Uses of Interface

Packages that use TableListener
prefuse.controls Control modules for incorporating interaction in prefuse Displays. Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Utility classes for supporting prefuse data structures, including indexes, iterators, filters, and column projections. 
prefuse.util.ui Utility classes facilitating the generation and composition of user interface components. 

Uses of TableListener in prefuse.controls

Classes in prefuse.controls that implement TableListener
 class DragControl
          Changes a node's location when dragged on screen.

Uses of TableListener in

Classes in that implement TableListener
protected  class Graph.Listener
          Listener class for tracking updates from node and edge tables, and their columns that determine the graph linkage structure.

Methods in with parameters of type TableListener
 void Table.addTableListener(TableListener listnr)
          Add a table listener to this table.
 void Table.removeTableListener(TableListener listnr)
          Remove a table listener from this table.

Uses of TableListener in

Classes in that implement TableListener
 class TreeIndex
          Index instance that uses red-black trees to provide an index over a column of data.

Uses of TableListener in prefuse.util.ui

Classes in prefuse.util.ui that implement TableListener
 class PrefuseTableModel
          TableModel implementation that serves as an adapter between a prefuse Table instance and a JTable component.

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