Uses of Interface

Packages that use Control
prefuse The top-level Visualization and Display classes, as well as Constants used throughout the toolkit. 
prefuse.controls Control modules for incorporating interaction in prefuse Displays. 

Uses of Control in prefuse

Methods in prefuse with parameters of type Control
 void Display.addControlListener(Control cl)
          Adds a ControlListener to receive all input events on VisualItems.
 void Display.removeControlListener(Control cl)
          Removes a registered ControlListener.

Uses of Control in prefuse.controls

Classes in prefuse.controls that implement Control
 class AbstractZoomControl
          Abstract base class for zoom controls.
 class AnchorUpdateControl
          Follows the mouse cursor, updating the anchor parameter for any number of layout instances to match the current cursor position.
 class ControlAdapter
          Adapter class for processing prefuse interface events.
 class DragControl
          Changes a node's location when dragged on screen.
 class FocusControl
          Updates the contents of a TupleSet of focus items in response to mouse actions.
 class HoverActionControl
          Control that executes an action when the mouse passes over an item.
 class NeighborHighlightControl
           A ControlListener that sets the highlighted status (using the VisualItem.setHighlighted method) for nodes neighboring the node currently under the mouse pointer.
 class PanControl
          Pans the display, changing the viewable region of the visualization.
 class RotationControl
          Control that can be used to rotate the display.
 class SubtreeDragControl
          Control that changes the location of a whole subtree when dragged on screen.
 class ToolTipControl
          Control that enables a tooltip display for items based on mouse hover.
 class WheelZoomControl
          Zooms the display using the mouse scroll wheel, changing the scale of the viewable region.
 class ZoomControl
          Zooms the display, changing the scale of the viewable region.
 class ZoomingPanControl
          Allows users to pan over a display such that the display zooms in and out proportionally to how fast the pan is performed.
 class ZoomToFitControl
          Zooms a display such that all items within a given group will fit within the display bounds.

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