Uses of Class

Packages that use DataTypeException Data columns for storing typed data within a data table. 

Uses of DataTypeException in

Methods in that throw DataTypeException
 boolean ExpressionColumn.getBoolean(int row)
 boolean Column.getBoolean(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a boolean
 boolean BooleanColumn.getBoolean(int row)
 boolean AbstractColumn.getBoolean(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a boolean
 byte ByteColumn.getByte(int row)
 java.util.Date Column.getDate(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a Date
 java.util.Date AbstractColumn.getDate(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a Date
 double LongColumn.getDouble(int row)
 double IntColumn.getDouble(int row)
 double FloatColumn.getDouble(int row)
 double ExpressionColumn.getDouble(int row)
 double DoubleColumn.getDouble(int row)
 double DateColumn.getDouble(int row)
 double Column.getDouble(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a double
 double ByteColumn.getDouble(int row)
 double AbstractColumn.getDouble(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a double
 float LongColumn.getFloat(int row)
 float IntColumn.getFloat(int row)
 float FloatColumn.getFloat(int row)
 float ExpressionColumn.getFloat(int row)
 float DoubleColumn.getFloat(int row)
 float Column.getFloat(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a float
 float ByteColumn.getFloat(int row)
 float AbstractColumn.getFloat(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a float
 int LongColumn.getInt(int row)
 int IntColumn.getInt(int row)
 int FloatColumn.getInt(int row)
 int ExpressionColumn.getInt(int row)
 int DoubleColumn.getInt(int row)
 int Column.getInt(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as an integer
 int ByteColumn.getInt(int row)
 int AbstractColumn.getInt(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as an integer
 long LongColumn.getLong(int row)
 long IntColumn.getLong(int row)
 long FloatColumn.getLong(int row)
 long ExpressionColumn.getLong(int row)
 long DoubleColumn.getLong(int row)
 long DateColumn.getLong(int row)
 long Column.getLong(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a long
 long ByteColumn.getLong(int row)
 long AbstractColumn.getLong(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a long
 java.lang.String Column.getString(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a String
 java.lang.String AbstractColumn.getString(int row)
          Get the data value at the specified row as a String
 void LongColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
 void IntColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
 void FloatColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
 void ExpressionColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
 void DoubleColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
 void DateColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
 void ConstantColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
          Unsupported operation.
 void Column.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row
 void ByteColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
 void BooleanColumn.set(java.lang.Object val, int row)
 void Column.setBoolean(boolean val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a boolean
 void BooleanColumn.setBoolean(boolean val, int row)
 void AbstractColumn.setBoolean(boolean val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a boolean
 void Column.setDate(java.util.Date val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a Date
 void AbstractColumn.setDate(java.util.Date val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a Date
 void DoubleColumn.setDouble(double val, int row)
 void Column.setDouble(double val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a double
 void AbstractColumn.setDouble(double val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a double
 void FloatColumn.setFloat(float val, int row)
 void DoubleColumn.setFloat(float val, int row)
 void Column.setFloat(float val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a float
 void AbstractColumn.setFloat(float val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a float
 void IntColumn.setInt(int val, int row)
 void DoubleColumn.setInt(int val, int row)
 void Column.setInt(int val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as an integer
 void ByteColumn.setInt(int val, int row)
 void AbstractColumn.setInt(int val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as an integer
 void LongColumn.setLong(long val, int row)
 void DoubleColumn.setLong(long val, int row)
 void DateColumn.setLong(long val, int row)
 void Column.setLong(long val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a long
 void AbstractColumn.setLong(long val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a long
 void Column.setString(java.lang.String val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a String
 void AbstractColumn.setString(java.lang.String val, int row)
          Set the data value at the specified row as a String

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