Uses of Interface

Packages that use Edge Table, Graph, and Tree data structures for organizing data. Implementing classes for data tuples, object proxies to a row of table data. 
prefuse.visual Classes for representing and storing VisualItems. 
prefuse.visual.tuple Implementations of VisualItem types and backing TupleManager instances. 

Uses of Edge in

Methods in that return Edge
 Edge Tree.addChildEdge(Node parent, Node child)
          Add a child edge between the given nodes.
 Edge SpanningTree.addChildEdge(Node parent, Node child)
          Unsupported operation.
 Edge SpanningTree.addEdge(Node s, Node t)
          Unsupported operation.
 Edge Graph.addEdge(Node s, Node t)
          Add an edge to the graph.
 Edge Graph.getEdge(int e)
          Get the Edge tuple instance corresponding to an edge id.
 Edge Graph.getEdge(Node source, Node target)
          Get an Edge with given source and target Nodes.
 Edge Node.getParentEdge()
          Get the edge between this node and its parent node in a tree structure.
 Edge Tree.getParentEdge(Node n)
          Get the edge to the given node's parent.

Methods in with parameters of type Edge
protected  boolean Graph.edgeCheck(Edge e, boolean throwException)
          Internal method for checking the validity of an edge.
 Node Graph.getAdjacentNode(Edge e, Node n)
          Given an Edge and an incident Node, return the other Node connected to the edge.
 Node Graph.getSourceNode(Edge e)
          Get the source Node for the given Edge instance.
 Node Graph.getTargetNode(Edge e)
          Get the target Node for the given Edge instance.
 boolean Tree.removeChildEdge(Edge e)
          Remove a child edge from the Tree.
 boolean SpanningTree.removeChildEdge(Edge e)
          Unsupported operation.
 boolean SpanningTree.removeEdge(Edge e)
          Unsupported operation.
 boolean Graph.removeEdge(Edge e)
          Remove an edge from the graph.

Uses of Edge in

Classes in that implement Edge
 class TableEdge
          Edge implementation that reads Edge data from a backing edge table.

Methods in that return Edge
 Edge TableNode.getParentEdge()

Uses of Edge in prefuse.visual

Subinterfaces of Edge in prefuse.visual
 interface EdgeItem
          VisualItem that represents an edge in a graph.

Uses of Edge in prefuse.visual.tuple

Classes in prefuse.visual.tuple that implement Edge
 class TableEdgeItem
          EdgeItem implementation that used data values from a backing VisualTable of edges.

Methods in prefuse.visual.tuple that return Edge
 Edge TableNodeItem.getParentEdge()

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