement Expression
 class ValidEdgePredicate
          Filtering predicate over a potential edge table that indicates which edges are valid edges according to a backing node table.

Uses of Expression in prefuse.util

Methods in prefuse.util that return Expression
 Expression PredicateChain.getExpression()
          Return the backing predicate chain as an Expression instance.

Methods in prefuse.util with parameters of type Expression
 void UpdateListener.expressionChanged(Expression expr)

Uses of Expression in prefuse.visual.expression

Classes in prefuse.visual.expression that implement Expression
 class GroupExpression
          Abstract base class for Expression instances dealing with data groups within a Visualization.
 class GroupSizeFunction
          GroupExpression that returns the size of a data group.
 class HoverPredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item is currently under the mouse pointer.
 class InGroupPredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item is currently a member of a particular data group.
 class QueryExpression
          Expression that returns the current query string of a data group of the type SearchTupleSet.
 class SearchPredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item is currently a member of a data group of the type SearchTupleSet, but including a possible special case in which all items should be pass through the predicate if no search query is specified.
 class StartVisiblePredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item's start visible flag is set.
 class ValidatedPredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item's validated flag is set.
 class VisiblePredicate
          Expression that indicates if an item's visible flag is set.

Fields in prefuse.visual.expression declared as Expression
protected  Expression GroupExpression.m_group

Methods in prefuse.visual.expression with parameters of type Expression
 void VisiblePredicate.addParameter(Expression e)
 void ValidatedPredicate.addParameter(Expression e)
 void SearchPredicate.addParameter(Expression e)
 void HoverPredicate.addParameter(Expression e)
 void GroupExpression.addParameter(Expression e)
          Attempts to add the given expression as the group expression.

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